Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 579

Chapter 579

Chapter 579 Huo Yuanjia

Jiang Xiaobai bought a color TV at home, but Jiang Xiaobai doesn't always come back, so they have no choice but to watch it.

However, when Jiang Xiaobai was at home, he did not hesitate to contribute to the TV.

will also give people the end of melon seeds to come out and knock, so Jiang Xiaobai's popularity in the alley is quite good.

"Okay, go, go to Uncle's house." Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said while holding a little devil's head.

At home, Zhao Xinyi carried the vegetables into the kitchen. Jiang Xiaobai moved the TV series out and put it in the yard to adjust the power supply.

Someone has already gone to the corner to turn the antenna. Yes, the TV series at this time are all connected to the antenna.

is a few aluminum pipes, tied to wooden poles, some are placed on the roof, and some are longer in the yard.

After adjusting an angle, it can't move, and the signal will disappear after one move, and it needs to be rotated again.

Sometimes I can receive cctv, and sometimes I can receive local channels, but it's all by luck.

"Go a little left, go left again, stop, yes, yes. Don't move, turn around a little."

Soon, I received it from CCTV. Press the rock against the antenna pole, and then one by one the little ghosts ran to the house-like stools.

If you don't have enough stools, go back to your own house. The color TV series are still a new thing at this time, and the children are very excited.

Jiang Xiaobai took the melon seeds out and gave them to the children.

"The old rule is that you are not allowed to throw the peel of melon seeds on the ground, otherwise, whoever throws the peel of melon seeds will clean it."

Jiang Xiaobai said.

"I know Brother Xiaobai."

"I heard it." The little ghosts responded one after another. Jiang Xiaobai smiled and turned back to the house to help with cooking.

Soon, the smell of fried meat came from the kitchen, and the children sitting in the yard watching TV were sniffing their noses, and their saliva almost came down.

I lost my concentration when watching TV, and my eyes drifted to the kitchen involuntarily.

"Er Gouzi, your mother called you to go home for dinner."

"Xiao Ming, I'm home for dinner."

I was almost at the restaurant, and all kinds of voices greeted me to go home for dinner in the alley.

Jiang Xiaobai came out of the kitchen carrying a bowl of meat slices.

Then he was holding a few pairs of chopsticks.

"Eat two slices for one person, then go home for dinner, and then come back to watch TV after dinner." Jiang Xiaobai said, a group of children scrambled around.

"I'll eat first, I'll eat first." Although scrambled, they are very sensible. There is no such thing as a person holding a bowl and eating up. They just eat a bite or two and give it to others.

Even if the child is hungry at this time, there is no oil and water, but it is much better than the later generations who are spoiled and spoiled and feel that they are the center.

"Thank you, Brother Xiaobai, I'm home." A child finished eating, wiped a sleeve with his sleeve, thanked Jiang Xiaobai, then jumped off the stool and went home.

Soon a large bowl of meat was eaten, and a group of children in the yard disappeared.

Jiang Xiaobai just finished eating here, some people returned after eating.

still holding two apples in his hand, one wiped it on his sleeve and ate it, and the other handed it to Jiang Xiaobai.

"Brother Xiaobai, eat an apple."

"Okay, thank you." Jiang Xiaobai touched the child's head, then looked at the child's dark hands, did not dare to mouth, went into the kitchen to wash, and then came out.

The TV series also began. The female spy Wang Xiuzhi appeared astonishing four people, and Zhao Qiannan, whose face value surpassed the protagonist Michelle.

Two braids show the girl's feelings, and the smile can fascinate sentient beings. I don't know how many people like it.

That night, Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xinyi lived at home and did not go back to school.

However, there was no super-friendship between the two. Jiang Xiaobai's house was quite large, and he fell asleep in a room.

The next day, Jiang Xiaobaigang and Zhao Xinyi returned to school.

I saw a middle-aged man waiting at the school gate with a bicycle beside him.

The middle-aged man saw Jiang Xiaobai coming, threw the cigarette **** in his hand on the ground, and trampled it out with some reflective black big-toed leather shoes.

Then he took off the big toad mirror on his face and greeted Jiang Xiaobai.

"Fuck me," Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback, thinking who it was, but he didn't expect it to be Mou Qizhong who hadn't seen him for a while.

"Brother Jiang." Mou Qizhong smiled and said hello.

"Is this classmate or?"

"Classmate, Zhao Xinyi, this is Brother Mou." Jiang Xiaobai briefly introduced them.

"Brother Mou is looking for me?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

Mou Qizhong nodded and said, "I have something to do with you."

Jiang Xiaobai turned his head and said to Zhao Xinyi.

"Then you can go in first."

"Okay, goodbye, Brother Mou." Zhao Xinyi greeted her, and then walked into the school with her bicycle.

"There is a small restaurant next to it, let's go to a meeting, let's talk over there." Jiang Xiaobai pointed to the small restaurant next to him and said.

"Okay," Mou Qizhong nodded, and followed Jiang Xiaobai with his bicycle to the small restaurant next to him.

"Did you eat it, brother?" Mou Qizhong asked, looking up at the menu. Jiang Xiaobai suggested that this menu was made by the restaurant owner.

But when it's done, there are still those few dishes in the restaurant, and 70% of the menu has no ingredients today.

"I have eaten." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"It doesn't matter if you eat it, this time..." Mou Qizhong said, raising his arm, revealing a quincunx watch.

"It's a bit early, but it doesn't matter. I invite you, drink some wine and talk." Mou Qizhong said.

Jiang Xiaobai doesn't matter. There is no class this morning. It's rare to see this big flicker. Just chat.

Then Mou Qizhong ordered the menu for a long time.


"This does not."

"Neither does this."

"This is still not there."

"Then what do you guys have?"

"There are pork delivered, and some pigs enter the water." The boss said embarrassedly.

"Okay, then you can watch the whole thing, and get a bottle of Erguotou."

Mou Qizhong said.

"Brother Mou, are you looking for something to do with me today?" After drinking one, Jiang Xiaobai looked at Mou Qizhong and said.

"Well," Mou Qizhong nodded solemnly, looked around and said.

"I went to Magic City some time ago and found that a 555 brand table clock produced by a factory sells well in the market, especially when married young people buy one, but most people complain about the high price. I think we can We can't find a factory that produces table clocks, imitate them, and then we can get them to the magic city to buy them."

Mou Qizhong said.

"So, Brother Mou, do you mean I will help you find a factory for the clock production?" Jiang Xiaobai wanted to ask after listening.

"No, I have found the production factory. It is a semi-stop military enterprise in my hometown of Sichuan Province. I mean, let's go to the magic city to buy a clock..."

(End of this chapter)