Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 565

Chapter 565

Chapter 565 City Investigation Team

Soon Li Laosan's voice rang on the phone.

"Director Xiaobai, it's me."

"Well, what's the situation?" Jiang Xiaobai's voice was a little low.

"At around 6 o'clock this morning, the city working group came..."

"The working group in the city?" Jiang Xiaobai keenly grasped the key points of the problem, and said, the county inventory team, because of Zheng Qingyun's face, went to the scene and it was over.

How is it possible to go again this year, and if the county working group goes, Jianhua Village can't get any news due to the current situation, and then there is a big problem.

"Yes, the working group in the city." Li Laosan said affirmatively.

"It came very suddenly, even without notice from the county, it came straight away. But we have only one empty shell in the pig farm, and the pigs are kept in their own homes in the village, so they are completely empty."

Lao San Li said, Jiang Xiaobai nodded. Originally, this hand was just a defensive move, but I didn't expect it to be used.

"Then, the people in the working group asked me about it. It started at 7 o'clock in the morning and ended in about an hour. But I didn't expect that the conversation was over and didn't let me go until the evening. It was just after 8 o'clock that I came out."

"After I came out, I heard people say that I found several villagers on this day, but I also inquired from the side. The villagers were all bitten to death. They said they belonged to their own pigs. Now the working group lives in the brigade department, Secretary Zheng. I'm calling too, so I can contact you, and I will call you back."

Li Laosan briefly introduced the situation.

"Okay, good job, we must stabilize the villagers, let Wang Chao, Wang Meng and others go down and talk from house to house."

Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Okay, I know."

"Well, call me anytime if you have the situation," Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking and hung up.

"Xiao Bai, let me go back. After all, I know more people in the county, and I know all kinds of people," Song Weiguo said.

Song Weiguo finished speaking, Jiang Xiaobai did not say a word. He considered for a while, then nodded and said, Okay, then, let's arrange for someone to buy a ticket now and go back early tomorrow morning.

Song Weiguo used to be the head of the sales department of the county glass factory, and his ability to deal with the working group is much better than that of Mr. Li, a farmer-born person.

If Song Weiguo did not take the initiative to speak, Jiang Xiaobai would not let Song Weiguo go back at a risk.

Since Song Weiguo has spoken, Jiang Xiaobai will not refuse at this moment.

In fact, Jiang Xiaobai wanted to go back in person, but when he went back, he meant that there was no silver in this place.

Song Weiguo got up and left. After checking the time, Jiang Xiaobai grabbed the phone and called Zheng Qingyun.

"Beep." The phone rang twice and was picked up.

"Hey, this is Zheng Qingyun."

"Brother Zheng, I am Xiaobai." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"I know everything," Zheng Qingyun said.


"It is the city's first pig farm and the feed factory in the neighboring city that have united and reacted to the above. That's why this time it happened. But now the working group has some red eyes. The situation may be more difficult than you think."

Jiang Xiaobai now understood the cause and effect of the matter.

"I am prepared," Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Okay, don't come back for the time being, I will also help you figure out a solution." Zheng Qingyun said.

Hang up the phone, Jiang Xiaobai called Li Lao San again, saying that Song Weiguo should go back and ask him to cooperate.

The dormitory moved the blanket to the office of the student union. Jiang Xiaobai slept in the office of the student union that night, fearing that the phone could not be answered.

The working group lived in the village for half a month. I thought it could pry open the mouth of the village door, but I didn't expect one to be harder than the other.

"Is this pig yours or whoses?"

"It's my pig. It's not a document. Can we raise pigs? Why take it back."

"It's not about taking it back, comrade, I hope you can talk honestly. Whose pig is this pig?"

"What do you mean? You guys are not trying to **** my pigs, come here, someone snatches a pig..."

Farmers also have their own cunning and wisdom. When their property is threatened, the energy they explode is often more terrifying than those in the city.

After investigating for half a month and making no progress, the working group then targeted the canned educated youth.

When Jiang Xiaobai received the call from Laosan Li, Wang Meng had already been interviewed.

Three factories in Jianhua Village, the pig farms are assigned to individual homes, the feed factory has ceased production, and the only one that is still producing is the educated youth cannery.

Although the educated youth cannery is also called a team-run enterprise, this factory is actually a joint-stock limited liability company.

Of course, what we are going to prepare at this time should be an unlimited liability company.

Because you are responsible for whatever responsibility you have, you are infinitely responsible.

So there is no investigation at all, and the worst result is coming.

Jiang Xiaobai confessed a few words to Laosan Li, and then hung up the phone.

Then that night, a fire broke out in the educated youth cannery. The data room and archives caught fire, and all the accounts were burned down.

The next day, the people in the working group looked at the educated youth cannery with the same black face as the burnt wooden door.

Yesterday, I just prepared to point the finger at the educated youth cannery. As a result, there was a fire that day, and there was no burning there, so I burned the data room and archive room.

This special thing is to make it clear that there is something tricky, it makes it clear that it is confrontational.

And it's the first time they have seen such a method for so many years. Yes, such a fire proves that it is tricky.

is also equivalent to telling you that there is something tricky, but what can you do.

The director of the factory was still being detained in the working group that night. Who should be investigated.

They also noticed this in Jianhua Village. It was just a piece of iron, which could not be blown in by wind or splashed in by water.

Now the only evidence is gone, what do you do?

"Call and talk to Jiang Xiaobai." The working team gritted their teeth and said.

Jiang Xiaobai received the notice, smiled, and did not go back.

I am busy with my studies and can't leave. The things in Jianhua Village have nothing to do with me. I am no longer the director of an educated youth canning factory.

(End of this chapter)