Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 549

Chapter 549

Chapter 549 Investigation Team

"No, you go up quickly, I'm going to the flagship store." Jiang Xiaobai put down his luggage, waved his hand, and turned away coolly.

"You..." Zhao Xinyi stomped her foot, thinking of Jiang Xiaobai's gentleness along the way, thinking about now turning around and leaving, there was no nostalgia, and she almost died of anger.

Returning to the flagship store, Song Weiguo has been in Beijing for several days.

If it weren't for waiting for Jiang Xiaobai, he would have been staring at the demons.

"Old Song, Modu is also good for those two stores, keep a low profile,"

While eating at night, Jiang Xiaobai looked at Song Weiguo and said.

Smuggling prevails in the south at this time.

"Tax and profit withholding, cost allocation indiscriminately" and other phenomena abound. There are more chaotic phenomena such as competition for raw materials, repeated construction, blind production, squeezing small ones into large ones, and backward squeezing advanced ones.

began to go crazy, and there was a financial crisis.

is forwarded by the daily newspaper, with the title "Instructions to Strengthen Market Management, Combat Speculation and Smuggling Activities", which stipulates that "Individuals are not allowed to sell industrial products without the approval of the administrative department for industry and commerce."

After reading the newspaper, Jiang Xiaobai put it down and sighed deeply.

Private enterprises that have just developed for two years, the winter of self-employed is coming.

On the second day after Jiang Xiaobai finished reading the newspaper, an investigation team entered the Daxing Glass Factory.

When Jiang Xiaobai received the news, the workers in the factory and the investigating team were in a stalemate at the door of the factory.

Jiang Xiaobai drove back to the Daxing Glass Factory. When he got off the car, he saw the entrance of the factory. Several middle-aged men in Chinese tunic suits, bags and glasses were at the entrance of the factory.

Holding against the workers in the factory, the workers continued to curse, and the hands of several popular cadres in Chinese tunic suits trembled.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Xiaobai yelled and walked over.

"Director Xiaobai, Director Xiaobai is here."

"Director Xiaobai, look, Director Xiaobai is here..."

When the workers saw Jiang Xiaobai's arrival, they shouted in excitement, as if they had found the backbone of the body.

Jiang Xiaobai walked over with a serious expression. He knew that the reform was about to slow down and the winter of private enterprises and individual economic development was coming.

But I did not imagine that it was so serious that even the pure state-owned enterprise of Daxing Glass Factory was affected.

"Director Xiaobai, these **** are sincere in not letting us live. We don't come when we are poor and can't afford to eat. Now we have just passed two days before we come."

"That is, this dog with glasses also said that our factory overspends wages and bonuses and puts **** shit. Every penny of Lao Tzu is earned by Lao Tzu's hard work."

"If you want to bully people, are you doing it in the wrong place? Why don't you go when other factories earn more than ours. If you dare to enter the factory again today, I will kill you bastards."

The workers said angrily, that's right, these twenty-five gangs have already entered the factory, and then they let the workers call out.

Several people's clothes were torn. This is because the workers are still restrained, knowing that if they really break someone, they must take responsibility.

Otherwise, it will be a question whether the twenty-five boys can stand.

"Rude." The middle-aged man wearing glasses said, pointing to the workers with trembling hands.

"Let's go away." Jiang Xiaobai said with a sigh.

I really want to develop well, why is it so difficult?

"Director Xiaobai, can't let them enter the factory..."

"Director Xiaobai..." The workers also said angrily.

"It's broken up." Jiang Xiaobai shouted again. Seeing Jiang Xiaobai getting angry, the workers immediately rushed away angrily.

But before leaving, they all waited viciously for a few cadres.

"Director Jiang Xiaobai, a good factory you lead, that's how it treats the leader..." the middle-aged man pointed to Jiang Xiaobai and said.

"If they are a good leader, they would certainly not treat it like this." Jiang Xiaobai spoke of the middle-aged man with no emphasis.

You are a villain, and you still expect Daxing Glass Factory to supply you. How could it be possible?

"You..." The middle-aged man was excited again.

"Okay, let's go in." Jiang Xiaobai didn't even listen, and turned around and walked towards the factory.

Although a few people were uncomfortable, they hurriedly followed, fearing that if Jiang Xiaobai left, the workers would block the door and could not get in and could not complete the task.

But it was quite uncomfortable in my heart. I thought that the workers were a bunch of big bosses and ignorant.

The factory manager can always distinguish the advantages and disadvantages when he comes, and he must not be polite to himself and others, and even dispose of a few workers who took the lead.

But I didn't expect that Jiang Xiaobai didn't mean this at all, and even wrote the three words "unwelcome" on his face and said it out.

Jiang Xiaobai took the lead and did not squint, but the group of people behind Jiang Xiaobai looked at the workers who were glaring at each other. They walked a little frightened, for fear that the workers on both sides would pounce on them.

But watching, Jiang Xiaobai walking in front, and the workers on both sides of the road looking at Jiang Xiaobai's eyes are full of deep awe and respect.

and secretly surprised Jiang Xiaobai's prestige in the factory and among the workers.

In the factory, the prestigious and responsive factory directors and leaders are not unheard of in some factories.

It's just that those who can reach this point are all factory managers who have reached their sixtieth birthdays.

Dedicated all his life to the factory, that's why he has such a high prestige.

But Jiang Xiaobai, according to the information in their hands, Jiang Xiaobai has been in office for less than two years.

Besides, he is a young man, under 25 years old. How can He De have such a high prestige in front of the workers?

(End of this chapter)