Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 526

Chapter 526

Chapter 526 Sales Section

A school office leader asked Jiang Xiaobai for dinner, and Jiang Xiaobai certainly wouldn't refuse.

Although he was confused, Jiang Xiaobai had nothing to fear.

Wait to the place where Wang Chunfang developed, and another boy who was unfamiliar with Jiang Xiaobai suddenly understood something, and looked at the school office leader.

"Deputy Director Liu, what do you mean?"

"Student Jiang Xiaobai, sit down and talk first. This is not because I heard that you and Chunfang have some conflicts, and I want to resolve it for you."

Deputy Director Liu didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to give no face at all, so he asked himself directly.

I heard that this student is a stinger and worked with the Chinese Department. In the end, the Chinese Department didn't know the reason, so he was softened.

"Okay." Jiang Xiaobai nodded and sat down.

Wang Chunhua had been looking at Jiang Xiaobai, and his eyes narrowed. Either this kid is really capable, or he is just a reckless man.

"Classmate Jiang Xiaobai..." Deputy Director Liu spoke again.

"Let her speak for herself." Jiang Xiaobai interrupted Deputy Director Liu's words directly and looked at Wang Chunfang and said.

"You..." Wang Chunfang almost couldn't hold back the attack, but fortunately, Wang Chunhua held it down.

The face of Deputy Director Liu on the side is even more ugly.

"Classmate Jiang Xiaobai, I am Chunfang's brother. Chunfang is young and naive, so I will pay you for her."

Wang Chunhua said while looking at Jiang Xiaobai while holding a wine glass.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't say anything, his eyes remained on Wang Chunfang.

"Chunfang." Wang Chunhua slapped his shoulders and shouted.

"I'm sorry." Wang Chunfang thought that he was going to study abroad, and finally spoke.

"Okay, I am a big man who can still care about girls. That's it," Jiang Xiaobai took up the wine glass in front of him and drank it.

He and Wang Chunfang didn't have any deep hatred, but this woman made him angry.

"Okay, Director Liu, you eat slowly, and I will withdraw first." Jiang Xiaobai arched his hands and stood up to leave.

"Don't worry, Xiao Wang, when he is assigned after graduation, I have to make him look good." Deputy Director Liu also felt shameless, looking at Wang Chunhua and said.

"It's okay, let's talk about it." Wang Chunhua shook his head and said. As soon as Jiang Xiaobai left, his sister Wang Chunfang also got up and left.

Joined the student union, Li Siyan is also busy, and now the welcome party is about to be held, which is the focus of the current student union work.

However, Li Siyan felt that other members of the student union were ostracizing him.

Especially Zhao Xinyi, Song Xin, Liu Qian these beautiful girls.

But it's not too much, it's just a formality in the words.

I also come to the Student Union to be gilded, and give extra points for studying abroad. It doesn't matter if I don't come to make friends.

Day by day, the float glass produced by Daxing Glass Factory will not worry about selling, and the net profit in the first month has reached 30,000 yuan.

The excitement of Jin Guoyan and others was enough, 30,000 yuan a month, which is more than 300,000 yuan this year, which is three times more than the original 100,000 yuan per year.

However, Jiang Xiaobai is naturally dissatisfied with this figure. Daxing Glass Factory is a state-owned enterprise, and there is nothing to keep a low profile. Of course, the sooner you find it, the better.

"How many people are there in the sales department in the factory?" Jiang Xiaobai asked, looking at Jin Guoyan.

"Five, one sales section chief, one deputy section chief, and three clerks." Jin Guoyan thought for a while and said.

"Not enough, the last few months have all been lowered and transferred to the sales department."

Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Are you all? The last few months have been ranked last, but there are more than 30 people." Jin Guoyan asked.

"Well, all are transferred to the sales department, you can call me the head of the sales department by the way." Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said.

"Okay, I'm going now. By the way, Director Jiang, this is the last time we reported, and we need to change the list of personnel. All the above have been approved."

Jin Guoyan suddenly remembered something, and handed the list to Jiang Xiaobai and said.

"Okay, I see, I will take a look, and then I will announce it at a meeting in the afternoon." Jiang Xiaobai nodded and took the list.

He knew about this, and he had personally read the list to be reported and approved it.

All of them are temporary workers who performed well during the introduction of the float glass production line this time, and they are transferred to the list of full-time workers.

Jiang Xiaobai took a look at the list, and all the people who reported it were approved, but none of them were pulled down.

This is also because the Daxing Glass Factory is doing a good job now. The previous trial production also made the leaders take it seriously.

Now Daxing wants to transfer a group of full-time employees, and you pay for your own salary and support, generally you won't get stuck.

Jiang Xiaobai was watching, Jin Guoyan walked in with the head of the sales department.

"Manager Jiang." The head of the sales department is called Huang Yunpeng. He is a young man, of course, compared to Jin Guoyan and others.

A young man in his early thirties.

"Sit down, Chief Huang, I came to you today to talk to you about the sales of our Daxing Glass Factory.

Jiang Xiaobai said directly.

"Mr. Jiang, you said that you have long wanted you to instruct our sales department."

"Well, sales work is now our top priority. The five of you will definitely not work. I plan to add about 30 more people to you and report to you tomorrow morning."

Jiang Xiaobai's first sentence suppressed Huang Yunpeng and added 30 people. They used to be only five people in total.

Now it has increased by more than 30 all at once, but that is not an increase of five or six times.

"I'm not satisfied with the float glass sales of our Daxing this month. I will give you people, give you money, and you will throw people out for a run. I and the above have guaranteed the base of the profit to be turned in, and I will also order one for you. Three months later, I want this number to at least triple again."

Jiang Xiaobai said.

"This...this..." Huang Yunpeng smiled bitterly, how could he have this ability.

The current sales results are also the result of their long-term hard work. How can they be able to triple the sales of luggage in three months?

This is not a matter of too many people, but that the market is such a big one. No matter how many people there are in the sales department, there is no effect.

Huang Yunpeng complained repeatedly in his heart.

"Relax. You can also redistribute the tasks. Regardless of who can't complete the tasks, deductions, penalties, or even you can report them for expulsion. If the tasks are completed, the bonuses and establishments will be given to you as long as you mention them ..." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"I give you this right. As long as it is within the scope of sales, you say I will fully support it. The scope of sales is not limited to the scope of the capital, but can be expanded to the surrounding areas, or even anywhere in the country."

(End of this chapter)