Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 516

Chapter 516

Chapter 516 Tide of going abroad

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai began to seriously consider going abroad.

Jiang Xiaobai's flagship store opened twice. Song Weiguo wanted to make the news a bit bigger, and proposed various propaganda methods. Jiang Xiaobai did not agree to draw a lottery.

It's not because of other things. When it comes to propaganda, Jiang Xiaobai can think of more than Song Weiguo.

Mainly because of the limitations of the times, Jiang Xiaobai could not, and did not dare to publicize with much fanfare.

The gun hits the first bird, Mu Xiuyu will be destroyed by the forest wind, Jiang Xiaobai wants to wait for the opportunity, wants to wait until it stabilizes.

So not only the flagship store, but also other factories, educated youth cannery, pig farm, feed factory, all the same.

Jiang Xiaobai basically develops freely and has no requirements.

This is also this era, where supplies are scarce, and several factories such as the educated youth cannery are still alive. If this is changed for later generations.

Like an educated youth cannery, it is free to develop without contention, and it has long been squeezed by other companies.

But if you go abroad, you can develop yourself.

In the early 1990s, after the Southern Tour, the domestic policy was completely stabilized, and the whole country was actively developing economic construction. At that time, I came back as a foreign businessman.

The development of will be relatively smooth, and for several major changes abroad, I can also have sufficient time to prepare and have the opportunity to display it.

Complete your original accumulation.

After leaving the office, Jiang Xiaobai was about to leave when he heard someone calling him.

"Minister, Professor Zhang from the Astronomy Department wants you to visit."

"Okay." Jiang Xiaobai responded and turned to Professor Zhang's office.

"Xiaobai, it's about to be the time for the selection of overseas students, do you want to go out and have a look, I can fight for you, you are in your sophomore year, and your results this year are obvious to all..."

Professor Zhang said slowly.

Finally, Jiang Xiaobai considered it with me, and gave you the answer after considering it, and ended the dialogue between the two.

Before leaving, Professor Zhang repeatedly urged Jiang Xiaobai to hurry up, otherwise there would be nothing to do if it was too late.

Jiang Xiaobai, who has been immersed in the restructuring of the Daxing Glass Factory, has not noticed the changes in the surrounding society.

I found out only a few days after I came back to school, and I gradually got in touch with the things in my memory.

It's just that in the previous life, the news that Jiang Xiaobai knew were all seen in the newspaper or heard from people.

What is going on in the sea, going abroad, and so on, is really living in this era.

It was only after a short summer vacation that Jiang Xiaobai went back to school and stayed for a few days, only to find that everyone seemed to be thinking about going abroad.

The whole 80s, 90s, the whole society was crazy.

Go abroad, practice qigong, do business, do business.

Every time a wave comes, many people will be involved.

Regardless of the consequences, the crowds are all about it, and there are waves winds.

After Jiang Xiaobai was reborn, the first wave of going abroad came.

Throughout the 1980s, the wave of going abroad was divided into several stages.

In the early 1980s, the main stages and methods of the wave of going abroad were foreign students from major universities and some women in the capital and magic capital society.

International students from major universities and colleges only account for a small portion of them. After all, there are few international students at this time.

The most are some women in society. At this time, there is a saying that "marry out."

is talking about marrying foreigners, not only old and beautiful men, as long as they are foreigners, they marry, including Japanese, Spanish, Argentines and even to Hong Kong and Taiwan.

I am proud of successfully marrying foreigners. Most of the people who can successfully marry foreigners are women from the two big cities of Beijing and Magic City.

Among them, the magic capital is the majority, and foreign-related marriages abound. This resulted in a situation where the devil's son-in-law was all over the world.

If someone's daughter marries a foreigner, it will be envious and praised as promising.

Over-the-counter telephone calls have increased the demand for telephones by ordinary residents, but the telephone charges are expensive.

will make an appointment to make a call. The phone rings three times and hangs up, which means safety and the like. Anyway, it is strange.

This is caused by the times, and it has nothing to do with right or wrong.

Wait until the end of the 1980s, "public sent abroad" replaced "married out." The number of students studying abroad increased.

And the demons chose Japan as their country of choice for going abroad.

Started in the late 1970s, the boom in going abroad in the 1980s has become the largest and magnificent wave of going abroad in the history of our country.

And Jiang Xiaobai is in this era now, but Jiang Xiaobai hasn't figured out whether he wants to be a part of it.

It's just that Jiang Xiaobai realized that the magnificent era is coming.

is now the "going abroad tide," and it will soon be the "down sea tide" of 1983, including the "Qigong tide" that has begun to sprout.

There are already people in the square passing by by car who have started to practice qigong decently.

It is estimated that it is not far from using Qigong to support the satellite to fight with foreign countries.

is too strange, even if Jiang Xiaobai is in it, it feels a little unbelievable, but this is this era.

After returning to Daxing Glass Factory, Jiang Xiaobai looked at the hot factory and felt a little more real.

"Director, the equipment has been installed now. When will you decide on the trial production date?"

Jin Guoyan looked at Jiang Xiaobai and asked. In the past three months, Jin Guoyan has lost a lot of weight, but the smile on his face is more real and brilliant.

During this period, he seemed to have returned to when he first joined the factory.

"Try it first, if there are any problems with the production, don't invite the leaders to watch the trial production when the time comes." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"If there is no problem in production, trial production will be scheduled for three days."

At this time, the trial production of the factory is a feature, and it is quite valued. Similar to the opening activities of later generations.

"Okay, I will arrange the production now to see if there are any problems. If there are no problems, I will send an invitation to invite the leader to come over,"

Jin Guoyan said.

"Well, let's go." Jiang Xiaobai nodded, still thinking about going abroad.

If you leave, what will Daxing Glass Factory do?

After all, I have the current situation. If I leave, not only the Daxing Glass Factory will be affected.

Toss like this, no matter what, maybe Daxing will not be as good as before.

Moreover, it also made Wu Guofeng difficult to do, and he was a little untrustworthy. He said he would help, and ran away halfway through his job, which was a little unnatural.

(End of this chapter)