Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 510

Chapter 510

Chapter 510 Orientation Work Arrangement

"Minister, what do you mean is that we will go to some people and pick them up at the gate of the train station, but if we set up a welcome point at the gate of the train station, let's not talk about the banners, how to transport tables and benches, just drive back to send new students. , How many people are there."

Song Xin said.

"People are okay, just go to more people. At this time, it will definitely be too late to contact the bus. I will use it tomorrow. Then, I will contact the two Jiefang trucks. The comfort is definitely not good, but I can directly pull the student union school and install it. Get one car free when it's full."

Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while and said.

"Minister, can you contact Jiefang Truck?" Hou Yuande asked.

"Well, you are in the contact person now. Make a few banners. One is the banner on the railway station square. It must be big and eye-catching. Use red cloth. The other is on the Jiefang truck. Prepare three banners. Remember. , We must highlight the Student Union of Beijing Normal University."

Jiang Xiaobai explained.

"Okay, I'll get in touch now." Hou Yuande nodded, turned and ran out.

"Sister Xinyi, after you finish the arrangement, go directly to the train station tomorrow to pick up the new students," Jiang Xiaobai picked up the phone on the table after the arrangement.

"Hello, this is Daxing..."

"I, Jiang Xiaobai, let me ask for the director of factory gold." Jiang Xiaobai didn't wait for the end of the call and said.

"Director Jiang, I will send someone to look for Director Jin. By the way, someone called Jiang Zijian to look for you." Xue Fangling thought of the previous call and said.

"Well, I see." Jiang Xiaobai didn't say much.

Soon, Jin Guoyan answered the phone.

"Lao Jin, how many cars will be idle in the factory tomorrow?" Jiang Xiaobai asked directly.

"We may almost stop the flat glass now. During this time, we mainly used cars on the production line, but it's time to end. The three Jiefang trucks in the factory tomorrow are all fine and ready to use."

Jin Guoyan said.

"Okay, so, you make arrangements. At 7 o'clock tomorrow morning, three cars will drive to Beijing Normal University to gather. There are some things in my school and I need a car for a day." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements." Jin Guoyan didn't ask anything. The director wanted to use a car, not to mention helping the school.

is to work for the director Jiang himself, and did not say.

"Okay, let's do this first," Jiang Xiaobai nodded towards Song Xin after hanging up the phone.

"All arrangements have been made. On the school side, the orientation work is a key point. You can also make some signposts in the school. Important places such as dormitories, canteens, classrooms, and libraries are to be done. The blackboard papers for new students are required to find some learning. Classmates who have painted make a pair,

The welcome party should also be prepared. It is temporarily set to be one week after the school starts. The school leaders who want to invite will send invitations in advance. When sending invitations, it is best to have a small gift, pen, book, etc. It is not expensive, but also Appears sincere. "

Jiang Xiaobai is really teaching this group of people.

"Okay, I wrote it all down."

"Understood," everyone responded.

"Okay, I will come back tomorrow morning, so I will leave first." Jiang Xiaobai nodded, and then led Jiang Zijian out of the student union.

"Xiaobai, are you from the Student Union?" Jiang Zijian asked as he walked, looking at Jiang Xiaobai.

When there were only two people left, Jiang Zijian finally dared to ask.

"Well, I belong to the student union."

"What does the student union do?" Jiang Zijian asked again.

At this time, the Internet is developed, Jiang Zijian has never heard of the term student union.

"Student Union, in simple terms, is a management organization for school students. It assists teachers to help and manage students' lives and studies. At the same time, it is also responsible for enriching students' after-school cultural life, mainly serving students, just like class leaders and class leaders. The cadres are the same, but they belong to the whole school."

Jiang Xiaobai explained.

"After you arrive at school, if you have the opportunity, you can join the student club to exercise yourself. You just can't exercise. Having experience working in the student club will also help you develop in the future."

Jiang Xiaobai said, his second brother, usually has a somewhat introverted personality, if he can join the student union and exercise more, it will definitely help in the future.

"Hmm." Jiang Zijian nodded, thoughtfully, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Let's go, get in the car." Jiang Xiaobai drove Jiang Zijian to the flagship store.

A group of people went to the new store, and the flagship store vacated a lot of empty houses. Jiang Xiaobai prepared to let Jiang Zijian stay in the flagship store for one night.

Then send Jiang Zijian to school tomorrow morning.

"Xiao Bai, what did you bring me here for? I have clothes. Mom brought them before I came here. I brought all winter clothes."

Getting out of the car and looking at the flagship store, Jiang Zijian said quickly.

"It's not buying clothes. I will stay here for one night tonight. I will send you back to school tomorrow." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Stay here for one night?" Jiang Zijian was taken aback for a moment, but didn't understand what Jiang Xiaobai meant.

Just now Jiang Xiaobai took him to school. He thought Jiang Xiaobai was going to let him sleep in his dormitory for one night.

The result was no. After driving out, he thought Jiang Xiaobai was going to find a small hotel outside.

Thinking that Jiang Xiaobai's dormitory is inconvenient, and staying in a small hotel outside. Although it costs money, you can spend it.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xiaobai would bring him to a well-decorated store, so he wanted to live here.

But this is a place where clothes are sold, how can I live here?

"Little boss."

"Xiaobai Director."

"Hmm." Jiang Xiaobai nodded, and walked upstairs with Jiang Zijian.

"Boom, hey, sorry." Jiang Zijian walked and looked at it, accidentally hitting someone again.

"Let's go, don't look at it for now, take you up to settle, call home to report safety, if you like, come down and pick two."

Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Oh, no, no...I have clothes to wear." Jiang Zijian looked at the handsome boys' clothes, he liked it very much in his heart, but he refused.

"Okay, come up first." Jiang Xiaobai didn't say much.

directly took Jiang Zi to build the third floor.

"Little Liu, this is my second brother, Jiang Zijian. Give him a room and come out and stay here for one night tonight."

Sitting down in the office, Jiang Xiaobai called Li Xiaoliu in and said.

"Hello, second brother," Li Xiaoliu yelled awkwardly, then turned around and went out.

This is Brother Xiaobai's second brother, and looks like Brother Xiaobai's second brother.

"Second brother, sit down, I'll call home."

Jiang Xiaobai poured a glass of water for Jiang Zijian, then picked up the phone on the desk and dialed out.

"Aunt Liu, I'm Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Tieshan is my dad, you can go to the house and call someone..."

(End of this chapter)