Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 501

Chapter 501

Chapter 501 Homecoming

Longcheng Railway Station, Jiang Xiaobai casually looked around at the entrance of the railway station with a bag on his back, and saw Zhao Xinyi in a dress pulling a big box out of the bus.

"Where did your trolley suitcase come from?" Jiang Xiaobai asked curiously, looking at the trolley suitcase in Zhao Xinyi's hand.

This box is almost the same as the trolley box of later generations, but the color and style are still very rustic, with only two wheels.

"My dad's friend came back from Hong Kong, how about the gift he brought me?" Zhao Xinyi looked at Jiang Xiaobai and asked with a smile.

"Cow." Jiang Xiaobai gave a thumbs up.

"But, just go out for a few days, what are you doing with such a big box?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

If this is a later girl who goes out and pulls a big box, Jiang Xiaobai is not curious at all, because maybe she needs a box just for cosmetics.

But now the cosmetics for girls are just for the face, and there are not so many varieties developed for later generations.

"Clothes, I will return to the capital with you, and I won't go home after going to Jianhua Village." Zhao Xinyi blinked and said with her watery eyes.

"Go back to the capital together, what are you doing back so early?" Jiang Xiaobai asked as he took the box from Zhao Xinyi, and the two walked towards the train station.

"I want to go to your Jiang Xiaobai clothing flagship store to be a salesperson for a period of time and increase social practical experience." Zhao Xinyi said.

Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback, fucking, the eldest lady worked for herself.

"I told my dad about this, and my dad agrees. I could do an internship in Longgang, but everyone in Longgang knows me, so the internship doesn't make much sense, so..." Zhao Xinyi said , Looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

The big beautiful eyes seem to be able to talk, acting like a baby, and praying.

"Then you have to call the boss." Jiang Xiaobai had no choice but to refuse. Zhao just helped to transfer Ding Xiaorong's job.

Furthermore, even if there is no such relationship, Zhao Xinyi is also a classmate of her own, so she still has to help with this.

Jiang Xiaobai kept finding reasons for himself in his heart, but he would never admit that there was another reason that was the night when the two returned from the train last time.

Speaking of train sleeper carriages, it is really a magical place.

He was about to get on the train again, thinking about Jiang Xiaobai and involuntarily glanced at Zhao Xinyi.

But this time I returned to Jianhua Village with hard seats, not sleeper cars.

Still holding Zhao Xinyi from the window, Zhao Xinyi's face flushed, but she also looked the same as before. The last time Jiang Xiaobai treated herself in the carriage, it was just the last step.

Now put your **** on the car, what's the matter.

The train station personnel are noisy, and Zhao Xinyi is long and beautiful. If it weren't for the boy Jiang Xiaobai by his side, he wouldn't know what to do.

But even if there is no harassment, the smell in the car is enough for Zhao Xinyi.

Small face flushed, and it was terribly uncomfortable.

"Little girl, is it uncomfortable to sit over there, or let me come to my arms." A young man on the opposite side said.

"Fuck off." Jiang Xiaobai cursed without even thinking about it.

"Fuck..." As soon as the young man opened his mouth, he saw Jiang Xiaobai turn around and lift up his clothes, revealing the crisscross scars on his back. He immediately shut up and sat down obediently.

Other people who were originally interested in watching the excitement, prepared that if Jiang Xiaobai had no ability to protect this little beauty, he would also go up to take advantage of the people, and suddenly they were stunned.

Fucking trough, I thought Jiang Xiaobai was not strong in stature, and was long and gentle. I thought it was a bronze to bully.

I didn't expect this product to be a king.

The criss-crossing scars on the back made people shudder just by looking at it.

The people around fell silent, and turned their heads, unable to provoke them.

"Daguo, or let my sister-in-law come to my side, I'm by the window," a young man by the window stood up and changed seats.

Leaning against the window, Zhao Xinyi finally got better, and the carriage that was quiet for a while slowly became noisy again.

"It's uncomfortable, just rest on me." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Zhao Xinyi nodded, then leaned on Jiang Xiaobai's shoulder, slowly falling asleep.

Starting in the morning, the two got off the bus in Zhangxuan County after four o'clock in the afternoon.

Jiang Xiaobai had already called and arranged to come, Zhang Fugui drove the Jiefang truck outside the bus station, waiting to pick up people.

"Director Xiaobai," Zhang Fugui was very excited when he saw Jiang Xiaobai.

"Brother Zhang, this is my classmate, Zhao Xinyi, come to our Jianhua Village." Jiang Xiaobai introduced.

The two got on the Jiefang truck. It was the first time for Zhao Xinyi to ride the Jiefang truck. He saw the scenery of the countryside and kept looking around.

"How is the house?" Jiang Xiaobai asked, looking at Zhang Fugui.

"The family is good..." Zhang Fugui said, he was also very excited. For him before, he would not dare to imagine the present days.

Waiting for the Jiefang Truck to enter Shangma Township, Zhao Xinyi was stunned.

A straight concrete road, the car is driving on it, and there is no shaking at all.

"This way?" Zhao Xinyi looked at Jiang Xiaobai with incredible expression.

"The roads are all repaired to the village?" Jiang Xiaobai was also a little surprised.

"Well, this year there was a lot of rain and the road was scoured badly. There was no way to go, so I accelerated the speed of road construction and repaired all the roads from the village to the township."

Zhang Fugui said.

"Brother Zhang, you mean this road was built from the village to the village?" Zhao Xinyi asked.

"Well," Zhang Fugui glanced at Zhao Xinyi in the rearview mirror and nodded. This girl is also too beautiful.

Although Director Xiaobai is a classmate, he might be the target of the situation.

I have heard someone say that the director of Xiaobai has a college student target, but I remember that I heard someone said that he was named Li.

How does this surname Zhao now?

"How long is this?" Zhao Xinyi asked. Such a wide concrete road would be normal if it appeared in the capital.

But such a country, not to mention the country, this way.

Even in Longcheng, the provincial capital, there are few concrete roads as wide as this.

Not to mention after getting off the bus in Zhangxuan County, the road was broken, and my head was dizzy while sitting in the car.

But now in the country, I can see such a wide concrete road.

"This road should be about 40 miles, or 20 kilometers," Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Twenty kilometers," Zhao Xinyi took a deep breath. How much does it cost?

The setting sun goes down, the village passing by along the way, the smoke is rising, there is still a different scene.

Looking at Zhao Xinyi in a daze, the evening breeze slowly blew in and messed up a strand of hair on Zhao Xinyi's forehead.

Jiang Xiaobai also looked in a daze.

(End of this chapter)