Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 482

Chapter 482

Chapter 482 It's The Same Root, Why Is It So Anxious

"I understand a little bit, tempered glass is obtained by cutting ordinary glass to the required size, then heating it to approximately the softening point, and then performing rapid and uniform cooling..."

Jiang Xiaobai said a lot more eloquently, and it all depends on the network of later generations.

I don't know the specifics, but I have a wide range of knowledge, most of which I know a little bit.

But in this era of underdeveloped information, Jiang Xiaobai is really shocking.

Even Chai Jianping and He Wenbin looked shocked, looking at Jiang Xiaobai.

"It's just a little bit, and no amount of it." Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said.

"This... Director Jiang is erudite, how can this be a little understanding." He Wenbin said with emotion.

"I have passed the award, I have passed the award." Jiang Xiaobai said modestly, and then asked: "As far as I know, isn't your factory introduced the tempered glass production technology in the past two years? Why should we study the tempered glass of float glass now? Produced?"

"Well, ordinary flat glass is inferior to float glass after all. Whether it is transmittance or toughness, it is a bit inferior. We are now able to produce float glass. Of course, we must study and produce float glass. Made of tempered glass."

He Wenbin said with a smile.

"Yes, that's the case. It doesn't disappoint our factory. Is the technology for making tempered glass from float glass mature?"

Jiang Xiaobai asked.

"It has been researched..." He Wenbin said halfway, feeling something was wrong, and turned his head to look at Jiang Xiaobai.

What do you mean by this?

Jiang Xiaobai looked at He Wenbin's expression and smiled and said, Director He, don't you be nervous? Tempered glass is not a sophisticated technology. It is heated and rapidly cooled. It is not only the Luobo family that introduces tempering technology in China, but also from Qinhuangdao. Yaohua Glass Factory should be the first one, and bulletproof glass is also produced by Yaohua Glass Factory."

He Wenbin looked at Jiang Xiaobai's ridiculous expression, and realized that he was indeed a little too nervous.

However, although this tempered glass production technology is not a high-level technology, it is not terrible.

There are few domestic glass factories that have tempered glass technology.

Yaohua Glass Factory, which is also owned by a joint venture with a foreign company.

Others dare not say, at least this Daxing glass factory does not have one.

But Jiang Xiaobai's tone was extremely loud.

"I'm not nervous." He Wenbin smiled dryly and said: "Then Director Jiang, you are visiting, I have something to do, so I won't accompany him."

What a great thing, this young man has no slinging skills, and he yawned so loudly.

The production technology of float glass is so-so, and the production technology of tempered mortgage is even more lousy in his mouth.

It seems that he is not rare for him.

"Director He, go slowly." Jiang Xiaobai also smiled all over his face, so it's so peculiar to treat me as a country bumpkin into the city.

Is there any special glass that can stand up? Isn't it tempered glass?

Think I don't understand anything?

Since it is here, not only the production line of float glass, but also the production line of ordinary glass, as well as the production line of tempered glass, Jiang Xiaobai and others have visited it.

The next morning, Jiang Xiaobai, who had been in Luobo for three days, finally took someone to sit in Luobo's conference room.

sat down with the people from Luobo and talked about the production line.

Jiang Xiaobai, with Jin Guoyan, Xu Weiping, Xue Fangling and a few workers.

On the other side, there are more people from Luobo, He Wenbin, Chai Jianping, and some key members of Luobo.

"Director Jiang, we Luo Bo agreed with you about the introduction of the production line. I also told your Deputy Factory Manager Xu about the conditions. If you agree, we can..."

He Wenbin said with a smile.

"Can Director He give us an official document?" Jiang Xiaobai asked with a smile.

He Wenbin was a little bit confused, but didn't think much about it, and asked someone to type a document and stamp it with Luo Bo's official seal.

Then looked at Jiang Xiaobai and asked, "Manager Jiang, what do you think?"

"We do not agree."

He Wenbin was not surprised by Jiang Xiaobai's words.

If you agree, Jiang Xiaobai will not come in person, and Xu Weiping will be able to handle it.

"Director Jiang, what do you mean?" He Wenbin asked.

"Your factory's conditions are too harsh, and I forgive us for no way to agree, especially the second, third, and fourth, the first is still negotiable."

Jiang Xiaobai said.

This almost vetoed all the conditions proposed by Luo Bo.

"Director Jiang..." He Wenbin said, but Jiang Xiaobai interrupted as soon as he spoke.

"Director He, listen to me first, I don't know whether this request was made by someone in your factory or was decided by your factory at a meeting, but what I want to say is..."

Jiang Xiaobai said, his eyes scanned the people in Luobo in the conference room.

"This is really a joke, a big joke." Jiang Xiaobai patted the table and shouted and stood up.

shocked everyone in the meeting room.

He Wenbin's face was even more pale, almost standing up and turning away.

Without quality, is this still the director of the first factory? The exit is dirty, pat the table, what do you think this is?

Does your Daxing Glass Factory own one-acre three-quarters of land?

"I'll just ask you a question? Are you Luo Bo still not the director of a state-owned enterprise?" Jiang Xiaobai stared at He Wenbin straightly.

"Of course we are." He Wenbin said coldly.

"Okay, I know that I am a state-owned enterprise. Then I ask you, Director He Da, what is the difference between these conditions and foreign technology division locks."

Jiang Xiaobai pointed at He Wenbin directly.

But He Wenbin lost his voice for a moment.

"Foreign countries, in order to limit the development of our country, have engaged in various technological separations to prevent us from developing, but we are not afraid of hardship or tiredness, and we will research on our own if we are not allowed to introduce technology. Over the years, we have gone from big atomic bomb technology to small The glass technology that we worked so hard to develop,"

Jiang Xiaobai said earnestly.

"But comrades, we come up with this kind of technology to allow us or the company to develop, not to let you learn the foreign technology that separates your own people. If you do this, what is the difference between foreign countries.

Luobo is engaged in float glass production technology, and the country has also given a lot of help and support. I believe it is not done so that you can be locked up with your own people. "

"Although Daxing has a small factory manager, it is also a state-owned factory, and I am not my Jiang Xiaobai personally. It can be said that everyone is born at the same root as Luo Bo, so why is it too anxious to fry each other."

Jiang Xiaobai said, everyone in Luobo in the conference room trembled.

This is Zhu Xin's words, It's about the same roots, why is it too urgent.

If this word spreads out, not to mention they are here, it is estimated that Luo Bo's reputation will be over.

At this time, He Wenbin broke out in cold sweat, looking at Jiang Xiaobai's eyes full of fear.

(End of this chapter)