Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Chapter 35 Liberal Arts or Science

After leaving the waste collection station, Jiang Xiaobai felt a long sigh of relief. The books they picked up from the waste collection station included five sets of "Self-study Books on Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry", not to mention there are others. Review the information.

Normal set of "Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Self-study Series" is estimated to cost about 20 yuan, 5 sets are 100 yuan, plus other review materials, it is estimated that it will cost more than 200 yuan to buy.

Jiang Xiaobai is not a high-profile, 200 yuan is the money for a bicycle, he can spend it, the key is that you have some money and nowhere to buy.

Of course, people who can spend 200 yuan to buy books at this time just want to be low-key, and their strength is not allowed.

The two went to the supply and marketing agency to buy a snakeskin pocket, put the book in the snakeskin pocket, and then hurried to catch the bus back to Shangma Township.

Getting on the bus, Jiang Xiaobai and Liu Aiguo breathed a long sigh of relief. There were two trains a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. If it was too late, they would need to sleep on the street again.

Although sleeping on the street is not too cold in summer, if it rains, it will be over.

When the sun went down, the two returned to the town, went to the commune's yard to fetch the bicycle, and tightly tied the snakeskin pocket to the back seat of the bicycle.

Then the two people faced the sunset and rode their bicycles slowly towards Jianhua Village.

The bicycle left a series of "jingle bells" along the way. Of course, Liu Aiguo kept ringing the bell, as if he was afraid that others would not know that he was riding a bicycle.

Of course, it also attracted a series of envious eyes. If it weren't for the eyes of Jiang Xiaobai who would have to make a hand when he rang the bell, Liu Aiguo estimated that he would be able to ring the bell from the village to the village.

"Patriotic, now is not a high-profile time, and doing things with a head covering is the kingly way. When the weather is completely clear one day, you can behave as you like,"

Jiang Xiaobai instructed Liu Aiguo while cycling.

"Don't worry, Brother Xiaobai, I appoint a low profile and don't go out blindly." Liu Aiguo dealt with it casually, and from time to time a Northeastern phrase popped out of his mouth.

Some people say that if there are no people from the Northeast in a dormitory, then everyone may speak in a different tone.

But once there is a Northeastern in a dormitory, the whole dormitory must be Northeastern dialect.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Liu Aiguo and knew that Liu Aiguo did not listen, but Liu Aiguo and the others were able to listen to most things, but after all, they were quite big people and had their own ideas.

It is impossible for me to explain all the big and small things, and I dare not say it thoroughly. Fortunately, I now have the opportunity to pass the university entrance examination.

I hope that everyone will be able to enter the university and be completely separated from buying canned food. Otherwise, Jiang Xiaobai feels that he really does not know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing that he takes them to sell canned food.

"Brother Xiaobai, I'm back."

"Brother Xiaobai, how is it? Have you found the review materials?"

"Brother Xiaobai..." A young city youth heard the sound of a bicycle coming from outside the yard, and he immediately surrounded him, watching Jiang Xiaobai rushing to ask.

"Is there anything that Brother Xiaobai can't do when he goes out? Go in and say." Jiang Xiaobai was also very happy to find the review materials, smiled and made a joke, and then went into the yard with everyone.

As soon as he entered the yard, the bicycle in his hand was snatched by someone inadvertently. Jiang Xiaobai took a look and found that it was Laosan Li.

"Xiaobai, you have been busy for a day in the county town. I will stop for you. Take a break. I have already made the tea. You can drink it after a while." Li Laosan said with a smile on his face.

In the past two days, Jiang Xiaobai has been busy reviewing and preparing to take the college entrance examination, but he has not cared about the production of canned food.

As a result, Li Lao San did not find a chance to get close to Jiang Xiaobai. Now that he seized the opportunity, Li Lao San just flattered him.

But let alone, the shot was quite comfortable, Jiang Xiaobai smiled and nodded.

Zhang Baofeng in the crowd, watching a series of actions and words of Li Laosan is studying hard, one day I will reach this height.

Li Siyan looked at Li Laosan with a look of contempt. Before there was any change in the house, he didn't know how many such people came to visit every day. After the accident, they could not hide one by one.

So she is the kind of person that annoys her most.

"Xiaobai, have some tea first. You talk, after having eaten, I have something to report." Li Laosan handed the teacup to Jiang Xiaobai naturally with both hands, and then casually changed the teapot on the table to Jiang Xiaobai's teapot. Checked the location.

"Well," Jiang Xiaobai nodded, and then sat down at the dinner table in the yard with the urban youth.

"Patriotic, go get the book," Jiang Xiaobai poured out all the books in his snakeskin pocket and put them on the table.

"I found the review materials, but it is definitely not enough if we want a set of staff. So let's make a count of how many people are applying for liberal arts, how many people are applying for science, and those who apply for foreign language schools..."

After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, Liu Aiguo took a piece of paper and started to count.

Wang Meng is not going to take the college entrance examination. The remaining 14 urban youths are 6 people who are preparing to apply for the liberal arts, 4 young men, Zhang Yanmei and another young woman, and 6 including Jiang Xiaobai who are preparing to apply for science. Li Siyanhe Jiang Xiaobai, Liu Aiguo, Wang Xiaojun and other five young men, the remaining one young man and one young woman are preparing to apply for the foreign language school.

The young woman, like Wang Meng, also came from the northeast. She learned Russian from an early age and she was ready to apply for a foreign language college.

(End of this chapter)