Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 337

Chapter 337

Chapter 337 Changes in the Li Family

Jiang Xiaobai returned to the classroom panting, seeing that only Qian Baobao and Deng Haonan were in the classroom, and he was immediately relieved.

A total of three studies in the Department of Astronomy, dare to skip class, and you can see it at a glance. There is absolutely no fluke, just in case.

Although Qian Baobao and Deng Haonan looked contemptuously oncoming, but Jiang Xiaobai turned a blind eye.

"He forced him to be strong, the breeze blew the hills, he ran horizontally, and the moon shone on the river..." Jiang Xiaobai muttered in his heart, choosing a seat casually.

Days passed like this, and it was already very cold in the early morning of December.

People have wrapped themselves in thick winter clothes, leaving only two eyeballs outside.

Jiang Xiaobai was riding a bicycle with Li Siyan in the back seat, and walked towards Li Siyan's house.

"What the **** is it? What's the secret of this, anyway, I will tell me when I get home."

Jiang Xiaobai peddled the bicycle hard and said without looking back.

The opening of the flagship store was postponed again, and it was not an uncontrollable behavior, but Jiang Xiaobai's mistake.

When he designs clothes, he designs summer and autumn clothes, but when the store is now open, it will be winter.

So some time ago, Jiang Xiaobai bit the bullet and asked Professor Zhang for leave and went back to Jiang Xiaobai clothing factory to design winter clothing styles.

Fortunately, under Jiang Xiaobai's superb acting skills, Professor Zhang approved.

While going back to design winter clothes, Jiang Xiaobai also took a look at the feed factory.

The foundation of the feed factory has been up. Although the weather is already very cold, the construction site is full of enthusiasm.

Zhang Weiyi did not know where he was wrapped in a military coat, his face flushed with cold, but he wandered around the construction site.

Obviously, after a period of experience, Zhang Weiyi has completely adapted to life in Jianhua Village, and a Jin province dialect pops up from time to time.

Zhang Weiyi was also very excited to see Jiang Xiaobai coming back, and reported to Jiang Xiaobai on the recent progress of the feed factory.

Jiang Xiaobai also delegated power to Liu Jian and Zhang Weiyi. Without much instruction, he simply said something to boost his breath. After having a meal with the two, he returned to the capital.

"My dad is back to work." Li Siyan said lightly, but she couldn't hide her inner joy.

Jiang Xiaobai also slammed the brakes, and the cranky thoughts in his mind suddenly disappeared.

Turned his head to look at Li Siyan and asked, "Really, what is the position of Uncle?"

"The head of the Light Industry Bureau," Li Siyan said.

"Cheats, this old man is very powerful." Jiang Xiaobai said subconsciously, and he will be the person behind him from now on.

"What's so peculiar? Don't say swear words." Li Siyan held Jiang Xiaobai's waist hand, and then twisted it slightly.

"Ah." Jiang Xiaobai took a breath, although his clothes were thick. Li Siyan didn't get the meat, but he had to cooperate to give others face.

"Seeing you are still talking nonsense, don't talk nonsense, hurry up and ride the bike, my parents are waiting at home."

Li Siyan gave Jiang Xiaobai a nice roll of eyes and said.

"Okay," Jiang Xiaobai replied with a covered head and pedaled the car, and soon came to Li Siyan's house.

This is the second time Jiang Xiaobai has visited. It is not because Jiang Xiaobai is unwilling to come, nor is it because Li's mother invited him to be insincere, and Jiang Xiaobai has no time to come.

"Xiaobai is here, oh, why haven't you seen this for a while, so thin, is it not enough to eat at school?"

Mother Li looked at Jiang Xiaobai for a moment, and then asked.

"It's okay, auntie, I just followed the teacher to work on a topic during this time, and ran outside all day."

Jiang Xiaobai explained, put the bicycle against the wall, then sniffed and asked in surprise: "Aunty has done something delicious, I can smell the fragrance from afar."

"Didn't you say that you like to eat red round meat last time? Just made some." Mother Li said with a smile.

As soon as he entered the room, Li Chuanying nodded faintly, and stopped squeaking when he said, his attitude was no different from last time.

is not indifferent, just the kind of look that looks a little unpleasant to you, but if Jiang Xiaobai observes carefully, you will find that there is a trace of appreciation and surprise for Jiang Xiaobai in the depths of Li Chuanying's eyes.

It's just hidden deeply. Jiang Xiaobai noticed Li Chuang who was wearing a straight board.

Last time I came here, Li Chuang was a fool, but this time he sat in a chair properly.

is also wearing a new tunic suit, without squinting eyes.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai's gaze, Li Chuang coughed lightly.

"I'm going to work in the Industrial and Commercial Bureau tomorrow," Li Chuang tried to make himself a little more indifferent, but the joy in his eyes betrayed his mood at this time.

"Congratulations, rush." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, but he understood it, no wonder it was like this, it turned out to be going to work.

This is Li's father returning to work. By the way, Li Chuang's work has also been arranged.

Also, the Bureau of Light Industry, the country that it was in charge of was not a heavy industry industry. Now although it has experienced a revocation, its powers are much smaller, but it is also relative to the original behemoth.

There are still some important positions, and it is really easy for Li's father to rise to the top and arrange a job for Li Chuang.

You don't even need to speak, someone else will help you do it.

Soon the food came up, but just when I started eating, two middle-aged men knocked on the door and walked in.

called "Li Ju," carrying something in her hand, but Li Chuanying only said a few words with Yan Yuese to the two of them, but did not accept the two of them.

Looking at Li's family eating, the two of course didn't dare to stay longer, so they got up and left.

Li Chuanying politely wanted to keep the two for dinner, but the two wanted to stay and did not dare to stay.

I had just eaten, and when I sat down, someone came again.

Jiang Xiaobai saw that Li's family was busy, so he got up and left.

It seems that as soon as Li Chuanying resumes work, it is still after the real power department, and the Li family should resume the former look of the crowded friends.

However, this is also the norm. People live in a human society, and they can't get out of this circle even as a leader.

Otherwise, everyone will think you are withdrawn and out of gregariousness.

Li Siyan sent Jiang Xiaobai to the door.

"In two days, my family may be moving again. I heard that the house over there has been cleaned up."

Li Siyan said.

"What day will you move? I'll come over and help clean up." Jiang Xiaobai asked.

"This weekend," Li Siyan said, and she did not refuse Jiang Xiaobai.

Although it is not necessary at all, it may have been arranged long ago.

But Jiang Xiaobai has this heart, and it is estimated that his parents are also very happy.

(End of this chapter)