Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 318

Chapter 318

Chapter 318 The future will get better and better

As people surrounded by Jianhua Village increased, the Jiefang truck could no longer go, Zhang Fugui turned off the engine and parked the car aside.

"Director, you can say a few words." Li Laosan didn't know when he squeezed over, still holding a small trumpet in his hand.

Li Lao San is always so timely, always so refreshing, like timely rain, appearing at the right time.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the crowd that was still gathering slowly, and jumped onto the front of the Jiefang truck with a horn on the side.

"Dear folks, my Jiang Xiaobai is back..." Jiang Xiaobai didn't finish a sentence, and thunderous applause rang out.

Everyone has a sincere smile on their faces.

Huang Zhongfu, who didn't know when he came, clapped and showed envy. This is Jiang Xiaobai's position in Jianhua Village.

"Some people must be curious, said I didn't go to school? Why did I come back suddenly?"

Jiang Xiaobai said, many people have puzzled expressions on their faces. The news of Jiang Xiaobai's return is only known to a few high-level pig farms.

I don't know much about the new feed, so Jiang Xiaobai's sudden return still puzzled many people.

"I'm thinking, maybe someone guessed that the director of Xiaobai didn't let the school be expelled, right?" Jiang Xiao didn't finish the vernacular, many people laughed.

"No, Director Xiaobai, who can fire you."

"I guess it is that Director Xiaobai feels that he can't learn anything in school and doesn't want to go to school anymore."

"Director Xiaobai, if any school dared to expel you, I don't think this school is necessary anymore."

Everyone laughed and talked about it.

"Haha, let me tell everyone that I came back because a big event happened in our Jianhua Village and I had to come back."

Jiang Xiaobai said, more people are puzzled. They live in Jianhua Village. Why don't they know what happened in the quiet Jianhua Village.

But Jiang Xiaobai, who was far away in the capital, knew, and the matter was so big that Jiang Xiaobai, who was far away in the capital, had to come back to deal with it.

"Happy event, a big happy event, Liu Jian, the deputy factory manager of our pig farm, has researched a new pig feed, which is 50% more fattening than the original pig feed in one month."

Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, and then continued without waiting for everyone to speak.

"Maybe you don't understand what this is. This means that we can make 7 to 10 kilograms of meat more than a pig in a month, which means that we can earn 7 to 10 yuan more per month. With a thousand piglets, we can earn an extra 7,000 yuan a month, to 10,000 yuan."

Jiang Xiaobai said, and the crowd burst into violent cheers.

Earning more than 7,000 yuan a month, and 10,000 yuan, there are only 150 households in Jianhua Village.

At that time, although the proportion of the funds raised and the investment of the educated youth cannery reached more than 42% of the shares.

But Jiang Xiaobai still gave the villagers of Jianhua Village 45% of the shares.

More than 7,000 to 10,000 yuan a month, 45% of the shares are 3150 to 4,500 yuan.

On average, a household can add 21 to 30 yuan a month.

At this time, a worker is only about 30 yuan a month, which is equivalent to a month's salary in vain.

The villagers understood it all at once, and cheered one by one.

"Moreover, after the new feed is developed, we can also produce it and sell it out. The new feed is so good, I believe we can open the market soon. This is another big income."

The cheers were even higher, almost drowning Jiang Xiaobai's voice.

But whenever Jiang Xiaobai spoke, the crowd quickly quieted down.

"I will go home this time. First, I will look at the situation of the pig farm and the educated youth cannery. Second, I will build another feed factory as soon as possible."

"Okay." The crowd yelled, Jiang Xiaobai raised his hands and pressed down, the crowd suddenly calmed down.

"On the way back, I saw that the road from our Jianhua village to the village collapsed in some places and it was time to repair. The houses in the village and some of them were leaking when it rained, and it was time to renovate.

I want to use three to five years to replace all the roads in our village with concrete roads, and the financial pressure for repairing them together is high, so we will repair them one by one.

The construction will start next spring, and the road out of the village will be repaired first.

Let all the villagers in Jianhua Village live in new houses, brick houses, and beautiful tiles. If the money is not enough, we will start with the leaky houses, one by one.

I believe that the future of our Jianhua Village will get better and better..."

Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, and the atmosphere on the scene reached a climax completely.

"Director Xiaobai, Director Xiaobai..." People shouted loudly and vented.

It seems that only this way can I vent the passionate flame in my heart.

Jiang Xiaobai jumped out of the truck and strode forward. The crowd automatically dispersed a way.

Li Laosan, Liu Jian, Wang Chao, Wang Meng and others followed Jiang Xiaobai.

People watched Jiang Xiaobai slowly leave, until Jiang Xiaobai disappeared from people's sight, and the cheers did not stop.

Huang Zhongfu has a hint of relaxation and satisfaction on his face.

There is Jiang Xiaobai in Jianhua Village. He not only feels relaxed, but also feels hope.

Just like Jiang Xiaobai said, he also believes that Jianhua Village will get better and better in the future.

When the surroundings became quiet, Liu Jian reacted. It was obvious that I was the one who contributed the most to this matter, but why did it seem that there was nothing wrong with me at all?

Could it be that Jiang Xiaobai didn't say it just now? That's wrong, Jiang Xiaobai said it just now.

"It was researched by Deputy Factory Manager Liu Jian." But why don't people pay attention to me.

Just when Liu Jian was wondering, the news of Jiang Xiaobai's return and the news that the pig farm had developed a new feed spread like the wind in Jianhua Village.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai said that he would build concrete roads and renovate houses quickly spread throughout the village.

Building cement roads. When the material is in short supply until the cement is still in the plan, a small village wants to build a cement road just like the fantasy.

It is almost impossible to renovate houses for the whole village.

If this is a cadre in the township, or whoever said it, everyone must have said that he doesn't even know his own mother.

Then treat it as a post-dinner conversation.

But when these words came out of Jiang Xiaobai's mouth, everyone felt excited, and they felt blood boiled all over, and they felt that they had to work hard.

The only thing not felt is doubt and disbelief.

Maybe Jiang Xiaobai really created too many miracles and gave the villagers such confidence.

(End of this chapter)