Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 31

Chapter 31

Chapter 31 Resuming Exam

Looking at the excited people, Jiang Xiaobai was actually very understanding.

"Eight or nine are not separated from ten." Jiang Xiaobai said affirmatively. If it hadn't been for this time that Jiang Xiaobai had already established his prestige, it is estimated that everyone would be joking at this time.

But that's it, everyone will be suspicious.

"In this way, everyone will hurry up and study from now on. If the news is true, it is estimated that there will be news in the last few days. It is always different for everyone to make some preparations in advance."

Jiang Xiaobai solemnly looked at everyone and said.

"If everyone can be admitted to the university, everyone will be able to go back to the city. So everyone will stop the canning business these days, and I will let the villagers do it."

Jiang Xiaobai said without any doubt. Just set things down.

"Brother Xiaobai. I graduated from junior high school, and I am not an urban youth. I have no way to take the exam, and I like to do business, so I don't have to study."

Wang Chao asked cautiously, after seeing Jiang Xiaobai's courage these days, he is about to follow Jiang Xiaobai for a big fight.

As for the exam, what does it have to do with him.

"Okay," Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said. Wang Chao had been doing business on the streets before, and he was really willing to do business.

I am no better than asking him to take college entrance examinations.

"Brother Xiaobai, I couldn't study when I was in school, and I graduated from junior high school, and I had no hope of going to university at all. My dad said that I was a jerk..." Wang Peng also said, what about going to college. He is really not interested.

Jiang Xiaobai thought about it for a while and said, Everyone has thought about the college entrance examination. I don't need to mention the future of entering the university. Everyone knows that there has been no examination for so many years. There is a shortage of talents in all walks of life.

At that time, I guess that as long as you graduate from university, the assignment of jobs will definitely not be a problem. "

Jiang Xiaobai said slowly, this may not be certain. At this time, the college student is very precious.

"Of course, the situation will be very good when doing business." Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while and added.

"What about our canned food? Don't do it?" Wang Xiaojun thought for a while and wanted to ask.

Everyone heard Wang Xiaojun's words and turned their heads and looked over. To be honest, although the time to make canned food is not long, everyone is very affectionate for this cause.

"Canned food will of course continue to be done. I will talk about it later, I will naturally make arrangements." Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said, this is his first pot of gold, why would he give up?

"I will start the review tomorrow when I want to enter the university. If the review materials are not available, I will let Wang Chao go back and get it. If I think about it, I will continue to make canned food."

Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Then Xiaobai, how about you? Are you going to college?" Li Siyan looked at Jiang Xiaobai and asked expectantly.

"Yes, Brother Xiaobai, are you going to college?" Wang Xiaojun and others also asked.

"I will take the test too." Jiang Xiaobai said. Of course he has to go to university and return to the city. One is because more opportunities in this era are in the city. The other is that he can take this opportunity to return to the city. There were too many talents in the university at that time, and being strong would be of great benefit to my future development.

Everyone became even more excited after listening, since Jiang Xiaobai is going to take the university entrance examination. Then there is nothing for everyone to hesitate.

Early the next morning, Wang Chao and Liu Aiguo went back to the county to review the materials by car. The 15 urban youths, except Wang Peng, who continued to do canned food, began to prepare for the review and took the university entrance examination.

Wait until noon, a cadre from the town walked into Jianhua Village, and soon Huang Zhongfu's voice came from the loudspeaker of the village committee.

"Hey! Hey! Attention comrades, attention, comrades."

"Educated youth, demobilized soldiers, cadres and fresh graduates who are dispatched to work and return to their hometowns, and educated youth, demobilized soldiers, cadres and fresh graduates who are dispatched to work and return to their hometowns, come to the brigade headquarters..."

Huang Zhongfu shouted three times before stopping.

Jiang Xiaobai was looking at some review materials sent by Li Siyan in the room, and he heard the broadcast.

A smile appeared at the corner of Jiang Xiaobai's mouth. No need to think that he knew what was going on. As expected, the history was still the same as before, without any change.

Jiang Xiaobai walked out of the house, and other urban youths also heard the broadcast. Because of what Jiang Xiaobai said yesterday, the big guys now have a general guess in their hearts.

"Let's go," Jiang Xiaobai led a group of urban youths towards the Jianhua Village Brigade Headquarters. Along the way, some high school graduates from the village gathered together.

When Jiang Xiaobai and the others walked into the team, Huang Zhongfu was chatting with a cadre in the town, and the dog eggs on the side were busy with the cadres in the town.

"Xiao Bai, you are here, sit down." Huang Zhongfu greeted him, then watched the cadres in the town introduce it to everyone.

"He is here today to announce the great good news to you." Huang Zhongfu turned his head and looked at the Wu cadre and said, "The urban youth and high school graduates of our village are here. You can announce it."

"Okay." The Wu cadre smiled and nodded and said: "The entrance examinations for colleges and universities have been restored. So far, the clarion call for knowledge to change destiny has resounded in every corner of this vast country..."

Many people still remember that on the day they got the news, many people laughed and cried.

As the cadre Wu said, Jiang Xiaobai and others listened attentively, waiting for the next words of the cadre Wu.

(End of this chapter)