Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 2752

Chapter 2752

Chapter 2752 Take a good look at this book

Jiang Xiaobai listened carefully. After Wang Zhidong finished speaking, he lit a cigarette, then got up and walked to the bookcase behind him.

It goes without saying that Jiang Xiaobai's bookcase is still very large, and there are a lot of books in it, but there are so many books that Jiang Xiaobai has not read much, but this thing is just rushing to the front.

Jiang Xiaobai likes to buy books, but sometimes he doesn't have time to read them when he buys them back, but Jiang Xiaobai still buys them, not for other things, or waiting for a pen to be installed.

To put it simply, buying a book is better than buying other luxury goods. Jiang Xiaobai is not bad money. For example, if you buy a sports car and leave it in the garage, it will depreciate over time, or the natural wear and tear of the car. , will depreciate.

For the same thing, it is better to buy a book back. At least the book will not be damaged anywhere. If you have time, you can open your eyes, but there is no time to pass it on to the next generation.

However, there are also books that Jiang Xiaobai often reads, and some books he can read. Jiang Xiaobai quickly found a book from the bookcase and handed it to Wang Zhidong.

is Good to Great, published by Jim Collins of Citi.

"This is the best-selling book in Citi Country this year. If you have nothing to do in the afternoon, please take a look at this book first, and we will discuss this issue during dinner in the evening." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

Xinlang was founded by Wang Zhidong. It is not what Jiang Xiaobai, an investor, should do to guide the company's development strategy. If it reaches this level, the company should change a CEO and a leader to lead the company forward. .

Instead of letting the founder stay in the position all the time, occupy the pit and not shit.

Of course, Jiang Xiaobai also understands that the reason why Wang Zhidong is confused is because of the industry, which makes it difficult for people to see the way forward and the direction.

On the other hand, the capital is pressing, and there is not much time left for Wang Zhidong, and Wang Zhidong himself is very anxious.

However, Jiang Xiaobai feels that any reason should not be a factor for the founder of a company to be confused, because the leader is to lead the company to find a lighthouse in the fog. If the leader is confused, can the company continue to develop?

It would be better to cut the mess and replace it with another person, so Wang Zhidong asked Jiang Xiaobai what strategy the company should choose, and Jiang Xiaobai would definitely not give his opinion directly.

Wang Zhidong was a little puzzled, but since Jiang Xiaobai said so, he still held the book and went to read it.

But after just reading the first chapter, Wang Zhidong became addicted to it. How should I put it, the issue of the lifespan of Internet companies just mentioned by Wang Zhidong is the topic discussed in the book.

Otherwise, this book would not have become the best-selling business book of the year, and everything has to do with his era.

If it wasn't for the Nasdaq stock market crash last year, this book would certainly not have been so popular. If the upstarts of Nasdaq were still in a frenzy and their worth was the same day by day, who would have the time to listen to you here.

But the stock market crashed, the upstarts of the Internet felt the cruelty of reality in this cold winter, and they felt the setbacks and hardships they had to face in the process of growth in the development of enterprises, so they could naturally calm down and read a book to find a solution. .

When the spring breeze is complacent, I only think about seeing all the Chang'an flowers in one day. Only when I experience setbacks will I try my hardest, settle down, grow loose and lie down, in order to stand in the Fuming Hall.

This is human nature. If it weren't for the times to create heroes, this book is very relevant to the upstarts in the Internet industry who are currently suffering and suffering.

The book analyzes every company in the Fortune Magazine Idea 500 since 1965, more than 1,400 in total, and draws some surprising conclusions.

Collins wrote in the book that the company's transformation from good to excellent has nothing to do with whether the industry it is engaged in is in the trend.

In fact, even a business in a traditional industry can become remarkable even if it started out in obscurity.

Technology and technology-driven changes do not actually inspire the leap from good to great. Mergers and acquisitions do not play any role in promoting the leap of the company. A revolutionary leap does not necessarily require a revolutionary process. Excellence is not. A product of the environment, to a large extent, it is the result of a deliberate decision.

These concepts are completely subversive for entrepreneurs who once made rapid progress and are now deep in the Internet bubble.

Not to mention other Internet companies, Wang Zhidong knows his new business and what he started with. In addition to his own achievements, he is also inseparable from wanton acquisitions.

In 1998, under the recommendation of Huadeng International, Sitong Lifang, the predecessor of Xinlang, merged with at a valuation of US$30 million.

This was already a large Chinese website at that time, and it was very successful and had a large number of users. Xinlang also became the largest portal website in China after it merged with

This is Wang Zhidong's business-heavy handwriting, and he is proud of it, but now the book says that mergers and acquisitions have not played any role in promoting the company's leapfrog.

Doesn't work?

Wang Zhidong is seriously thinking about this issue. To say it is useless, this acquisition has indeed played a huge role in the development of Xinlang, and it is unparalleled in terms of users and reputation.

But let's talk about it's usefulness. In the cold winter of the Internet, the previous merger made Xinlang the largest portal website in China. From this point of view, the conclusions in the book seem to be correct.

Wang Zhidong pondered for a long time and continued to look down.

Collins describes creating great business leaders in his book: They don't tend to stand out in front of the pack, become media darlings, talk about their ideas or become social celebrities.

They are mostly alien-like, silent internal effects. Not pushy, even a little bad. "

Wang Zhidong can't stand it anymore. There is no other reason. The main reason is that the outstanding leaders described in this book and the founders of the Internet industry are completely irrelevant.

The upstarts in the Internet industry, including him, who is not very public, standing under the flashlight, is the darling of the media and newspapers, and is the center of everyone.

Needless to say, when the scenery was beautiful, he is now in a quagmire. Before that, he was interviewed by "Southern Weekend", and he was still facing the media reporters, talking about his achievements and his foresight, etc. .

(end of this chapter)