Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 2724

Chapter 2724

Chapter 2724 Confrontation

"Jiang Dong, do you mean that I will contact them again and win them over?" Wang Zhidong saw that Jiang Xiaobai didn't say a word, and he was a little confused about what Jiang Xiaobai meant, so he continued to ask.

"Hey, let's hold the shareholders meeting first, and then meet the people from Sitong." Jiang Xiaobai sighed and said, Wang Zhidong is so sensitive, he doesn't want to say anything.

The predecessor of Xinlang was invested by Sitong. From the very beginning, it had an unbroken relationship with Sitong. Later, in order to check and balance Sitong, Wang Zhidong introduced Huadeng Investment. After receiving the investment from Huadeng, Xinlang began to formally bigger.

Later, when he went public, he raised money from other capitals. It seems that only Sitong has been jumping up and down to control Xinlang, so Wang Zhidong's main enemy also thinks that it is Sitong.

But in fact it is not at all. Other incoming capital also has its own appeal, that is to make money. If you take them to make money and prosper, that's not to say, but if you have your own ideas, let them not make money or even make money. is a loss.

Why don't they stand in line?

I don't stand in line because there is money to be made, but when they don't make money, of course they will follow the people who can make them money.

This is like Ji Li, why Li Shufu can subcontract the workshop and let others take money to invest in auto parts for him, that is because Li Shufu has been making money with them before, so they are willing to believe Uncle Li.

As for Wang Zhidong, it's not that Jiang Xiaobai underestimated him. He may be in the technology business and he has a certain influence in the market, but he definitely does not have the influence to make capital such as Goldman Sachs and Hua Deng International follow him when they lose money.

Capital pursues profit, not to mention Wang Zhidong, even Jiang Xiaobai himself dare not say that he has this appeal. Maybe in the domestic market, Jiang Xiaobai has it because others believe him, but in the international market, Jiang Xiaobai himself does not have this ability.

This shareholders' meeting is about to be held, and Wang Zhidong can't figure out the attitude of others, whether it is against or in support, or even abstaining, but there must be an attitude, and it can't be ambiguous and don't know anything.

If you don't know, then you can default to objection.

Instead of thinking that the other party is possible now, give others too much expectations.

No wonder in the previous life, Wang Zhidong was driven out of Xinlang without any precaution.

Looking back at Wanke, Wang Shi's family was prepared, so he could win the battle between the king and Wan, instead of being driven away like Wang Zhidong without any precautions or even the strength to fight back. .

Throughout Wang Zhidong's four entrepreneurial ventures, the first time was because of partners, the second time was because of shareholders, and both times he was defeated by personnel.

This kind of thing is really

Although he was a little disappointed with Wang Zhidong, Jiang Xiaobai knew that he could not abandon Wang Zhidong now, he could only support him, and then seek other solutions.

Hua Deng International wants to make money. He can bully Wang Zhidong, but he doesn't dare to bully himself, because Wang Zhidong has never had the courage to break the boat, but he is different. Lang was not founded by himself.

Just invest this amount of money yourself, and some have time to play with them, it depends on whether they are willing or not, no matter what, Wang Zhidong himself wants to keep it. As for Xinlang's development strategy and so on, after that Besides, it can be adjusted.

The car soon arrived at Xinlang Company. Xinlang was also a small Internet company at the very beginning, but it has grown to the present, although Xinlang's stock price has fallen sharply on the Nasdaq market, or it can be said that it can be used to be appalling. words to describe.

But after all, it has been brilliant. The thin dead camel is bigger than the horse, which is reflected at this time, and there are many people. After Wang Zhidong brought Jiang Xiaobai and his party into the company, people kept saying hello to Wang Zhidong.

At this time, in the meeting room of Xinlang Company, many shareholders and shareholder representatives had already arrived. For example, President Duan and others came by themselves, but representatives from Ruan Yin and Hua Deng International were all there.

Of course, these people can call the shots to a certain extent through communication before coming here.

The representatives of Huadeng International and the representatives of Softbank sat and chatted together. To a certain extent, they represented international capital, and they only asked for interests. Who should be the company's CEO, or the company's strategic direction, etc. don't really care.

The point is that they invested and they want their return.

Whoever can bring them benefits, who will they support?

On the other side are Mr. Duan, Mr. Liu, Mr. Zhang from the Dongfang Group, Mr. Lu from the Anti-Hai Group, etc. These are all members of the Taishan family. This time, they are all here to support Mr. Duan against Jiang Xiaobai, and they have also received new awards. Lang's equity.

Of course, no matter how he did it, at least that was what he said on the surface. With so many people sitting together, Mr. Duan was still very calm. From time to time, he would meet with representatives from Hua Deng International and Ruan Yin. Let's chat for a while and greet each other.

A few people chatted, and the atmosphere was still very relaxed and happy, but this relaxed and happy atmosphere became a bit depressing when the administrative staff came in to inform President Duan that Jiang Xiaobai had arrived. .

Whether you like it or not, the name Jiang Xiaobai is still a lot of pressure in domestic shopping malls.

If it is possible to face the behemoth of Huaqing Holding Group and Jiang Xiaobai's past record, no one is willing to face Jiang Xiaobai directly.

Soon there were footsteps in the conference room, and then Wang Zhidong and Jiang Xiaobai pushed open the door and walked in.

"I'll introduce you to everyone." Wang Zhidong was about to make two sentences on the scene, and President Duan stood up directly.

"Jiang Dong, long time no see. I didn't expect to see you here. Welcome. We are a little anxious waiting to welcome Jiang Dong." President Duan said with a smile.

But there is a needle hidden in the cotton. The meaning of this sentence is to accuse Jiang Xiaobai of being arrogant and making so many of them wait here.

"Hehe, it's okay to be anxious, just don't feel bad. I joined, and I hope President Duan doesn't mind." Of course, Jiang Xiaobai wouldn't explain to President Duan why he was late, so he just scolded him.

Mr. Duan's face suddenly became ugly and distressed. Of course he felt distressed. This time, in order to stop Jiang Xiaobai, he didn't know how much effort he put in, and he gave away an unknown amount of benefits.

Originally, Dell's shares and the like should have been in his pocket, but now they are all given to President Liu and the others.

(end of this chapter)