Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 269

Chapter 269

Chapter 269 Student Union Responsibilities

"The history of the student union, I believe that Teacher Li knows everything, I will not say it, I will mainly talk about the responsibilities of the student union..."

Li Feng saw that Jiang Xiaobai was talking about business, and he listened to the class seriously.

"One is to study and formulate the work plan of the student union according to the school's work deployment and the actual situation, supervise and inspect the work of each class committee, sum up experience, and ensure the completion of the student union's work plan..."

As soon as Jiang Xiaobai talked about this, he was interrupted by Li Feng.

"So, can the student union intervene in the work of each class?"

Li Feng asked in shock. If he said that, the power of the student union would be greater. Then the leader in charge of the student union would not be justified.

"Mr. Li, this is a bad remark. What does it mean to intervene in the work of each class? This is to assist school leaders to carry out various tasks. The student union is to manage the students, and is the bridge and link between students and the school..."

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Li Feng disdainfully and said whether he still had any political consciousness.

"Yes, yes, yes," Li Feng nodded again and again, which was indeed inappropriate.

"Little Bai, you continue to say..."

"The second is to lead the whole college to strengthen the study of professional courses, organize various interest groups, carry out academic discussions, hold special lectures, knowledge contests, social surveys, social practices, etc.. Consolidate the knowledge learned in the classroom and enrich the academic activities after class.

The third is to carry out a variety of cultural and sports activities, to integrate education in entertainment, organize performances, competitions, exhibitions, etc., regularly hold cultural lectures, entertainment evenings, etc., to enrich students' after-school cultural life. "

Jiang Xiaobai said, and stopped.

"For example, if we are enrolling freshmen now, can we organize a new freshmen art party? First, let the freshmen feel the style of our school and enrich the old students' after-school life."

Orientation party is almost a must-have program for every university in later generations, but there is no such program at this time.

"Teacher Li, think about it, then we will invite department leaders and school leaders to watch the show. What is this? This is our student union and Teacher Li's work results..."

Jiang Xiaobai said, Teacher Li became excited, and his eyes lightened a little.

"Pop," Teacher Li stood up with a slap on the thigh.

"Yes, why didn't I think about it?"

"Bang." The chair under Li Feng's buttocks fell steadily to the ground again. Jiang Xiaobai mourned for the chair for three minutes. It was the second time today.

"Student Xiaobai, you have a good idea, this idea is good, let's do it like this, welcome freshmen art party..."

Li Feng can't wait to hold a newcomer party tonight, let the leaders see their achievements.

At this time, Teacher Li looked at Jiang Xiaobai's incomparably cuteness. As for Wang Zheng, he was thrown out of the sky early in the morning.

"Mr. Li, stay safe and stay calm, please continue to listen to me."

Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Okay, okay," Teacher Li suppressed the restlessness in her heart forcibly, raised the chair for the second time, and sat down.

Others are to inspect and supervise students' implementation of various rules and regulations, and maintain the normal teaching and living order of the school.

Speaking of this, Jiang Xiaobai paused, then continued.

"The last and most important point..."

"More important than the welcome party?" Li Feng couldn't help but interrupted Jiang Xiaobai's words.

Feelings, you will remember a welcome party, Jiang Xiaobai looked at Li Feng a little speechless.

"The welcome party is just a party, not enough to highlight our work achievements." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Enough, enough." Li Feng felt that it was satisfying to have an orientation party, and Jiang Xiaobai was not in vain scolding himself for occupying the pit and not shit.

"Is it a good idea? The last thing I want to talk about is the team building work. If our student union can do a good job of the League committee, or even make it a banner for colleges and universities, it will be of great significance. Maybe it can still be related to the Communist Youth League. relationship"

Jiang Xiaobai said, Li Feng was stunned. He had never considered the Youth League Committee, and for a while he still couldn't understand it.

"If the work of the Youth League Committee is done well, not only you and me, but also department leaders and school leaders can benefit..."

The more Jiang Xiaobai said, the more confused Teacher Li became.

Looking at Li Feng like this, Jiang Xiaobai didn't want to spend more time talking. This is a typical political inadequacy. Jiang Xiaobai believed that if he said this to the school leader, the school leader is definitely not Li Feng's awkward expression.

"Student Xiaobai, you said that the Youth League Committee works, I, I...I don't understand."

Li Feng plucked up the courage and said, anyway, he has no face in front of Jiang Xiaobai, and there is nothing to admit that he does not understand.

"It's okay, then you can let me arrange it, and work with confidence. As the teacher in charge, you will definitely have your grade."

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and said casually.

"Okay." Li Feng agreed without thinking.

"However, Minister Jiang, we still have to hurry up and report this new year party."

Li Feng has been thinking about the new year party. This is the political achievement in front of him, and the name of Jiang Xiaobai has also changed unknowingly.

"Mr. Li, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. The welcome party is going to be held. However, it is necessary to prepare for the current situation of the student union, what to use, the venue, the funds, the cooperation of the various departments, and the regulations. Got up."

Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Yes, yes, the teacher is impatient, you say, what do you say? The teacher fully supports." Li Feng said.

"Okay, then I will call everyone in and arrange work." Jiang Xiaobai said, standing up and opening the door, greeting everyone in.

"Have a meeting, Hou Yuande, you can arrange it." Jiang Xiaobai left it alone when he finished speaking, and started to work with his notebook.

"Come on, everyone get up, put the table together, and the chairs around..."

Hou Yuande took a deep breath and began to arrange. This may be Jiang Xiaobai's first test of himself.

Ten minutes later, a long conference table made up of tables appeared in the student union office.

Jiang Xiaobai and Li Feng sat on one side, and the others sat on both sides.

Hou Yuande also brought in a thermos bottle and gave Jiang Xiaobai and Li Feng a glass of water.

Jiang Xiaobai still did not look up, lowered his head and wrote something.

Li Feng didn't say anything, but waited quietly.

Jiang Xiaobai and Li Feng did not speak, and the others did not dare to speak. The air in the conference room slowly became heavy.

One by one sat in front of their faces, and only the rustle of Jiang Xiaobai's pen across the paper was left in the conference room.

(End of this chapter)