Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 2564

Chapter 2564

Chapter 2564 A gentleman loves money and takes it in a proper way

Competition between enterprises is the driving force for progress. Only competition can enable enterprises to better serve consumers. After all, consumers vote with their feet.

If your service is not good, you will naturally choose other.

Therefore, once there is such a thing as "monopoly", consumers will have no other choice, and it is an indisputable existence that stores bully customers, but after the "monopoly" is broken, competition will naturally begin. For consumers, this is the case is affordable.

With the cancellation of the initial telephone installation fee, more and more people are installing telephones in their homes in Modu, and this scene is the same not only in Modu, but all over the country.

This is just an inconspicuous little thing that happened in December, the last month of 2000, and many other things happened this month, such as Changhong, a well-known big man in the TV industry in China.

This has basically changed the pattern of the TV industry, reducing the profit of TV sets to a very low level. When Jiang Xiaobai and Song Xin were shopping before, they also saw the eye-catching sign of color TV sales, and they also contacted Mr. Ni by phone. once.

At that time, he took the initiative to launch a price war, and vowed to make Changhong the first in China, or to be an ambitious generation of legendary entrepreneurs who thriving.

The final result turned out to be that he left Changhong sadly and took the initiative to instigate the incident. In the end, he lost the worst. The person who initiated the incident should have the upper hand. After all, the instigator should have been very well prepared in advance. Should take the lead, the chances of winning are great.

The result was the one who lost the worst. This is a dark and humorous joke.

But Mr. Ni was indeed forced to leave Changhong and was replaced. Of course, with Mr. Ni's departure, Changhong's No. 1 position in the industry was no longer guaranteed, and TCL began to exert its strength.

Of course, what Mr. Ni does is not a bad thing. From the consumer's point of view, the original TV and color TV are valuable items, but after the color TV is sold, the TV is more expensive. Things just become a household appliance in the home.

The price reduction of any product cannot be said to be completely good, but at least it is very affordable for consumers.

Although it may be shortsighted, if there is no vicious price war, then these factories may be able to earn more money, invest more in research and development, accumulate more technology, and produce higher products.

But the crux of the question is, do these companies put money into products when they make money? It is also not necessarily something, such as the current war between domestic airlines.

Now Jiang Xiaobai is also a shareholder of the serious Chunqiu Airlines, and he has a very good understanding of the competition among airlines. He is forced to issue official documents, and there are clear regulations for a company's publicity expenses. To control the amount before tax on the sales income of the enterprise.

Of course, if it weren't for this, Chunqiu Airlines wouldn't have developed so fast. This could be regarded as a kind of integration of resources.

In addition, there are various selection activities. Interestingly, in this year's selection of CCTV's economic person of the year, Professor Wu, who took the initiative, was selected.

When the program was broadcast that day, Zhang Jingwen and Yin Xiaojun came home specially to let everyone watch TV.

Professor Wu, who is nearly seventy years old, was asked on the program that many people now call you the conscience of the domestic economy. What is the use of the word conscience in today's economic market? "

"There is a saying in the country that a gentleman loves money in a proper way. No matter what the economic market is, trust is required. There is no trust between people and between people and the economic market. ."

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Professor Wu on the TV and also felt a little emotional. With the development of the economy, everyone has been affected too much, especially in this era, people's ideas are gradually changing.

I used to like some red flag bearers and model workers, but now everyone likes money, and everything starts to seek the most benefit, and it is a hero who determines success or failure based on how much money he makes.

Then these experts and scholars must also be developing in this direction, and I will give voice to anyone who gives money slowly.

On the penultimate day of December, after Jiang Xiaobai came to the company, he found that there were already many reporters waiting in the company's living room.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't understand, so he turned to look at Li Longquan and asked, "Is there a big press conference in the company today? Why don't I know?"

Li Longquan smiled and said: "Jiang Dong, what's the press conference today, these reporters are here to wait for you to sign a contract with Boeing, and then report the news. After all, they bought four This move is enough for the airlines, we bought four private jets at once, can they not report it?"

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned when he heard it, and then suddenly realized that he signed a purchase agreement with Boeing. Zhao Xiaojin had already informed himself before, saying that he had already contacted, just two days before the end of the month.

Jiang Xiaobai just listened casually, but he really didn't know it was today.

And this media reporter is also smart enough, Jiang Xiaobai, the person involved, has forgotten that they got the news in advance, but this is not something that needs to be kept secret, and Jiang Xiaobai doesn't care.

After Jiang Xiaobai arrived at the office, he processed some documents first. Zhao Xiaojin came in in the middle, saying that someone from Boeing came over, and Jiang Xiaobai asked them to wait for a while.

I am Party A, I am spending money, so what are you worried about?

As for reporters and the like, they didn't notify them by themselves. If you come here to keep watch on this news, then you should wait for me. This is not a special press conference or something. It will be held at a certain time.

This is not the case in itself. Jiang Xiaobai will not disrupt his rhythm because of the presence of reporters and media. At most, he should have signed the contract in the office, and moved to a small conference room, so that you have a venue and can let go a little. , just ask two questions, extend a little between, and that's already taken care of.

The Huaqing Holding Group, which has developed to the present, has its own confidence in the face of media reporters. It is no longer the original one. Any reporter who comes here will be regarded as a small business that the uncrowned king will deal with.

The current Huaqing Holding Group is a Fortune 500 company. No matter what reporter or newspaper you are, there is no evidence at all. You can try to talk nonsense. Is it true that Huaqing Holding Group will not use its "money ability"?

(end of this chapter)