Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 2530

Chapter 2530

Chapter 2530 Impatient

"How many people are in the family? Are your parents healthy?"

"Is your work going well? Is your relationship with your colleagues in the unit okay?" Simple words, but Jiang Xiaobai has a convincing feeling, which always makes people subconsciously ignore Jiang Xiaobai's age.

Zhou Nan did not realize this from the beginning to the end, but it felt very reasonable and very comfortable.

But what he didn't know was that Jiang Xiaobai's ability to ignore his age was already there when he first started his business.

The issue of age can never limit Jiang Xiaobai, let alone facing Zhou Nan, a hairy boy.

After Zhang Jingwen came out of the house after calling, only to find that Zhou Nan had arrived.

"This is Brother Zhou, I'm sorry, I made a phone call in a hurry." Zhang Jingwen said quickly and apologetically.

Yin Xiaoyin introduced this as his sister-in-law. Of course Zhou Nan would not mind, and sat down after saying hello to Zhang Jingwen.

However, Jiang Xiaobai has a lot of phone calls. From time to time, he has to answer a phone call. He looks very busy, but he doesn't say much. Basically, it's like "wait." "I'll talk to the office after work." "Yes. " and the like.

Let Zhou Nan ponder for a long time what he didn't figure out. It seems that Jiang Xiaobai works in the system, but it is not too similar. After all, Jiang Xiaobai has no air, nor does he have the faint sense of alienation that people in the system get along with.

His own father is in the body, of course he knows that feeling.

And in this house, basically no leader lives.

In fact, it is reasonable to say that someone who can afford this house should be a businessman or something.

But Zhou Nan rejected this idea just after a flash. It was impossible. How could someone like Jiang Xiaobai be a businessman?

Zhou Nan has been working for a long time, and he has been in contact with all kinds of people. He can't tell what a businessman is like, but he can also feel it vaguely.

But Jiang Xiaobai didn't have it at all, so he was guessing what kind of literati Jiang Xiaobai should be.

This is more likely. After all, Jiang Xiaobai has a strong sense of elegance. Could it be that he is a writer, or a university professor, or an editor of a literary publishing house?

Zhou Nan felt that his guess was still very possible.

But Zhou Nan didn't have the embarrassment to ask, but he felt that he should have guessed one by one.

After eating, Zhou Nan talked about what his parents wanted to see.

Jiang Xiaobai thought about it and said, "Okay, there is no problem, you can arrange the time, we can all do it here."

Yin Xiaoyin was a little moved, isn't Jiang Xiaobai busy? Don't be too busy, okay, but Jiang Xiaobai is willing to say that he has time at any time for his own business.

What is giving, this is, for Jiang Xiaobai, if he gives one million, ten million, it is nothing, because he has more than this, but if Jiang Xiaobai is willing to give time, then he is really willing to give, because Jiang Xiaobai is too busy and really doesn't have much time.

Zhou Nan of course also understood. Jiang Xiaobai had been arranging work when he called just now. It sounded like there was something going on in the next few days, but Zhou Nan was unwilling to wait any longer.

simply gritted his teeth and said, "Uncle, I think you're quite busy too. It happens that you have time today. Do you think you can do it tonight?"

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, Zhou Nan also understood that he was a little too anxious, and quickly explained: "I know it is a little hasty, if Uncle thinks it is inappropriate, then another day, I am too abrupt..."

"Haha." Before Zhou Nan finished speaking, Jiang Xiaobai laughed.

"No, I just didn't expect you to be so impatient, but young people, understandable, okay, just tonight." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

Zhou Nan smiled: "Really?"

"Really, go and ask your parents if they have time. If so, it will be tonight." Jiang Xiaobai said affirmatively.

I am really busy, and I have to go to Jianhua Village in two days, so I might as well take advantage of this time to settle things down.

Zhou Nan came out from Jiang Xiaobai's house and quickly went home to inform his parents.

Although his parents felt that their son was a little too hasty, he felt too anxious, but since the other parent didn't say anything, it would be fine for them to apologize when they had dinner at night.

"By the way, what are Xiaoyin's adoptive parents doing? How old are you?" Zhou's mother asked.

"He looks so young. Not only is he well-maintained, but he also seems to be really young. He has a refined atmosphere. He is either a university professor or a writer. I didn't ask about the specifics."

Zhou Nan said casually, Zhou's father and Zhou's mother nodded, then such a family is still very good, knowledgeable and reasonable, it seems that there will be a good family in the future.

The two of them were ready, and then they started to book the restaurant.

"How about Huating?" Father Zhou said after thinking about it. Although Huating is not as popular as it was a few years ago, it still has a special place in the hearts of the people of Modu. star hotel.

Mother Zhou nodded, thinking that this place was a good choice.

In the evening, Zhou's father and Zhou's mother arrived at the Huating Hotel in advance to prepare, and Zhou Nan drove to pick up Jiang Xiaobai's family. He knew that Yin Xiaoyin had a car. Although there were many people in the two cars, they should be able to sit.

After Jiang Xiaobai and others went downstairs, Zhou Nan invited Jiang Xiaobai and others to get on the bus.

A Honda Accord is a very good car at this time. Of course, if it is given to Jiang Xiaobai, it is nothing.

Wherever Jiang Xiaobai goes on business trips, the car that picks up people is at least over one million.

However, Jiang Xiaobai didn't have a trace of disgust. Instead, he was very happy. On the one hand, people are willing to pick you up, no matter what kind of car, it is a kind of heart. And Zhou Nan picked him up because he was Yin Xiaoyin's adoptive father.

These are two concepts, so Jiang Xiaobai pulled away from the co-pilot's seat and got into the car, and then Zhao Xinyi took the two children and sat in the back seat.

"Sister, I'm not driving anymore. Jingwen and I will ride in your car." Yin Xiaojun said and pulled the co-pilot into the car. Zhang Jingwen smiled when she saw Yin Xiaojun's actions. She knew that Xiaojun was a little reluctant to take her sister. Yin Xiaoyin is gone.

After all, the two brothers and sisters have been dependent on each other for such a long time, it is strange to say that they can give up.

(end of this chapter)