Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 2426

Chapter 2426

Chapter 2426 Crazy

Jiang Xiaobai guessed right. In the afternoon of the same day, Rongcheng also responded and announced the punishment for Rongcheng Changjiang Real Estate Branch.

Mr. Li, who received the news in Xiangjiang, turned ashen. This is a clear expression of dissatisfaction from the above. Otherwise, the action on the mainland would not be so fast, and it would be influenced by public opinion.

This should also have a process, it should not be so fast.

"Mr. Li, what should I do now?"

It was already dark, but the entire Changjiang Group was brightly lit. Everyone didn't get off work and was still working overtime.

Mr. Li was sitting in the middle of the conference room, and the directors of the group were on both sides. Basically, the directors in Xiangjiang and Southeast were called back.

That's right, now it's a board meeting, not a simple high-level meeting.

If it is just a business matter, it can be resolved at a high-level meeting within the group, but now it has a certain political significance.

Politics is a double-edged sword. If you handle it well, it is likely to open the door of convenience and everything will go smoothly. But if it is not handled well, it will also have a great impact.

Before this, Mr. Li had been handling it well. Since the early 1990s, Changjiang Group has officially invested heavily in the mainland, and has received a lot of help. It is a guest wherever it goes, and its status in Hong Kong has become more and more important. high.

But now they can feel the impact only after the punishment notices from Modu and Rongcheng are issued.

So now it's not a simple business matter, it's not a matter of how much loss, so we hurriedly convened a board meeting.

If the situation is worse, maybe the next step is to hold a general meeting of shareholders.

From the high-level meeting to the board of directors, it may be upgraded to the general meeting of shareholders in the future, and the level of attention is also constantly increasing.

But the level of attention has increased, but not many difficulties have been solved.

The bad news is still coming. A group of directors stared at Mr. Li and asked Mr. Li to come up with a way to not damage the interests of the group or the interests of shareholders.

The directors are elected by the general meeting of shareholders, and these directors represent the interests of each shareholder.

That's right, the Li family has the final say in the Changjiang Group, and the Li family occupies most of the shares, but this does not mean that the entire Changjiang Group has only the Li family.

There are other shareholders, cross-holding, and deepening the blood of capital. This is what every large group is doing, and no one can be exempted from it.

Changjiang Group is also like this. Other funds have entered the Changjiang Group. They also have their own shareholders and elected directors to ensure their own interests.

"Mr. Li, now I have to come up with an idea. We can't continue like this. If we continue like this, the loss to the group will be too great, and the brand value of Changjiang Group will also be greatly damaged. investment"

The directors stood and talked without backache, and aimed at Mr. Li.

"Let's report the current situation first." Mr. Li ignored the directors and looked at Deputy Director Zhao and said.

Deputy Director Zhao nodded and stood up: "Dear directors, starting this morning, all of our Changjiang Group's enterprises in the mainland, focusing on the real estate industry, have been blocked. Huaqing Holding Group instructed media reporters, and some private enterprises. The family criticized our Changjiang Real Estate Company on various occasions.

Up to now, the two cities, Modu and Rongcheng, have punished our branch in the city where Changjiang Real Estate is located, and developed it within a time limit. Otherwise, the land will be auctioned again.

This situation is estimated to wait until tomorrow, maybe more cities will join in.

Other industries have also been blocked to varying degrees, mainly in upstream and downstream industries, raw material suppliers and sales channels.

Some partners openly broke the contract, did not pay the promised balance, and did not give the promised raw materials directly. Subsidiaries in the mainland are now facing the problem of broken capital chain, no raw material production, and sales channels. There is a problem, facing..."

Deputy Director Zhao said slowly, the more he talked about the group of directors in the conference room, the more ugly the faces of the directors. It seemed that overnight, the entire enterprise in the mainland had been ravaged and lost its appearance.

This is not commercial competition, it is all-round blocking.

But before these directors could get angry, Deputy Director Zhao continued: "In addition, we noticed that there was an abnormality in Huahua Bank. We have mobilized about 35 billion US dollars in funds and are sweeping the Hong Kong stock market. Maybe..."

35 billion US dollars. As soon as this figure came out, a group of directors couldn't sit still, and their faces changed greatly. Many people's faces turned pale in an instant. It was 35 billion US dollars.

The entire Hong Kong stock market is such a big plate. Such huge funds are enough to shake the financial systems of some southeastern countries to clean up the stock price of their Changjiang Group. Is there any way to run?

"Mr. Li, what's going on here? Why did Jiang Xiaobai do this?"

"Mr. Li, we need a reason, what did you do? Let Jiang Xiaobai be so mad at Changjiang Group?"

"Mr. Li, have you contacted the mainland and asked them to stop Jiang Xiaobai? If these 35 billion US dollars enter the Hong Kong stock market, we have no chance to turn around."

"Mr. Li..." A group of directors looked at Mr. Li and wished they could eat him. This is 35 billion US dollars. If it really entered the market, Changjiang Group would really be meat on the chopping board. Jiang Xiaobai was ravaged by others.

In addition to the current situation, the stock price plummeting is a trivial matter, and people can easily put you on the limit-down limit, so that you have no way to turn over, even the small shareholders represented by their directors have no way to run.

This is not a joke, you simply don't have that much money to take over.

The entire conference room was in a panic. Although the representative directors of these minority shareholders are annoyed by the company's accident, they don't care. As long as the stock market can be stabilized, these minority shareholders do not hold many shares of Changjiang Group.

They can cash out and run away at any time. As for the mess left behind, that's the matter of the Li family, but if it's about the stock market, then they can't run if they want to, they can only stay and be buried with them, and they even say that their losses are the biggest.

Because the Li family can still be delisted in a big deal, the industry is still there, but the value of their shareholders has been wiped out.

(end of this chapter)