Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 2424

Chapter 2424

Chapter 2424 Call

"Father, now that we take the initiative to call Jiang Xiaobai, we have no right to take the initiative. If we don't have to wait, at least we can clarify the current situation." Li Da on the side said.

Mr. Li slapped the table hard: "We have long lost the initiative, is it because we didn't make a phone call? Then I don't have to make a phone call now.

There has been no news from the mainland side for such a long time, and Jiang Xiaobai's attack has become more and more violent. What does this mean?

It means that there are many people in the mainland capital who are dissatisfied with us this time, and we have no initiative when Zhangjiang leaves Xiangjiang.

If you continue now, you can only become more and more passive, understand? "

Mr. Li looked at his eldest brother and said with a hatred that iron cannot become steel.

It's been so long, and now it's almost a morning. Jiang Xiaobai's big move has long been known to someone above. While he is collecting detailed information, he is also waiting.

I hope that someone above might come forward to stop Jiang Xiaobai, but Jiang Xiaobai's movements not only did not stop, but became more and more fierce. The above was dissatisfied with his small moves in the southeast, and allowed Jiang Xiaobai to attack.

Maybe even take this opportunity to beat himself hard.

I am a political figure, this is a certain protection, but at the same time it will also suffer backlash.

Although the above didn't call me and ask me about my small actions in the southeast, but many times not expressing a position is an attitude in itself.

At this time, he is still waiting, so the more he waits, the more passive he becomes.

Li Da was scolded by his father for losing his temper, so he honestly went to call Huaqing Holding Group.

Looking at his son's back, Mr. Li felt discouraged for a while. The eldest of his family is older than Jiang Xiaobai. At first, he thought it was good, but now compared with Jiang Xiaobai, it is really far behind.

"Jiang Dong, Changjiang Group called from Xiangjiang and said that Mr. Li wanted to talk to you. Do you think he came in or not?" Zhao Xiaojin looked at Jiang Xiaobaihui and reported.

"Come in, let me see what this Mr. Li wants to do?" Jiang Xiaobai said nonchalantly.

Soon the phone on Jiang Xiaobai's desk rang, and Jiang Xiaobai picked up the phone.

"Hey, Jiang Dong, do you remember me? Last time you were in Xiangjiang and we had dinner together, you even had a drink."

Hearing the words that made people feel like a spring breeze on the phone, Jiang Xiaobai scolded an old fox in his heart. He was pressed to the ground and rubbed by himself, and he was still able to hold his breath.

Those who didn't know this thought it was really a simple old friend catching up.

But Mr. Li is able to talk and laugh, Jiang Xiaobai is even more in a hurry, isn't he hiding a knife in his smile? Who wouldn't be like that.

"Mr. Li, of course I won't forget, you are a senior, an example for us to learn from. To tell you the truth, I grew up listening to your story when I first started my business.

When I hold meetings with my employees, I often mention you and tell them that you need to be discerning and learn from Mr. Li

To talk nonsense, Jiang Xiaobai feels that even if he is not good at eloquence, he will not lose to anyone.

But Mr. Li couldn't stand hearing Jiang Xiaobai's endless chatter on the phone.

It's not that I can't afford the phone bill, but that I don't have time to talk about this with Jiang Xiaobai now.

It's not interesting to talk about it.

Jiang Xiaobai has time, but he can't do it himself, he has no time to talk about this with Jiang Xiaobai.

"Jiang Dong, since we are friends, what you are doing now is not kind." Mr. Li's voice interrupted Jiang Xiaobai's words.

"Mr. Li, isn't this also for your Changjiang Group? This behavior of hoarding land is particularly bad. This is not what a responsible company should do," Jiang Xiaobai said unmoved.

made Mr. Li speechless for a while, and turned to say directly: "Jiang Dong, Ming people don't talk secretly, I won't go around the corner. What are you trying to do against our Changjiang Group?"

"What are you doing? What are you not doing? Didn't I tell you to correct your mistakes?"

"Is that the upstream and downstream of our enterprise is also to correct mistakes?"

"There are still actions in the stock market, and sweeping goods in the market, is it also to correct mistakes?"

Mr. Li was furious, but Jiang Xiaobai chuckled and said, "Isn't this your own fault? Do you not know what you did? If you don't know, I can tell you."

Mr. Li was a little speechless when he was yelled at. This is just a loss, and he couldn't speak loudly when arguing: "That didn't cause much loss to you. Is it so cruel?"

"Is there no mistake without causing losses? Mr. Li, if you say this again, I don't think we need to talk anymore, it's ridiculous." Jiang Xiaobai's voice became colder.

Mr. Li gritted his teeth and said, "We did something wrong in this matter. We can make some concessions in other places, or you can mention the conditions. There is no need to continue this stalemate. It won't do you any good."

Mr. Li is ready to go soft. Even if he pays a certain price, he has to make Jiang Xiaobai stop moving, not because he is afraid of Jiang Xiaobai.

But Jiang Xiaobai's excuse is good. Needless to say, he has no preparation at all. If the stalemate continues, in addition to the greater loss, there is no second possibility. Even if you are prepared, if you win, it will have too much impact and will be condemned by others. .

Jiang Xiaobai laughed immediately after hearing Mr. Li's words: "Okay, two billion dollars, I'll let you go."

"Don't go too far." When Mr. Li heard Jiang Xiaobai's words, he was so angry that he almost didn't vomit blood. Two billion US dollars, equivalent to more than ten billion Hong Kong dollars, Jiang Xiaobai dared to make such a request.

"Then don't need to talk about it. If you have the ability, you will die with me. I want to see how capable you are." Jiang Xiaobai hung up the phone after he finished speaking. He was just teasing Mr. Li.

It would be even better if Mr. Li could be hospitalized. After all, he was old. If Mr. Li was hospitalized, then Changjiang Group would have no more power to fight back.

On the other side of the Changjiang Group conference room, Mr. Li listened to the busy tone on the phone, slammed the phone to the ground, then covered his chest and gasped violently.

Li Da on the side of hurried over and supported Mr. Li: "Father, are you alright, what did Jiang Xiaobai say? Don't be angry, it's not worth it."

"Two billion dollars, this **** lion has a big mouth, and I want two billion dollars." Mr. Li gasped and said angrily, clutching his chest.

(end of this chapter)