Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 2420

Chapter 2420

Chapter 2420 Arrangement one by one

"Those who lack knowledge are more worried, those who lack authority are more angry, and those who lack trust are more talkative." Mr. Li's eyes swept over everyone, and then said slowly.

The meeting room slowly became quiet.

"The thing now is not to deal with Jiang Xiaobai, but to find a way to see how to stabilize our situation, whether it is to find a relationship or directly to the capital and let the top take action, we can't panic by ourselves. Now, you're in a mess."

Mr. Li founded Changjiang Group with one hand, just like Dinghai Shenzhen. If Mr. Li is not in chaos, the group will not be in chaos.

"The most important thing now is to collect all the situation of the mainland industry, and then solve it in a targeted manner. If the upstream and downstream industries are stuck, then change the upstream and downstream partners.

If there is no one willing to cooperate on the mainland, then we will find those willing to cooperate from Xiangjiang, and if not, we will find cooperation from the southeast, and the orders that need to be delivered will be delivered as soon as possible.

Otherwise, I will collect the evidence and use it in future lawsuits. I will also prepare a plan to deal with the public opinion turmoil that appears. If my guess is correct, it will not take long before reporters from Xiangjiang will appear. in my office. "

After Mr. Li finished speaking, a group of high-level executives nodded and were about to go to work, but Mr. Li stopped them.

"Also, take a look at the other industries of our group, is there any place where people can make a fuss, if there is, then keep an eye on it, and it must not happen again."

Mr. Li comforted everyone's emotions in a few words, and then began to make specific arrangements.

"Now the company has a special agency to deal with this crisis, Vice-Director Qiu is now preparing the team to lead the team to the mainland to prepare, and personally come forward to solve it.

Deputy Director Zhao, you sit on the side of Xiangjiang and are responsible for dealing with possible public opinion crises on the side of Xiangjiang, and at the same time contact other families in Xiangjiang to let them speak for us, and you can't let public opinion overwhelmingly press over us..."

Here, Mr. Li arranged it, and on the other side, Assistant Liu had already arrived at Zhang Jiang's house with two people from the public relations department.

No accident, there was no one in Zhang Jiang's house at all. Looking at Zhang's house with the door locked, Assistant Liu's face was very gloomy, and he quickly went to find out what was going on with the surrounding neighbors.

"I don't know, it seems that I took someone on a trip. Several cars came that day and picked up all the family members. To say that Xiao Zhang is still very powerful, two luxury cars came."

"Yeah, I heard that it was a trip abroad. The whole family went there. Mrs. Zhang raised a good son. I didn't have such a life. My Andy, it's not bad if you don't cause trouble for me."

"Who said no, my Ahao is not as good as yours..."

A few old ladies didn't know where they had abducted things, but Assistant Liu understood it.

All of Zhang Jiang's family left suddenly. Travel, travel is a shit, they didn't arrange it at all, so who arranged it.

Who else could he be apart from his opponent? At this time, Assistant Liu lost the last bit of luck in his heart.

He couldn't imagine how Mr. Li would treat himself if he knew this news. If he didn't have this selfishness at the time, he would not be able to find Zhang Jiang, so it would be no problem to arrange it in advance.

Don't have to wait until now to be so passive.

Assistant Liu thought that his body softened, and he almost didn't fall to the ground, that is, the two employees of the public relations department who accompanied him were quickly supported.

"Vice Director Qin, you are in charge of other industries of our group, you must keep an eye on it. At this time, you must not make any mistakes..."

Mr. Li was making arrangements when he saw his assistant standing at the door with a pale face and knocking on the door.

"Okay, that's all for now, you all go to prepare, collect the situation as soon as possible, several groups should report the situation to each other, and keep the mobile phone turned on 24 hours a day."

Mr. Li waved to the assistant, Assistant Liu leaned into Mr. Li's ear and whispered about Zhang Jiang.

Originally, Mr. Li had a slight smile on his face, but following Assistant Liu's words, the smile on his face quickly disappeared, and his face was still full of cold air, which made people feel the coldness at a glance.

"What did you say?" Mr. Li gritted his teeth and looked at his assistant, asking word by word.

"Mr. Li, I...I..." Assistant Liu's legs were shaking constantly. He could see his end. It would be good if he could stay. The reason why he didn't run away was because his family People can't run.

A group of high-level executives had already left, but they became worried when they saw this scene, and turned their heads to look at them.

Mr. Li waved his hand directly and told everyone to leave.

However, the change in Mr. Li's face and the almost limp appearance of Assistant Liu still cast a heavy shadow on the hearts of the departing Changjiang Group executives.

After everyone left, Mr. Li slapped Assistant Liu in the face with a slap in the face. Li Da, who was beside him, did not leave. After seeing this scene, he was shocked and walked over quickly.

He hasn't seen his father like this for many years. Needless to say, he beats people, and even scolding people is rare. It's just like what his father said.

Father's prestige is enough, whether in the group or in Xiangjiang, one look can make people scared, and every sentence makes many people guess, where does he need to rely on curses to maintain his majesty, which is scary.

This is even less of a hit. What kind of thing did Assistant Liu do to make his father so angry.

"Bastard, bastard." Mr. Li scolded again, and he said that he couldn't understand why Jiang Xiaobai was so aggressive. It turned out that Jiang Xiaobai had already obtained the evidence.

I clearly arranged it well, but because of this idiot, the whole thing has such a big loophole.

"Mr. Li, I'm wrong, I know I'm wrong, I'll accept whatever punishment you want. I beg you to spare my family." Assistant Liu thumped and knelt on the ground, his body trembling as he said.

Mr. Li didn't look at Assistant Liu again, and instructed the eldest son Li Da, who came over, "Find someone to look at him and talk about it later."

"Good father." Li Da nodded and waved his hand. Someone came in at the door and dragged Assistant Liu down. Assistant Liu kept begging for mercy, wanting to let Mr. Li let his family go, and then pay for it with his own life.

It's just that Mr. Li didn't even look at him at all, and the frost in his eyes had condensed into ice.

(end of this chapter)