Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 2369

Chapter 2369

Chapter 2369 Does it make sense?

Jiang Xiaobai pondered for a while and then looked at Lin Sheng and asked, "Tell me about the situation of these two companies in detail."

Lin Sheng nodded and began to introduce the situation to Jiang Xiaobai.

The oil company is going to be listed in Heungkong, and the petrochemical company is going to be listed on the stock exchanges of Heungkong, Tuyue and Lundun.

This has been made clear in Xiangjiang, and all the families who have reached a certain level have already known about it. The top management of Petrochemical has visited the Li family in Xiangjiang many times, hoping that the Li family can give certain support and buy certain shares.

And the price offered is not high, it is 1.6 Hong Kong dollars per share.

Not only did they visit the Li family, but some families also visited, but compared to other families, they valued the Li family the most, not other families.

"As of today, they have gone to the Li family twice, and the attitude of the Li family is still a bit swaying, but I think the Li family is playing hard to catch, and it is very likely that they will agree to the petrochemical's request next time."

Lin Sheng said, Jiang Xiaobai put the wine glass in his hand heavily on the table.

"Going on the pole to send money and making a three-look thatched cottage." Jiang Xiaobai's eyes were a bit gloomy.

For this spineless petrochemical company, and also for the Li family, generally speaking, the company's listed original shares are sure to make money, needless to say.

Not to mention a company like a petrochemical company, it can be said that as long as it gets the original shares, it is properly profitable.

As a result, he had to be eager to give money to others. When he was in China, it was a powerful monopoly, but in foreign countries, Jiang Xiaobai was a little ashamed.

As for the Li family, or even Mr. Li, Jiang Xiaobai is not too fond of him. Mr. Li has also done some things, but he is really greedy when it comes to greed for profits. How much land did you take in the country?

"This petrochemical company not only sought out the Li family, but also found foreign companies such as Exxon, Shell, and Yingshiyou. They are going to give up half of the outstanding shares, but they still haven't reached an agreement."

Lin Sheng continued, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't drink anymore, and hearing such news always made people feel angry.

"The shares for the Li family are 1.6 Hong Kong dollars per share, but the issue price was set at more than 4 yuan when preparing to go public, which is almost two and a half times higher..."

Many of the things that Lin Sheng said are confidential, including the price of the shares transferred and the price of the planned issuance.

This news is a secret even within the big family of Xiangjiang, but as long as it is revealed, it will not be covered in paper, and it will always be known. The only difference is who knows it.

"The oil company is in contact with Group B, and there may be a lot of tradable shares that may be given up..."

Jiang Xiaobai stayed at the Jianhua Hotel for three hours before finishing the meal, most of the time listening to Lin Sheng narrating the situation.

After coming out of the Jianhua Hotel, Jiang Xiaobai asked Lin Sheng to take someone to stay at the hotel first, and he had to think about it.

"Master, don't be too anxious to get angry, some things have already happened, and the two bases of oil and petrochemical are in the capital, some things still need to be considered more, after all, private enterprises and state-owned enterprises are still different, and

Lin Sheng rambled a lot. In fact, after the return of Xiangjiang in the past two years, he knew a lot about these things in the mainland.

Private and state-run, the issue between the two, he is also clear, saying these words is indeed worried about Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai also understood Lin Sheng's worries, nodded and patted Lin Sheng's shoulder: "I understand, don't worry, I will weigh it."

Lin Sheng wanted to say something, but he left in the end. Li Longquan thought Jiang Xiaobai was going home too, but Jiang Xiaobai shook his head, pointed to the Bund not far away, and said, "Let's go, take a walk."

Li Longquan nodded and followed, Jiang Xiaobai looked at the bright lights on the Bund, sighed softly and asked, "Longquan, do you think it makes sense for us to do these things?

In fact, sometimes thinking about it is really not worth it. "

When Jiang Xiaobai said this, he was a little disheartened. State-owned enterprises occupy a monopoly position in some industries. These state-owned assets are cheaper than foreign companies.

Yes, Jiang Xiaobai also understands that this is also a way to defend against foreign companies, that is to take the initiative to give up a part and let you participate in a part, but also to gain the support of international giants in some places.

This phenomenon not only exists now, but also in future generations. For example, those Internet companies, if they do not occupy a certain share of foreign capital, it is impossible to list abroad.

It is impossible to open up the market abroad, and people will set up various obstacles.

Several domestic Internet companies are controlled by foreign capital, and most of the money they make is taken away by foreign companies.

In fact, Jiang Xiaobai has nothing to despise with such an enterprise. After all, is it a private enterprise? For its own development, there is no choice but to do so with state-owned enterprises. Isn't this equivalent to doing this with state-owned assets? ?

It's no wonder that Jiang Xiaobai doesn't feel heartbroken. In fact, there is as much money as you want. Jiang Xiaobai really has no idea of competing for this part of the interests. Otherwise, with the scale of Huaqing Holding Group, long ago, in the oil industry It is not impossible to occupy a certain scale inside.

But now oil companies and petrochemical companies have gone too far for an overseas listing.

Li Longquan listened to Jiang Xiaobai's question and didn't know how to answer for a while. He was not good at these things, and he wouldn't think about so many things.

Of course, he also understood in his heart that Jiang Xiaobai's question was just complaining, and he didn't let himself answer, hoping that he could give some effective advice.

But he looked at the lonely expression on Jiang Xiaobai's face, but his heart trembled. For many years, no matter what kind of predicament Huaqing Holding Group encountered, he had never seen Jiang Xiaobai's expression like this. Now Jiang Xiaobai is like this, maybe he is in his heart. Really confused to a certain extent.

Li Longquan pondered for a while and said, "Jiang Dong, in fact, I think sometimes you don't need to put so much pressure on yourself. For some things, try your best to do as much as you can.

When you do it, you will feel at ease, but if you can't do it with your best efforts, there is no need to blame yourself, because this is not your own responsibility. "

(end of this chapter)