Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 2362

Chapter 2362

Chapter 2362 There is no fate

Who is Jiang Xiaobai? If there are too many people in the shopping mall for so many years, you might not notice it, but with just four people, who wink at each other, can Jiang Xiaobai not know that something is wrong?

So he took the initiative to ask: "Shuwen, is there something wrong?"

Jiang Shuwen felt that the words were on his lips, but he couldn't say anything, just shook his head.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't ask any further questions. He pondered for a while and asked, "By the way, how is the current efficiency of your Bole factory?"

To talk about what is going on at home at this point in time, Jiang Xiaobai feels that the biggest thing should be Jiang Shuwen's layoff.

As expected, Jiang Xiaobai asked, Jiang Shuwen hesitantly said: "We...we..."

"Is there something wrong with the factory, is it completely closed down now, or has it stopped working?" Jiang Xiaobai sighed and continued to ask.

"It's been more than half a year." Jiang Shuwen said honestly.

"Well." Jiang Xiaobai nodded but didn't ask any more, he put down his glass and pondered.

He knew what Tan Yaling winked just now. He probably wanted to talk about it. The factory has been shut down for so long, but the workers can't be idle all the time. They always have to find jobs again to make money.

Looking for a job is of course an easy task for Jiang Xiaobai. Although it is said that Jinling is not Jiang Xiaobai's base, the headquarters of Huaqing Electric is here, and Wang Chao's relationship with the local area is still very good.

The local people are also very optimistic about Huaqing Electric.

What's more, Jiang Xiaobai is also a shareholder of Jinling Hotel. In Jinling, it should be said that some people are still selling face.

In the system, no matter whether it is a state-owned enterprise, or a public institution, if you want to go to a private enterprise, it is even simpler.

The key is that Jiang Xiaobai is thinking about whether to let his parents stay in Jinling, and whether it is necessary to stay in Jinling.

It's not that Jinling is bad, the key is that he is in the magic capital. If Jiang Shuwen and Xiang Sasha are here all day, they will not see each other for a long time.

If you go to the magic capital, you can meet from time to time.

So thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai said directly: "Shuwen, Sasha, would you like to work in the magic capital? In the system, public institutions, state-owned enterprises, or private enterprises, foreign-funded enterprises, joint ventures, or do some business by yourself.

Anything will do. If you are willing to go, you can keep it at the house. I can arrange everything for the children to go to school. "

Jiang Xiaobai said, Jiang Shuwen and Xiang Shasha were both stunned. Going to the magic capital, the economic development of the magic capital is definitely better than that of Jinling, but they grew up in Jinling, got married, and their relatives are here, so it is hard to leave their homeland. !

And never thought about it.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Jiang Shuwen and Xiang Sasha with hesitant and embarrassed expressions. Immediately, I understood a bit, and continued: "Of course, if you want to stay in Jinling, I can help you solve these problems, and the same is true."

After saying this, Jiang Xiaobai's heart sank. If it was correct, the couple would definitely want to stay in Jinling.

As expected by Jiang Xiaobai, the two of them didn't discuss it, they looked at each other and understood what the other was thinking, and said in unison, "I want to stay in Jinling."

Jiang Xiaobai sighed in his heart, this choice was beyond his expectations at all, if it was possible, not for a livelihood, who would want to leave their hometown.

Many children go abroad when they become adults, but their parents stay in their hometown all the time because this is their hometown, a place to live for a lifetime, with relatives and friends, familiar accents, unchangeable hometown accents, and reluctance to part with their homeland.

None of the children can change the decision of their parents, let alone themselves, a nominal outsider.

Although I am close to my parents in my heart, Jiang Shuwen and Xiang Sasha don't know that, in their eyes they may be a good friend or something!

Although Jiang Xiaobai felt a little uncomfortable, he still nodded: "Okay, then it's in Jinling, you can come to the magic capital if you have time, and then I will accompany you to have a good time."

"Thank you Xiaobai, we..." Jiang Shuwen felt a little guilty. He could see that Jiang Xiaobai wanted his couple to go to the magic capital, but home is here, no matter how good the magic capital is, it is not home to him.

If you don't choose to make a living, you may still be willing to go, but if you have a choice, who would be willing to go out.

"It's alright, no need to thank you, look back and think about which unit you want to go to. After thinking about it, tell me, I'll do it for you, and Sasha is the same, you can change a unit if you want." Jiang Xiaobai was a little disillusioned. said.

waved to Sasha again and again: "I don't need it, just arrange the writing. My job is pretty good, so I don't need to change it."

Jiang Xiaobai added: "Also, we live in Changxing, and we also have real estate in Jinling, which happens to be discounted. I still have two sets in hand, and I will give you one to live in..."

"This..." Just as Xiang Shasha and Jiang Shuwen were about to refuse, they were interrupted by Jiang Xiaobai: "Don't refuse, just treat it as Jiang Shu's birth and I will honor it."

After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, he drank the wine glass and drank it again. He had no intention of discussing with Jiang Shuwen or Sasha at all. It was just a house, which was nothing to Jiang Xiaobai.

If you know that these two couples don't want money, it is impossible to give tens of millions of dollars directly.

But since the two of them are unwilling to go to the magic capital, let them live a better and more comfortable life here in Jinling.

Destiny in the past life, but in this life there is no fate.

Jiang Xiaobai drank cup by cup, although the wine was good, but the spirits entered the intestines, but he was even more worried.

Jiang Shuwen and Xiang Shasha couldn't understand Jiang Xiaobai's emotional changes, but it was obvious that Jiang Xiaobai was in a bad mood.

Jiang Xiaobai hasn't drank too much for a long time, but he drank a lot at noon. After the end, Jiang Shuwen and Xiang Shasha asked Jiang Xiaobai to rest at home, Jiang Xiaobai agreed without hesitation.

In his parents' bedroom, he slept comfortably on the bed for an afternoon. When it got dark, Jiang Xiaobai woke up.

took Jiang Shuwen, Xiang Shasha and Tan Yaling to Jinling Hotel for dinner in the evening.

"I'm going back tomorrow. You can call me directly when you want to go to work, and I'll arrange it." After dinner in the evening, Jiang Xiaobai said when Jiang Shuwen and Xiang Sasha went out.

(end of this chapter)