Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 2199

Chapter 2199

Chapter 2199 Three hundred million

Jiang Xiaobai has been drinking a lot of tea now, and he is also good at the craft of making tea. I don't want to say how the other tastes are, but the tea is still flowing, and at least the ornamental value is very high.

Jiang Xiaobai watched Teacher Ma, who was a little tangled and hesitant, while making tea. In the blink of an eye, this guy's eyes were full of determination.

Actually, after counting the time, it is time for Mr. Ma to create that company. This is a truly nationally-renowned company, and that is why Mr. Ma was later called Dad.

Someone once said that after rebirth, you don't have to do anything, go to Qiantang City to find a man surnamed Ma who is struggling to make friends with him, and go to Yangcheng to make friends with another man surnamed Ma.

As long as you make friends with these two people. Then you will be able to enjoy financial freedom without doing anything in your life.

It's a pity that Jiang Xiaobai was reborn a little early. If he expects to make friends with these two, it is estimated that these two will be able to be reluctant when they reach middle age. When these two reach their peak, then they will be fifty. How old are you.

Having money is a rubbish. At that time, you will have more than your heart but not enough power.

Since there is no way to hold someone else's thigh, you can only make yourself a thigh.

As for the two surnamed Ma, as Jiang Xiaobai's career grew bigger and bigger, he didn't deliberately seek it out. If he had fate, it was not impossible to help them, and it didn't matter if he missed it if he didn't have fate.

I have already taken the initiative for a long time, and it is not impossible to even say that it is impossible for these two to cut off Hu, and it is impossible for a person to be brilliant from the 1980s to the 21st world.

It's just that Jiang Xiaobai doesn't have the energy to do such a thing now. It's not necessary to **** the opportunities of domestic companies whether they can help or help them. Also, be careful not to let foreign countries take too much advantage. This is also yourself. things to do.

It was fate to meet Mr. Ma, and he expected Mr. Ma to come.

"Jiang Dong, I want to ask your opinion on e-commerce?" Teacher Ma asked solemnly.

Now, the hottest ones in the domestic Internet industry are all news and portal websites, and e-commerce is still undervalued. Compared with the hot portals, the potential can already be seen, and some people appreciate it.

Now doing e-commerce, I always find it a bit ridiculous, after all, the current society seems to have no conditions for e-commerce at all.

This is also the reason why Mr. Ma is a little unconfident. Jiang Xiaobai is optimistic about the Internet industry, but portals are the mainstream now.

Jiang Xiaobai pondered for a while and said: "My view is that there are no taboos, you can try it, the Internet is a subversive thing, if you want to say that it can change all aspects of people's lives in the future, I don't think it can be done by a portal website alone.

It is very likely that e-commerce is still required, or that e-commerce is possible to do this. "

Teacher Ma's eyes lit up again.

"Jiang Dong, I am going to do e-commerce. After the Chinese New Year, it will be in my hometown, Qiantang City." Teacher Ma simply expressed his thoughts.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "Okay, let's do it, how much does it cost? You know that our company has a quota of 300 million this year, and we still haven't spent a penny. Not to mention that I am optimistic about this e-commerce, but I am not optimistic. To support you, you are a very thoughtful person."


"What? All three hundred million, that's no problem." Jiang Xiaobai looked at Teacher Ma and said with a half-smile.

Of course he knew that Mr. Ma couldn't use 300 million yuan. Mr. Ma didn't have such a big appetite right now, even if he was given 300 million yuan, he wouldn't dare to ask for it.

"No, no." Teacher Ma shook his head again and again, mainly because he had too little money, and the investment he wanted with Jiang Xiaobai didn't cost much.

When Jiang Xiaobai opened his mouth, it was 300 million yuan, and he was too embarrassed to say it.

And he also saw that Jiang Xiaobai was really ready to invest real money in the Internet industry, otherwise he wouldn't say it, he just said the word e-commerce and invested in himself.

Even what to do and what project plans to invest in without asking.

"I want 1 million, what do you think of giving you 30% of the shares? I am going to invest 500,000 and the registered capital is 1.5 million." Teacher Ma said.

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head: "Too little."

Mr. Ma's eyes are a little gloomy, one million, and 30% of the shares are indeed a bit small, but he is unwilling to take out any more shares, because this is just the beginning, if more shares are given, it will be too difficult to raise financing in the future .

"Then 35% of the shares?" Teacher Ma said through gritted teeth.

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head and said with a smile: "You misunderstood, I'm not saying that the 30% stake is less, but the money you ask for is too little.

1.5 million is enough. The current e-commerce prospects are not yet obvious. It may not be seen in a few years. The next investment is still in the future. Your company's employees, and you are all need money.

Let's do it, I'll raise the price for you, 10 million, just give me 10% of the shares, work hard, and tell me later if you're short of money. "

Mr. Ma looked at Jiang Xiaobai. Jiang Xiaobai was a little younger than himself. Mr. Ma had big ambitions in his heart. He had always been very arrogant in his heart, but at this moment he was convinced.

I am convinced of Jiang Xiaobai and understand why Jiang Xiaobai is recognized by so many business colleagues.

10 million is just a symbolic request for 10% of his shares. This is equivalent to a company that has not yet been founded, and the market value is directly 100 million. Whoever invests in the future will give less than Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai really doesn't care about money, and his broad-mindedness is unprecedented. Although in his imagination, the future market value of his company is definitely more than 100 million yuan, but it does not mean that he feels that he is a company that has not yet been established. It's worth a million.

Jiang Xiaobai's request for this 10% stake is symbolic, but he feels unreasonable to give himself money for nothing. He said at the meeting that Internet companies are the possibility of allowing domestic companies to overtake in corners in the future.

So you have to use money to support it. He said so, and he did it.

"Jiang Dong, I don't want that much." Teacher Ma was deeply moved for a while, and felt that his nose was a little sore. This trip to Jiang Xiaobai was right.

Jiang Xiaobai is really not an ordinary person, this is a person worthy of respect, and the title of business godfather is well-deserved.

(end of this chapter)