Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 2193

Chapter 2193

Chapter 2193 Criticism

Jiang Xiaobai did not stop for his ingenious opening remarks, but continued: "Many of these Confucian businessmen believe in a saying that they can get rid of the pain of being human by turning themselves into beasts.

They are wandering in the hottest gray industry, in the most violent industry, and they are dishonest and unscrupulous in business and have no business ethics. I would say that these new Confucian businessmen are intellectuals and hooligans. . "

This is the first time Jiang Xiaobai has shown his inclination at the Oriental Conference, which made everyone in the conference room a little shocked.

The group of new Confucian businessmen is still well-known in the society. Even among these people present, many people have contacts with these new Confucian businessmen, and think that the new Confucian businessmen are still good.

But Jiang Xiaobai's words are very strict now. The words "shameless" and "no business ethics" are already serious to a certain extent, and there are intellectuals and hooligans behind.

"Today is the day of the meeting. First of all, let me say that our Eastern Conference will not allow such new Confucian businessmen to mix in. If anyone thinks he is a new Confucian businessman, please quit the Eastern Conference.

Don't ruin the reputation of our Oriental Association because of one person, and make people think that our Oriental Association is a group of rogues dressed in moral knowledge and culture. This is the Oriental Association, not a rogue gathering. "

Jiang Xiaobai sat down after speaking in one breath. The host Liu Yonghao was supposed to speak next, but the whole conference room was quiet. Everyone was digesting what Jiang Xiaobai said about the new Confucian businessman. For a while, it was Liu Yonghao. None of them responded.

The conference room was quiet for five minutes, Liu Yonghao remembered that he should be the host and started to preside over the meeting, but he opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

Normally, the topic of the first meeting should be discussed at this time, but now let Jiang Xiaobai say this, they don't know what to say, or what to say.

Liu took a long time to speak: "Jiang Dong is right, this group of new Confucian businessmen is indeed unscrupulous in doing things, and only cares about interests. Such people should indeed be spurned by others..."

Needless to say, what Jiang Xiaobai doesn't like, not to mention the people from the Oriental Club, at least they hope that the group will support them, because they have long been bound to the Huaqing Holding Group.

"I agree with Jiang Dong's statement. I want to say one thing. When doing business in China, when we make money, we should also take on more social responsibilities. The so-called ability means greater responsibility, not through national development. It's a good time to be opportunistic and shameless to make some unconscionable money. Director Lu continued.

Jiang Xiaobai's words are very appetizing to him. The entrepreneurs who have grown up in their generation still keep the word entrepreneur in their hearts. When they experienced that hardship, they are grateful for being able to be today.

But these new Confucian businessmen are not. They have knowledge and culture, and they can be said to be lucky, but they do not do human affairs. Except for making money by opportunism, they walk on the edge of the law and do nothing serious.

Although what Jiang Xiaobai said was a little overgeneralized, he couldn't have wronged a few. There was no problem with this map.

"Yes, just like what Jiang Dong said, many real estate people claim to be Confucian businessmen, what kind of Confucian businessmen, they are just mud legs who build houses. The first thing to do in real estate is to be worthy of customers and build a good house. This is It is related to the issue of people's clothing, food, shelter and transportation.

Instead of looking for gray areas in the process, looking for huge profit opportunities and exploiting legal loopholes. "

Wang Shi also opened his mouth. He used to claim to be a Confucian businessman, but now he is completely separated from the Confucian businessman. After all, he just said that with words. A project is controlled between 30% and 50%.

If the profit is too high, he will not do it, because it becomes a pure capital operation, and he knows that he is not qualified for capital operation.

What kind of capital operation he wants to play with his own funds is purely courting death. If Jiang Xiaobai's funds are similar.

People have tens of billions of dollars and a pile of funds behind them. They can arbitrarily engage in a country's financial system, but he still can't play.

With Jiang Xiaobai around, one can become humble and cautious.

It was a good meeting, but Jiang Xiaobai turned it into a criticism meeting against the group of new Confucian businessmen, one after another, whether it was sincere or not, at least at this time, they showed that they spurned the new Confucian businessmen. of this group.

and made a break with the new Confucian business community, one by one are denouncing it.

After everyone was cast aside, Jiang Xiaobai made a concluding speech: "Everyone, the principle of our Oriental Association is to help each other and communicate with each other, in order to enable the domestic economy to develop better and faster, but there is one more thing, we are equal. The principle of helping each other is that this enterprise has a sense of social responsibility.

It doesn't matter if you are not a person who is greedy for profit. If you join the Oriental Association, then one party will be in trouble and all parties will support you, the capital chain will be broken, and you have no personal connections. It doesn't matter, but the only thing is that you can't do things that go against business ethics.

This one, Mr. Liu, must be written into our agreement. If anyone does such a thing, then not only will everyone not help you, but they will even spurn you. "

Liu Yonghao nodded, knowing that Jiang Xiaobai was serious. At the beginning, the scale of the Dongfang Club was not large. A few friends, everyone knew each other well and understood each other's people. It didn't matter whether they made such an agreement or not.

But now the Eastern Association has a large scale and a lot of people. Just like a company, it is not appropriate to use the rule of man to manage the Eastern Association at this time. Only the rule of law can be used to restrain the members of the Eastern Association through rules and regulations.

Let them understand what they can do and what they can't do. Although it's just a private party, Jiang Xiaobai doesn't want this private party to change in the future. It has really become a platform for a group of flies and dogs to exchange interests, but to become a A real platform for mutual help.

"I hope that our Oriental Club can go further, and I also hope that our members of the Oriental Club can take on more social responsibility when making money. I hope that every member of our Oriental Club will have a bright future."

Jiang Xiaobai announced that the meeting was over after he finished speaking. It was already noon, and the morning meeting was over.

Everyone filed out behind Jiang Xiaobai and walked towards the restaurant.

(end of this chapter)