Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 216

Chapter 216

Chapter 216 Project Progress

In the morning of the next day, teacher Ma introduced Jiang Xiaobai to the whole class.

There are empty seats behind , so Jiang Xiaobai can get to the empty seats behind.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't care. In the angry eyes of the head teacher, he took the rag and wiped it three times before sitting down.

The teacher started the class, Jiang Xiaobai lay on the table, looking at the review materials in his hand.

In fact, the college entrance examinations in the past few years are very simple, so simple that later generations of junior high school students will almost be able to enter the university.

Language test papers are almost able to get full marks.

The main reason is that most of the students work at home without systematic learning.

Unlike later generations, starting from elementary school, there are various make-up classes, study classes, and interest classes. You need to pull the suitcase to go to and from school.

It can be said that the college entrance examination questions are getting more difficult year by year.

The teacher's lecture is aimed at most people. Jiang Xiaobai did not listen, so he learned his own.

Of course, the college entrance examination was about to come. Jiang Xiaobai turned around. The teachers did not expect him to keep up with the review progress, and thought that Jiang Xiaobai was making up the original course.

Time passed day by day, and it was the weekend in a blink of an eye.

Jiang Xiaobai was packing things in the house, preparing to return to Jianhua Village.

This week, he did not have much contact with classmates in any class. He returned to his dormitory after class, and food was delivered by someone.

But Li Beibei and Zhang Lanfang, the two little girls, were acquainted with Jiang Xiaobai because Jiang Xiaobai called them over for dinner all day long.

Jiang Xiaobai's windows were replaced with glass, and the lights in the house were also connected.

"Uncle Bai, are you finished packing things?" Li Beibei opened the door and walked in.

"It's finished,"

"Do you want to wash this clothes when you go back?" Li Beibei asked directly from the package on Jiang Xiaobai's bed.

"Well, go back and wash it." Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said, in fact, he has basically never washed his clothes.

Every time it was the canteen Li Laosan's affection, Aunt Liu took it for him to wash when he cleaned up the house.

"You don't need to take it back, you give it to me, and I will wash it for you." Li Beibei took the package up as he said.

"No need, no need." Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly stopped.

"It's okay, Uncle Bai, just two pieces of clothes, just by the way." Li Beibei couldn't help but snatched it. As long as she has time at home, she can cook and wash her clothes.

Needless to say, the relationship between her father and Jiang Xiaobai was that she had been eating and drinking with Jiang Xiaobai this week, and she couldn't make it easy if she didn't help Jiang Xiaobai with some work.

"I..." Jiang Xiaobai looked at the figure of Li Beibei who was leaving with his clothes, and opened his mouth without speaking.

"It's okay, Uncle Bai, we will wrap up your dirty clothes in the future. We will do it all day long at home. When we used to raise pigs for the production team, we used to go up the mountain to collect hogweed. "

"We will eat with you every day, and if we don't do some work, we will not feel good about it." Zhang Lanfang on the side also said.

Sensible, Jiang Xiaobai sighed and said, What's the meal? Anyway, I can't eat it alone. By the way, I'm going back to the factory this weekend. There's something wrong with the homework assigned by the teacher...

"That homework is silent writing and practice questions." Zhang Lanfang did not understand Jiang Xiaobai's meaning, and thought that Jiang Xiaobai had forgotten what the homework was?

"Oh, I know." Jiang Xiaobai was a little speechless, can't you hear it? Help me with my homework, is it so obvious with what I said?

Don't you talk about eating and doing some work? Do homework.

It is still Jiang Xiaobai riding a bicycle to bring Zhang Lanfang and Li Beibei back to the village.

"Go home, and wait for the weekend afternoon to find me." At the gate of the educated youth cannery, Jiang Xiaobai said goodbye to the two.

Although it is said that it is a two-day holiday on weekends, I usually go to school on Sunday afternoon.

"Director, I'm back,"


"The director is back." Jiang Xiaobai returned to his office with a smile, put his things down, and went to the pig farm address behind the village.

Sure enough, Professor Zhang was busy working on the construction site. One week later, there were new changes on the construction site.

The approximate shape of the fish pond has come out, and the place where the emperor bamboo grass is planted next to it is almost flat.

The foundation of the pig farm has also been laid, and the road from the pig farm to the village entrance is also being repaired by villagers.

"I'm back." Professor Zhang saw Jiang Xiaobai coming back from the construction site.

"Well, it's okay? What about the third child, why didn't you see it." Jiang Xiaobai asked.

"He and Xiao Liu went to other provinces. I have a friend who has the seeds of the emperor bamboo grass you said, so he went to get the seeds. Originally I said that Xiao Liu could go by himself, but he was worried, and followed Xiao Liu. ."

Professor Zhang said.

"Yes, just follow along, Xiao Liu really doesn't make people feel relieved." Jiang Xiaobai nodded, agreeing with Professor Zhang's opinion.

Liu Jian is really not reassuring. It was basically an accident to be able to come to Jianhua Village from the capital. If it wasn't for Jiang Xiaobai to let the truck from the factory go to the county to pick up the villagers and he ran into him, maybe it was somewhere?

Let him get seeds, it's not bad that people can come back without losing.

"How is the progress of the pig farm? When will it be completed?" Jiang Xiaobai continued to ask.

"It's March now, about the end of June," Professor Zhang said.

"At the end of June, if the distribution speed is fast, the first batch of raw pork tenderloin in front of you can be released."

Jiang Xiaobai muttered, thinking that the time for pigs to go out of slaughter is usually May or June.

This period of time is the rapid growth period of the piglets. After this time, the weight gain of the piglets will slow down, and it is not cost-effective to continue to raise them.

In the afternoon, Jiang Xiaobai did not go anywhere else, but stared at the construction site with Professor Zhang.

Early the next morning, Jiang Xiaobai took the car to the garment factory's construction site. The progress on the garment factory's construction site was much faster than the pig farm.

About half of the overall structure, but the structure of the garment factory is much more complicated than that of the pig farm. The estimated progress of the completion of the project is also around June or July.

Shi Sheng and Section Chief Liu stared at the construction site, eating at the cafeteria next to the prison at noon.

The food in the prison cafeteria is still very good. After a few drinks, Jiang Xiaobai went to bed in the afternoon when he returned to the educated youth cannery in the car.

Song Weiguo's business license has not yet been issued, and the pig farm and clothing factory are almost the same. The educated youth cannery still has to provide several certificates and materials.

(End of this chapter)