Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 2143

Chapter 2143

Chapter 2143 Speak freely

In the afternoon of the same day, in the large conference room of Huaqing Holding Group, Huaqing Building, the venue began to be arranged at 12:30, and by one o'clock, people began to enter the venue one after another.

Although it is said that the notified meeting time is two o'clock in the afternoon, the meeting chaired by Jiang Dong would rather arrive early than late.

Otherwise, I will shut the door for you, and you won't be able to say anything.

This is not Mr. Zhang. It is not that they disrespect Zhang Weiyi. It is mainly a person and character. Jiang Xiaobai has a bad temper. Everyone knows that, plus Jiang Xiaobai's unique character, who is not afraid.

As a senior leader, more or less have some understanding of Jiang Xiaobai.

I would rather come over early to sleep on the conference table than be late.

If it's late, it's not good.

The huge meeting room, the oval-shaped table was already full of people. When Jiang Xiaobai walked in, everyone got up and stood up to say hello.

"Okay, let's sit down, are everyone here?" Jiang Xiaobai's eyes swept across everyone, but the company was on business trips outside, and he didn't know who he was.

However, Chu Beiping, Wang Chao, Li Jingwei and others have all arrived, and Song Xin has also arrived, but I don't know when they will come back from Xiangjiang, and there is still time to come to the meeting.

"Jiang Dong, all the senior executives in the magic city are all here. There are 35 people in total. Together with Mr. Li who is present at the meeting, they are all here and the meeting can be held." Zhang Weiyi said.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded and coughed lightly, and after attracting everyone's attention, he said, I haven't held this kind of meeting for everyone for a while. Although today I said that the number of people is a little bit incomplete, that's it. The company is now getting bigger and bigger.

There are more and more things, everyone is busy, very hard, thank you all. "

"Papa." There was applause in the conference room, and everyone was relieved. As long as Jiang Xiaobai was not in the meeting today, it was fine.

It doesn't look like something is wrong with the company, it doesn't matter if something is wrong.

"That's it. Today I gathered everyone for a meeting because of something. I want to discuss with you. Wang Chao, you can introduce the situation to everyone." Jiang Xiaobai said.

This happened because of Wang Chao, and of course Wang Chao's introduction should be started.

Wang Chao nodded, and recounted the process from seeing Yaohan to contacting Yaohan. Finally, he said all the requirements of Yaohan.

After Wang Chao finished speaking, everyone in the conference room was already talking about it. At the beginning, they did not understand. After all, the acquisition plan of Huaqing Electrical Appliances is not trivial, but it is not enough for Jiang Xiaobai to mobilize the public. The meeting, and the meeting in such a hurry, it is not enough.

In the past two years, the company has made many acquisitions. Although it is said to be acquiring foreign companies, it is only dozens of stores. What's the big deal. Generally speaking, as long as Jiang Xiaobai and Zhang Weiyi discuss this situation, they will decide to do it. Up.

After finishing the process, Huaqing Holding Group can report it on the internal report document.

Isn't this a thing?

But later, I heard Wang Chao talked about Yaohan's request for the sale of more than 400 stores around the world. This is how everyone realized what was the purpose of coming to this meeting today.

This is to consider Yaohan's request.

This one is the acquisition of more than a dozen stores, and the other is the acquisition of more than 400 stores and channels around the world, including some industries. This quantitative change triggers a qualitative change.

This Yaohan was so famous back then. Although it was said that it had closed down due to poor management, it was still a multinational company after all. It was not a cat or dog. If it was an acquisition, it would not be a trivial matter.

After Wang Chao finished speaking, he sat down, Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand, and the secretary took some materials from Yaohan Company and sent it down.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't rush to speak, waiting for everyone to digest the news.

Ten minutes passed, the meeting room was still noisy, Jiang Xiaobai knocked on the table.

The meeting room began to quiet down slowly.

"Well, that's the way it is. For Yaohan's hope that we can acquire all of the news, Mr. Zhang and I have studied it and thought we can get in touch with it. What do you think, everyone can speak freely and talk about their own ideas, of course Now, it must be justified."

Jiang Xiaobai said.

Everyone in the meeting room suddenly spoke. Although they said that they hadn't finished reading this information, they had some understanding of Yaohan at the time.

So it is justified.

The other side is in a teahouse near the Huaqing Building, and the two men are communicating in Japanese.

"Huaqing Holding Group seems to be holding a high-level meeting this afternoon."

"Yes, there is a high-level meeting at this time. It seems that our headquarters' judgment is correct. The Huaqing Holding Group is indeed interested in our company.

This other person doesn't have the guts, Jiang Xiaobai absolutely dare, the headquarters' judgment is correct. "

"Well, I will report back the situation here in a while and see what the company will do next."

The two Taiheren talked and started to call back.

In the conference room of the Huaqing Holding Group on the other side, everyone was still discussing, most of them agreed to the acquisition, especially after Jiang Xiaobai proposed the strategic plan for the supermarket, the acquisition is not a waste.

Not only serves Huaqing Electric, it is good for the company's overall strategic plan, so many people agree.

But there are also some people who want to investigate and investigate again, and then make this decision later.

There are also some people who hold objections. They think that Yaohan should not be acquired. The company just wants to implement the strategic plan of the supermarket, and it should be done slowly. Slowly, it will acquire so many stores in one go. I'm afraid it will cause indigestion.

Jiang Xiaobai did not interrupt them and gave them enough time to talk.

"I don't think so. If Yaohan is acquired, then our supermarket plan is to stand on the shoulders of giants. Their channels and technologies include service concepts and corporate culture. This is the fastest way..."

"I think so too. The acquisition can be tried. If Yaohan is really suitable, it should be acquired to supplement our company's strategic plan. This is very helpful for promoting our company to become a multinational company..."

(End of this chapter)