Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 2131

Chapter 2131

Chapter 2131 is so random

Zhao Xinyi was leaving the next day. In the evening, Song Xin came over after getting the news, and chatted with Zhao Xinyi for a while.

The next morning, Jiang Xiaobai sent Zhao Xinyi and others to the airport before returning to Lixin Development Company.

When Jiang Xiaobai arrived, everyone was already discussing it, but the situation was the same as yesterday. Basically, they had their own opinions. Jiang Xiaobai's mouth twitched. It seems that they didn't hear what he said at the end of the meeting yesterday. .

Thinking about this kind of thing in another way, these big beards simply don't know how to behave.

It was another boring morning. Jiang Xiaobai received the news that Zhao Xinyi had disembarked from the magic city, and went to kindergarten as soon as she got off the plane. After Zhao Xinyi saw her daughter, she said that her daughter Jiang Xin was crying.

And crying screaming, very pitiful, I went to kindergarten without saying anything, and left my parents, I didn't see them for several days.

After Jiang Xiaobai heard that the girl was crying, he felt distressed immediately. He wished that he would fly back to the magic city at this time, hug the girl and coax her.

Looking up, this group of bearded people was still arguing, really, it was this group of people who delayed themselves from going back to see their daughters, arguing and arguing, and there was no end.

Jiang Xiaobai put away the phone, then looked at the crowd, coughed lightly, knocked on the table, and the meeting room suddenly became quiet.

Jiang Xiaobai's gaze swept away from everyone, and then he said: "Okay, I think everyone's discussion is about the same, so let's vote with a show of hands, and there is no point in arguing.

Now there are so many people in our conference room. Everyone is considered a vote. We will vote anonymously. Lin Sheng will now prepare and distribute the votes to everyone. Plan a is an office building and plan b is a five-star hotel. Now everyone is ready to vote. "

Jiang Xiaobai talked about everyone in the conference room, except for Lin Sheng who was prepared, everyone was shocked.

Voting to decide, my God, and it's still anonymous for everyone, one person, one vote, this is completely beyond their control, and things are completely out of control at this moment. If you vote clearly. A vote by show of hands is definitely someone from your company who chooses with them.

But now it's anonymity. It is not allowed that someone in the company tends to other plans. By then, the result of this vote will really be uncontrollable.

Lin Sheng stood up, waved a few staff members, and immediately came in, holding the ballot and began to distribute.

"What?" With this ballot, the people on Morgan and Citi are a little confused. The ballot is printed out, so you can just tick it. Obviously, you have been prepared for it a long time ago.

"Okay, let's start the election when you get the votes. This is a fair and just choice. Don't worry too much, just choose the plan you want in your heart." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Everyone looked different and began to fill in the ballots. Jiang Xiaobai also filled in the ballot that belonged to him, and then began to sing the votes under the supervision of several parties.

The final result came out very quickly, and the result of the voting was that the office building plan had the upper hand.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the results of the voting and said with a smile: "Okay, now the results have come out. This result is selected by everyone, so everyone should be convinced that there is no opinion, then this plan is finalized."

Jiang Xiaobai patted his hand on plan A on the blackboard.

"The office building, the renovation of the office building plan, the meeting ends." After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, he turned and walked toward the outside of the meeting room.

Lin Sheng and others stood up and followed behind, and Mr. Huang and others also left. They were used to Jiang Xiaobai's whimsical ideas and had a certain amount of preparation in mind. The voting was considered good, without Jiang Xiaobai directly. Make a decision.

To tell the truth, they have taken care of their emotions. Otherwise, where is there such a good thing, vote.

They are busy here, and the bearded people on the other side are still a little confused. What kind of situation is this? It is decided like this. Is it a bit of a joke? The main reason is that everyone participates in the voting, rather than a few of their leaders. vote.

What do the employees below know, what kind of voting they participate in, several leaders have the same idea, but they can't say it in front of their employees.

In any case, the plan was decided like this. Although it seems to be a little tricky for Morgan and Citi, things are considered formal. I have to say that Morgan and Citibank are still very helpful to the transformation of the project. of.

Many of the proposals and opinions put forward by them are helpful to the renovation plan of the office building, and they have also collected many cases of office building renovation abroad.

Jiang Xiaobai returned to the magic city half a month later, the renovation of the office building has also begun, and bidding projects and the like have been confirmed.

The first time Jiang Xiaobai returned to the magic city was also to visit her daughter Jiang Xin in the kindergarten.

"Dad, Dad." After Jiang Xin saw Jiang Xiaobai, he immediately ran into Jiang Xiaobai's arms with small steps.

"Did you see what gift Dad brought you?" Jiang Xiaobai smiled and took out a doll from his bag.

"Doll." Jiang Xin exclaimed excitedly.

"Yes, do you like it or not, come and kiss my dad." Jiang Xiaobai asked with a smile.

"Like it." Jiang Xin yelled milkily, and then kissed Jiang Xiaobai's face.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai felt as if all his fatigue was gone.

At the moment when he hugged the girl, Jiang Xiaobai put everything down, and wanted to hold the little guy in his arms forever.

"Go, let's pick up brother." Jiang Xiaobai stood up holding her daughter and walked towards the car.

Jiang Xiaobai hugged her daughter along the way. When he arrived at the gate of Jiang Langlang's school, Jiang Langlang was over from school, and he was arguing with a few classmates to the door.

"Son." Jiang Xiaobai shouted.

Jiang Langlang didn't care, and was still talking to his classmates.

Jiang Xiaobai was a little speechless, what did this kid do with ears.

"Son." Jiang Xiaobai walked over and picked up Jiang Langlang.

"Dad, are you back?" Jiang Langlang only noticed Jiang Xiaobai at this time, and was very excited.

"You didn't hear what I called just now." Jiang Xiaobai teased his son.

"Say what?"

"Call your son."

"I heard it, but I don't know who called it. So many boys are sons. How do I know which one is calling." Jiang Langlang said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)