Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 2129

Chapter 2129

Chapter 2129 Show of hands to vote

"I think the renovation plan of a five-star hotel is more appropriate. There are two main points. The first is the reason for maintaining value. If a hotel brand is operated, it is only part of the value of the brand.

This is not possible in office buildings, and the use of office buildings has a time limit. When the time limit is reached, the value of office buildings will fall. From this point, you should also choose office buildings.

The other reason is the hotel......"

"No, I am on the contrary, thinking that we..."

The crowd in the entire conference room became a quarrel, each clinging to their own opinions. In fact, Jiang Xiaobai is inclined to the renovation plan of the office building. After all, the plan of the office building was prepared from the beginning.

In the beginning, the hotel was just an alternative plan, but as everyone said, Jiang Xiaobai was also a little shaken.

Of course, there is no problem with either of these two programs, and both can make money, but the key is which one is more suitable and a more advantageous choice.

There is Lixin Company, as well as Bloomberg, Morgan Bank, and Citibank. All these huge sums of funds are gathered together. If you can't even do this and you have to lose money, that's a joke.

However, Jiang Xiaobai looked at that it was basically impossible to finalize the plan today. At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai's phone rang, and Jiang Xiaobai simply got up and went out to answer the phone.

"Hey, Xinyi, what's the matter?"

"I signed the contract here, Zheng always said that you arrange it at night?" Zhao Xinyi asked.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said: "Yes, I arranged. I have already booked a place, but it still takes a little time. You can wait a little bit." Jiang Xiaobai said, and reported the name of the restaurant, let Zhao Xinyi go there first.

"Okay, I see." Zhao Xinyi nodded.

After hanging up the phone, he looked at Zheng Zhengyang and said, Mr. Zheng, Xiaobai still needs some time. He is still at Lixin Development Company. Let's go to the restaurant first. I'm sorry.

"It's okay, it's okay, Mr. Jiang is busy with major events, understandable, then let's go first." Zheng Zhengyang said with a smile.

It was only five o'clock, and when Jiang Xiaobai called in the morning, it was six thirty-half. Now that he is already busy, I can't ask others to also make an appointment in advance.

For Zhao Xinyi, Jiang Xiaobai is her husband, and she and Jiang Xiaobai are equal, and feel embarrassed that Jiang Xiaobai has something to do.

But for Zheng Zhengyang, he understood too much. People like Jiang Xiaobai must have a very full schedule. It is already very good to be able to spare time to arrange a dinner for the night. It is basically impossible to advance.

So he understands it very well.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Xiaobai returned to the conference room. No one could convince anyone in it. Everyone was still arguing, and Jiang Xiaobai was listening.

Wait until the time was almost up, Jiang Xiaobai got up and announced the end of the meeting.

"Let's come here today. Everyone, go back to rest and change your mind. Tomorrow morning you have to discuss a final result. In fact, it is nothing more than seeking common ground while reserving differences.

There is no big problem. I have also listened to everyone discussing these two plans. Both plans have their own advantages. You can also think about it in another way, so let's do it. "After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, he got up and left.

Lin Sheng followed Jiang Xiaobai, who was going to participate in the evening meal with Zhengyang Machinery.

On the way to the hotel, Lin Sheng said: "Master, I think today's situation will be awful even tomorrow morning. Now everyone has their own opinions, and no one wants to let anyone else."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, "It's okay, I will have a solution then."

"What way?" Lin Sheng asked curiously.

"A show of hands will be voted at that time."

Jiang Xiaobai said, Lin Sheng stared at Jiang Xiaobai, his eyes widened, and he was speechless for a long time, and he showed his hands to vote.

He knows that Jiang Xiaobai always has some whimsical ideas. For example, when Citigroup wanted to go back to discuss it before, Jiang Xiaobai was almost kicked out. Using this plan to further shorten the time.

And now it is necessary to vote by show of hands. To be honest, this method is still very novel in Xiangjiang's enterprises, especially when it is used on a project, not at a board meeting.

"Show hands to vote?"

"Yes, a show of hands to vote. Can't it?" Jiang Xiaobai asked rhetorically.

"Okay, very good, who would you vote for then?" Lin Sheng asked curiously.

"I, I don't vote for anyone. If I have an idea in my mind, I will decide directly. Where else can I use voting to decide?" Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Haha, too." Lin Sheng also laughed.

The car arrived at the hotel soon, but Zheng Zhengyang and others did not wait for a long time.

"Master, this is Mr. Zheng."

"Mr. Zheng, this is Dong Jiang." Lin Sheng introduced them to the two.

"Mr. Jiang." Zheng Zhengyang stood up, very enthusiastic.

"Hello, Mr. Zheng, Mr. Zheng helped so much the first time I met, thank you." Jiang Xiaobai smiled and thanked Zheng Zhengyang, holding the hand of Zheng Yang.

"It should be, it should be, this is nothing, Mr. Huo called me, this is nothing." Zheng Zhengyang said.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and nodded, opened his seat and sat down, and began to serve food.

"Mr. Zheng, I still want to thank you again. I toast you a glass." Zhao Xinyi said while holding the glass. She can also drink some red wine, but she doesn't drink much.

"Oh, Mr. Zhao is so polite, this set of equipment is sold, and we have made money. If you want to say thank you, I should say that I am grateful to Mr. Zhao." Zheng Zhengyang was also able to talk and had a toast with a wine glass.

The meal was still very warm. When the meal was about to end, Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zheng Zhengyang and said.

"Mr. Zheng, you helped this time anyway. I haven't been here for long in Xiangjiang. If there is anything in the future, I will directly contact Lin Sheng. If I can help, I will definitely help." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Zheng Zhengyang heard Jiang Xiaobai's words, and he became excited immediately. He thought he couldn't wait for these words.

He never thought that Jiang Xiaobai promised to help him in the future, and he was very grateful for being able to let the Lin Family support him.

This was something he had figured out when he was in the office. I was afraid that Jiang Xiaobai would not even say these words. He was just handing over the Huo family's relationship, and it was the Huo family's love, not himself. In my eyes, it was really helpless, but Jiang Xiaobai didn't.

(End of this chapter)