Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 2111

Chapter 2111

Chapter 2111 School starts

September 1 was the day when the kindergarten started. On that day, neither Jiang Xiaobai nor Zhao Xinyi went to the unit. They woke up an early morning to pack things for the girl Jiang Xin and prepare to send her to the kindergarten.

Jiang Langlang also got up very early. This guy sat on the sofa and looked at his sister gloatingly. Of course, he also helped her to pack up some things.

Don't go to kindergarten. Everything in the schoolbag is for food. Jiang Xin, who was excited to go to kindergarten two days ago, was in a bad mood after getting up this morning.

Small faces are awkward, and the whole person is listless. After Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xinyi had cleaned up, they took Jiang Xin to go out, and Jiang Langlang ran over to comfort his sister.

"Don't be afraid of my sister, if anyone bullies you after going to kindergarten, you can tell your brother that he will help you with him after school."

It's okay for Jiang Langlang not to comfort him. With this comfort, Jiang Xin's little face is about to cry. It turns out that the kindergarten is not only about leaving his parents, but there are people bullying himself.

Jiang Xiaobai had a black line on his face. Li Lan hurriedly took Jiang Langlang away and sent Jiang Langlang to school. Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xinyi had not gone out with Jiang Xin.

Zhao Gang and Han Lin came over, both of them had dark circles under their eyes. Obviously they didn't sleep well last night. At this time, they looked at Jiang Xin with worry.

"It's okay, Mom and Dad. Don't worry, let's go." Jiang Xiaobai comforted.

"Or...or...or go to school a year later." Zhao Gang said vaguely.

Han Lin nodded again and again, with an appearance of approval. Zhao Xinyi didn't look at her parents, but even Jiang Xiaobai's eyes lit up with a look of interest, and she couldn't wait to agree immediately.

"Dad, I didn't hear what you said?" Zhao Xinyi asked.

Zhao Gang stopped talking immediately and shook his head: "I didn't say anything, let's go, let's go."

This family has just left. On the other hand, Song Xin's family is similar. Song Hanbin and Song Xin, together with Song's mother, and the nanny, are also four adults accompanied by a child to send the child to school.

The two cars met at the door. Jiang Xiaobai honked the horn. Song Hanbin and Zhao Gang put down the windows and waved. Came here, but I feel uncomfortable about sending my granddaughter to school.

Or else the smell is similar, Tangtang is Song Hanbin's beloved, Jiang Xin is also Zhao Gang's beloved.

Soon the car drove to the door of the kindergarten. Jiang Xin was reluctant to get off the car. Jiang Xiaobai was helpless. The baby was reluctant to get out of the car, so she could not pull it off by force.

But Jiang Xin got out of the car anyway, because Zhao Xinyi came over and just stared at him, and Jiang Xin got out of the car obediently.

Song Xin also took her daughter out of the car, and both of them walked into the kindergarten with them.

To be honest, Jiang Xiaobai is not willing to spend a lot of time on things like going to school. When Jiang Langlang went to school, he just casually said hello to people, and he was able to go to school.

But this time the girl went to school, Jiang Xiaobai had made an appointment with the kindergarten dean and teachers in advance to have dinner, and also explained that he donated 500,000 to the kindergarten every year.

The request was not mentioned, but everyone in the kindergarten understood that the dean of the kindergarten and Jiang Xin and their teachers were already waiting at this time. Seeing Jiang Xiaobai and others arrived, they immediately greeted them.

"Dong Jiang, Mr. Song, don't worry, the child will be handed over to us." As soon as the principal waved, a teacher came over to pick up two small items, and he was holding food in his hand.

Jiang Xin looked up at his father. Before Jiang Xiaobai had time to speak, the child was taken away. There was Tangtang, and the two children did not have any more trouble together. At this time, they both obediently followed.

"Hey...the procedure." Jiang Xiaobai said quickly.

"Jiang Dong, we will handle the child's procedures. Don't worry, you won't have to trouble you with this little thing." The principal said with a smile.

"Ah." Jiang Xiaobai was dumbfounded.

Zhao Xinyi hurriedly thanked him, and then took Jiang Xiaobai away. She was afraid that the two children would repent and then ran out of the kindergarten. Song Xin also had the same thought.

Several old people also followed out reluctantly. Jiang Xiaobai was reluctant to leave. He stood at the door of the kindergarten and looked inside, smoking a cigarette in his hand and making no sound. He has not reacted until now.

Other parents take their children to go through the formalities of entering the kindergarten, and they can also get along with their children for a while.

I found the relationship by myself, but I didn't even need to go through the formalities. I just sent the child in. I didn't even have the time to prepare the snack. What's this, I've known it for a while.

There is no process of accepting it in the heart.

"Dad, Uncle Song, or let's go in and take a peek." Jiang Xiaobai suggested. This proposal immediately won the approval of Zhao Gang and Song Hanbin, and we must go in and take a look.

"Xiao Bai." Zhao Xinyi suddenly became unhappy.

"Xinyi, I just sneaked in to see if the girl was crying or not. You can rest assured that you will never let the children see." Jiang Xiaobai explained.

"No." Zhao Xinyi said decisively.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't say a word, but he didn't want to leave.

"You send me to work." Zhao Xinyi said.

"I don't want to leave yet, just smoke a cigarette, or you can take a taxi." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Zhao Xinyi twitched her mouth and asked her to take a taxi. This was the first time Jiang Xiaobai refused to send her.

Song Xin beside was also speechless: "Xinyi gets in the car, I'll take you to work, they can just stay here if they want."

Zhao Xinyi and Song Xin left. After a while, Li Lan also sent Jiang Langlang and drove over, picking up Han Lin and Song Mu, leaving Jiang Xiaobai, Song Hanbin and Zhao Gang waiting.

In fact, it is not just the three of them who are worried at the entrance of the kindergarten. At this time, there are still a lot of people going through the formalities of entering the kindergarten.

In the end, Jiang Xiaobai decided to go in and take a peek. The kindergarten teachers were invited to dinner by Jiang Xiaobai two days ago, and they all received gifts. At this time, when Jiang Xiaobai came in, someone came to greet him.

As soon as Jiang Xiaobai said, he took Jiang Xiaobai towards Jiang Xin's class. Jiang Xiaobai took a peek through the window. Jiang Xin and Song Tang were playing together with tears on their faces, obviously crying. pass.

Jiang Xiaobai stared at the pair of little sisters for a long time, and then he was relieved. The teacher on the side didn't look impatient, and just stood on the side and waited.

(End of this chapter)