Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 2104

Chapter 2104

Chapter 2104 Blooming everywhere

After receiving Jiang Xiaobai's notice, Wang Meng set off from Pengcheng the next day and arrived at the magic city that night. After Jiang Xiaobai knew that Wang Meng had arrived in the magic city, he directly called Wang Meng and asked Wang Meng to come home for dinner.

Wang Meng and Jiang Xiaobai are not polite, and they just agreed to say who in the company has the best relationship with Jiang Xiaobai, who is the veteran of the company, the ironest and oldest is Wang Meng.

Wang Meng is also an educated youth. Of course, he has not left since he started his business with Jiang Xiaobai. He has been following Jiang Xiaobai for so many years. He has never had any other thoughts. Jiang Xiaobai is obedient to his words.

also holds the most shares. It can be said that it is the second largest shareholder of Huaqing Holding Group.

Not to mention the relationship between and Jiang Xiaobai.

It's just that Jiang Xiaobai's status has been getting higher and higher over the years. After coming to the magic capital, if Jiang Xiaobai doesn't make a phone call, Wang Meng is embarrassed to interrupt him, but it doesn't matter if Jiang Xiaobai calls him first.

When he arrived at Jiang Xiaobai's house, Jiang Xiaobai had all the wine ready.

"Mengzi, sit down, let's have a good drink tonight. You will live at home tonight." Jiang Xiaobai greeted him with a smile.

"Drinking OK, no matter if I live at home, I have already booked a hotel outside, and the driver will pick me up soon." Wang Meng said.

The relationship between and Jiang Xiaobai is very close, but now the two are married, and they are both children and daughter-in-law. They were not single when they were in Jianhua Village. Everyone squeezed into a cave and slept on a kang.

"Okay, it's up to you." Jiang Xiaobai smiled and didn't force it.

"By the way, what about Beibei, how are they in Pengcheng? Are they still used to it? The climate, diet?" Jiang Xiaobai sat down and asked with a smile while drinking with Wang Meng.

He and Li Beibei are classmates, and the relationship is pretty good.

"Very good. Food is okay. It's too hot in summer. Others are good. After all, Pengcheng has developed very fast in the past two years. There is a trend of metropolis. Both medical treatment and education are good, of course. , The city is developing fast, there is still some chaos, and a few bodyguards are usually found."

"Well, how about your father-in-law, did you go to live in Pengcheng for a while?"

Jiang Xiaobai asked with a smile.

"I went, but I was not used to staying, and I went back to Jianhua Village again, saying that it was comfortable living in Jianhua Village." Wang Meng said silently.

To talk about the various conditions, it must be that the environment of Pengcheng is good, but Laosan Li is not used to living, so he is willing to live in Jianhua Village.

Jiang Xiaobai said without thinking about it: He must be willing to be in Jianhua Village, bragging with people all day long, drinking and drinking are so cool, who does he know in Pengcheng.

"Well, yes." Wang Meng nodded. They all understood Li Lao San's mentality. However, Jianhua Village has developed well in the past two years. Medical services are not comparable to Pengcheng, but they are almost the same as in the county.

The two people talked about the short things of their parents, and they didn't talk about work at all.

Waiting until the next day, when I came to the company, did I talk about business matters.

"I asked you to hurry up and make arrangements before, how is it going now?" Jiang Xiaobai asked, and Zhang Weiyi was also listening.

Wang Meng took out the information from his bag and reported to Jiang Xiaobaihui: "Our Changxingju Real Estate Company has been preparing since the beginning of this year. Among them, five plots of land were taken down in Pengcheng, three of which are in the city center. The location is close to several good schools, and the surrounding shopping malls and hospitals are very close.

The location is quite good. Although the remaining two plots are relatively remote, the environment is good..."

"Six plots of land were taken on the capital side. Four of them are well located. Of these four plots, two plots are planned for shopping malls, and one is..."

"I took less from the magic city, just three pieces of land..."

"We have taken four pieces of land in Rongcheng, and there was an auction there recently. There is no problem in taking the two pieces of land we valued..."


Wang Meng kept reporting with the information. Jiang Xiaobai probably counted it. There were thirty small plots of land in each city.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "Okay, there is one thing you have to remember. We can make money by taking advantage of the Dongfeng wind, but we must pay attention to the quality of the house and the surrounding supporting facilities. The quality of the house turned out to be inferior."

"Don't worry Jiang Dong, I understand this." Wang Meng nodded. They came along. Although they made a lot of money, they didn't lose their original intention and wanted to make money regardless of other things.

The houses developed by Changxingju Real Estate Company across the country are quite well-known, and consumers agree. For other real estate companies to make money, the houses can be built as densely as they can be built, what green area, and what daylighting rate. , There is no such saying at all.

The real estate developed by Changxingju Real Estate Company has enough parking spaces on the ground, and there are underground garages. Although it is a bit wasteful to build underground garages now, for future living comfort, Changxingju Real Estate Company supports many underground parking spaces. .

"The other thing is to build more public welfare buildings, such as parks. As long as the local government needs it, then help, and make money less appropriately." Jiang Xiaobai continued to exhort.

Wang nodded fiercely, and suddenly remembered something, he asked, By the way, Jiang Dong, there are other real estate companies who want the land in our hands, and the prices are quite high. Do we want to transfer some of them?

Jiang Dong nodded: "You can figure this out yourself, but you must choose a good company. Don't transfer it to that kind of inferior company. No amount of money will work."

"Don't worry Jiang Dong, we know this in our hearts."

"By the way, this is the information of Heung Kong Lixin Development Company. He Lixin Development Company has a few plots of land. Please take a look at what problems this real estate company has and what good suggestions do you have?"

Jiang Xiaobai handed Wang Meng a bunch of materials.

Wang Meng took it and looked at it, and soon Wang Meng's eyes lit up. At this time, the land price in Xiangjiang was much more expensive than domestic ones.

Xiangjiang is one of the four Xiaolongs. In Xiangjiang, it is an inch of land and an inch of gold. Needless to say, there is no way to compare the land price in the later generations with Xiangjiang.

The few plots of land in the hands of Lixin Development Real Estate Co., Ltd. are all well located on the Xiangjiang side. Otherwise, they won't be held in the hands of the Lin family. Now they are cheaper than Jiang Xiaobai.

Wang Meng looked at these pieces of land, and he was a little drooling.

(End of this chapter)