Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 210

Chapter 210

Chapter 210 Go to School

"What? Are you going to high school?" Professor Zhang stood up from the mound in the field, dusty on his buttocks.

"What are you doing so excited? I went to high school and came back on the weekend. You can just stare at the pig farm here..."

Jiang Xiaobai raised the dust coming from his face with his hands, and said with a smile.

"No, you are gone..." Professor Zhang is also a little embarrassed. This integrated ecological recycling farming is a project he attaches great importance to.

He has been in Jianhua Village for a while, and he probably understands what is going on with this pig farm.

Building this pig farm, from top to bottom, no one cares except for Jiang Xiaobai who thinks pollution is important.

I think it's enough to make money. Of course, this is also the public's opinion.

It's just that this Jiang Xiaobai has a high prestige and can be suppressed. With Jiang Xiaobai, other people are not willing and dare not to act.

But once Jiang Xiaobai goes to school? The director of the third factory Li, Professor Zhang has already seen through, don't look at it now that he attaches great importance to integrated ecological cycle breeding.

That's because it was made for Jiang Xiaobai. In his bones, he is purely a soil bun, and he doesn't care about pollution or pollution at all.

As soon as Jiang Xiaobai left, this group of people must not violate their own yang and yin. It is estimated that the integration of ecological cycle breeding will also be pulled down.

"You are gone, even if you go to school, you may not be able to pass the exam."

Professor Zhang saw Jiang Xiaobai's face turned black when he finished speaking, and hurriedly explained.

"Don't care, I just feel happy."

Jiang Xiaobai's face is darker, it is better not to explain.

"No, I mean... yes... Otherwise, I will get you a place for you and go to our school."

Professor Zhang said.

"Then the relationship is good, thank Lao Zhang, then I will not go to school." Jiang Xiaobai was not polite, so he agreed.

"I..." Professor Zhang was stunned, and he agreed.

I said this just now, it was straightforward, and I regretted it when I said it.

I thought that Jiang Xiaobai would regret it immediately if he dared to be polite, but he didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai not to play cards according to the routine.

agreed without any discipline.

"This, this... why don't you go to school, I will try to do it for you here, so you can learn more knowledge in school."

Professor Zhang said weakly, he was afraid that he would not be able to do it in the end. In addition, Jiang Xiaobai did not go to school, and was admitted to the university, he delayed Jiang Xiaobai.

"Oh, that's okay." Jiang Xiaobai instantly understood what Professor Zhang meant, and looked at Lao Zhang with a smile.

All of a sudden, Lao Zhang was stunned.

"I can definitely do it." Lao Zhang Qiang said with support.

"Haha." Jiang Xiaobai turned around without saying a word.

Leave Professor Zhang standing on the spot, like a rooster that has been defeated.

"Mad, what am I doing? No one stayed, so I went to help them find a relationship."

"The third child, when I go to school tomorrow, let your daughter wait for me."

Jiang Xiaobai returned to the office and watched Li Laosan order.

"Okay, factory manager." Old San Li had a weird face, how he heard these words, how did he feel a little strange.

At the dinner table that day, I knew Jiang Xiaobai was going to high school, but it was still a little awkward when things came.

What should I do if the boss and the girl become classmates? Waiting online, in a hurry?

"Would you like to bring you one of my girl's schoolbag?" Li Laosan asked when he looked at Jiang Xiaobai who was packing up the review materials.

"Okay, I can share some of the review materials for her." Jiang Xiaobai nodded, being favored and remembered.

In that case, let her review the materials.

"Oh, good, thank you, the director." Li Laosan felt that his emotional intelligence was not enough.

"After I leave, you will be watching the pig farm. You must follow the progress of the project. I know that you don't take the pollution problem seriously, but Jiang Xiaobai really doesn't want to be scolded by someone pointing his nose in the future?"

Jiang Xiaobai thought about it and explained it.

"Okay, I understand the director, don't worry." Li Laosan nodded and responded.

"Well, Xiao Liu, call Wang Meng and Wang Chao" Jiang Xiaobai shouted to the people.


"Director..." Soon Wang Chao and Wang Meng arrived at the office.

"I'm going to school tomorrow, the two of you in the factory are staring, Lao Song went to apply for a business license, and Wang Chao from the garment factory is fine and go around."

But that's it, it is very difficult to apply for a business license.

There is no need for Jiang Xiaobai to worry about the garment factory. People in the prison system should have no problem doing this.

On the pig farm side, it is a serious township enterprise with villagers' shares in it, which is relatively better.

The only difficult thing to do is the educated youth cannery. Although it can barely be said to be a township enterprise, the educated youth cannery has nothing to do with the township except that it is located in the township.

If the equity is clear, don't be clear anymore.

So Song Weiguo didn't care about the garment factory when he had to deal with the business license during this period.

Wang Chao and Wang Meng responded.

Just after eating at noon the next day, Li Beibei was waiting for Zhang Lanfang and a few other children at the gate of the educated youth cannery.

"You are waiting here, I will go in and call Uncle Xiaobai." Li Beibei looked at the crowd and said.

"Sister Beibei, you take me in, I also want to see where my dad works." Zhang Lanfang said.

"Well, yes, but you remember to go in, don't run around." Li Beibei thought for a while and agreed, and walked towards the factory with Zhang Lanfang.

"Bebe is here, Lan Fang," glanced at the two of them outside the door, and opened the door with a smile.

"Uncle Wang."

"Look for Director Li. Director Li seems to have just gone out." The security department said outside the door, Li Beibei is the girl of Li San, he thought he was looking for Li San.

"No, I'm looking for Uncle Xiaobai." Li Beibei said, and walked in with Zhang Lanfang.

"Looking for the director, what is the matter with the director?" The employees of the educated youth cannery did not know that Jiang Xiaobai was going to school.

Including many children, it was only when they were preparing to go to school just now that they knew that Jiang Xiaobai was going to be classmates with herself, and then Li Beibei took them to the gate of the educated youth canning factory.

said he was waiting for Jiang Xiaobai to go to school with him.

"You said, is what Beibei said just now true? Uncle Bai is going to school too?"

"It should be true. Who dares to make a joke about this? Uncle Bai will become our classmate in the future."

At the gate of the Educated Youth Cannery, the remaining students were discussing the breaking news.

(End of this chapter)