Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 208

Chapter 208

Chapter 208

Jiang Xiaobai "Look, this will be the pig farm in Jianhua Village in the future. Pigs will grow up from here, and then they will go out of Jianhua Village to the slaughterhouse, and then become pork, supplying thousands of households across the country."

"Here, this is the fish pond. In the future, the waves will linger and the fish will be like clouds, and the fish will swim and shrimp..."

"Here, this is the breeding base of emperor bamboo grass. In the future, there will be green grass, lush green, and cover the sky..."

Jiang Xiaobai pointed to the dusty construction site on the pig farm and introduced Zheng Qingyun.

"Completely zero emissions, no pollution, hungry fishing, fishing, tired lying in the grass looking at the blue sky and white clouds, green mountains and green water..."

Jiang Xiaobai said, Zheng Qingyun's thoughts seemed to follow Jiang Xiaobai's description and saw this scene.

A gust of wind blew over, and Zheng Qingyun took a mouthful of soil and coughed.

Was immediately awake from the beautiful picture drawn by Jiang Xiaobai.

"I know why, the old man sold the coffin and he wants to raise pigs with you. Your mouth can really kill the dead."

Zheng Qingyun said angrily, whether I have any money, is still here to fool me.

"Can't you say that? How can I be called Huyou, don't you think that today is a hot construction site, but tomorrow will be a scene of grassy fish fat and piggy."

Jiang Xiaobai said dissatisfied, Fudge, Jiang Xiaobai has never been able to fudge.

"Okay, don't talk about it, the construction site is still in full swing, you really know how to use adjectives, this will support the dusty construction site."

Zheng Qingyun was shocked, but on the surface he looked contemptuous.

He didn't dare to praise Jiang Xiaobai any more, because the wind was so strong that he was afraid that the coffin that Jiang Xiaobai bought with the old man would float away.

"Hey, Professor Zhang, this is our county magistrate in Zhangxuan County. Today, he is here to inspect our construction site. The county magistrate Zheng attaches great importance to and supports the development of our pig farm."

Jiang Xiaobai brought Zheng Qingyun to Professor Zhang and introduced it with a smile.

The corner of Zheng Qingyun's mouth twitched. I just learned that you have built a pig farm. You open your mouth because I take it seriously and support it.

Jiang Xiaobai raised the Jianhua Village pig farm to a new level in an instant. What is it called? This is called the art of speaking.

Professor Zhang did not refute, although Jiang Xiaobai said something official, but it is true.

"Hello Professor Zhang."

"Hello County Chief Zheng." The two shook hands with each other, but Zheng Qingyun didn't dare to put on the prestige of the county head.

"Professor Zhang, I asked the cafeteria to add food at noon, and I would drink two glasses in a while. In the afternoon, I took advantage of the wine to sleep well. I am older and can't stand soaking in the construction site all day."

Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Okay, you are busy with you, I am in good health, nothing is wrong."

Professor Zhang waved his hand and said, then turned around and went to the construction site.

"Just this character, let's go, let's go around again." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Zheng Qingyun and Jiang Xiaobai walked and talked all the way, watching busy villagers everywhere.

Zheng Qingyun feels that Jianhua Village has changed its appearance compared to before.

There is no longer that kind of laziness.

Zheng Qingyun didn't know what was going on with these changes, but looking at Jiang Xiaobai who smiled and said hello to every villager, he felt that he couldn't do without the young man beside him.

Although Jianhua Village is still very poor, this can be seen from the villagers' complexion and clothing, but the whole Jianhua Village feels like a mountain of flames about to erupt.

Although there is no change in appearance, it is full of vitality, as if only after a spring rain.

just broke ground and brought changes to the whole world.

Professor Zhang came over to take a bite at noon, and then went back. Jiang Xiaobai and Zheng Qingyun were left drinking in the small private room.

Includes Li Laosan, Wang Chao, Wang Meng, and Song Weiguo who Wen Xun rushed to.

"To be honest, I was really surprised by the changes in your Jianhua Village. In just a few months, your educated youth canned food has so many accounts.

Cooperate with the First Prison Garment Factory to set up factories, cooperate with villagers to raise pigs and open farms, and even professors from the capital have come to cooperate with you. "

Zheng Qingyun took a sip of wine and said with emotion.

Of course, it's not just you. After the Third Plenary Session of the Thirteenth Central Committee, changes are taking place throughout the country. The changes in your Jianhua Village or the changes in your educated youth cannery are a good epitome."

Zheng Qingyun said, Jiang Xiaobai also nodded, Zheng Qingyun still understood it very clearly.

Jiang Xiaobai also said.

"Speaking of this, I just remembered the purpose of coming today." Zheng Qingyun said suddenly, and Jiang Xiaobai was bluffed by Jiang Xiaobai before he could tell the truth.

It's another college student doing miscellaneous work, and it's also a college professor working.

It's only now that he remembered the purpose of coming today.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

"Good thing, great thing, look what this is?" Zheng Qingyun said, opening the handbag that was aside, taking out a newspaper from it, and handing it to Jiang Xiaobai.

"look by youself?"

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the newspaper Zheng Qingyun handed over, and recalled the major events that happened this month. If he could be related to him, he probably guessed what Zheng Qingyun was talking about.

Sure enough, in the original newspaper, I saw news about the country's liberalization of business license registration.

Although he had expected it in his heart and knew that it would definitely happen, when he saw the news, Jiang Xiaobai was still excited to pat the table and stand up.

"Individual industrial and commercial households can register." Jiang Xiaobai said excitedly.

The whole table suddenly became quiet.

(End of this chapter)