Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 2063

Chapter 2063

Chapter 2063 Wafer Factory

Dongfanghui set up a joint recommendation system last year. If no one recommends, Dongfanghui will not accept it.

And Jiang Xiaobai also knows that these people who are now jumping to enter the Oriental Club, not to mention that all of them are followers of the trend, but at least many of them are watching Jiang Xiaobai's recent momentum and the market, so they want to cling to it. Come up.

Of course, Jiang Xiaobai doesn't object to these clinging. People are originally interested in relationships, but even in interest relationships, you also need to be up to the level.

also needs to have this ability to be recognized by other Oriental clubs. If it really has this ability, it means that it also has this potential.

But in fact, most people couldn't find the temple gate with pig heads. Last year's Oriental Club was originally very mysterious, and no newspapers entered the venue at all.

Except for some specious rumors, there is no other news at all. The rumors from the outside are that the two celebrities, Director Lu and Brother Liu, participated in the Oriental Club and were in the magic city during that time.

As for the other people, they don't know at all, so many people can't reach them at all. After all, there are not many that can be jointly recommended by Director Lu and Brother Liu.

After Jiang Xiaobai came back to the magic city this time, he stayed for two days before he was ready to participate in the second Oriental Club.

The second session of the Eastern Conference was organized by Director Lu. This year's time is December 1st. I originally wanted to set the time for last year. This is what I said before.

But Jiang Xiaobai kept making reports, so this time was postponed.

Although it was set last year, I was afraid that someone would shirk and don't have time to take the time, but if this person is the founder of Jiang Xiaobai, he can still break the rules.

And this time Jiang Xiaobai made a report. It was required by the state and was a special situation.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the invitation letter this time, and Director Lu settled on the edge of the West Lake.

Jiang Xiaobai's mouth made a weird smile. On the edge of the West Lake, this place is of special significance to Teacher Ma.

Unexpectedly, Director Lu would also choose such a place.

This time the Oriental Club, Jiang Xiaobai is going to take Zhang Weiyi together. As for the company's affairs, it can only be temporarily put down. Being able to participate in the Oriental Club is definitely helpful to Zhang Weiyi.

Many people in the Oriental Club arrived two days in advance. This year's Eastern Conference, they are more enthusiastic than ever before. After all, this year's Jiang Xiaobai is even more different.

Others don't know, but the people in their Oriental Club tried to find a way to get news from Xiangjiang, and they knew about Jiang Xiaobai's current situation.

Before Jiang Xiaobai arrived, the whole West Lake was lively. Many people were waiting for Jiang Xiaobai. Although Jiang Xiaobai hadn't arrived, all the talk was about Jiang Xiaobai.

"I see, this time it's better to open a special topic, let Jiang Dong analyze in detail the things in the southeast." Someone said.

"What is analysis? That is narration." Someone said with a smile. Many people knew that Jiang Xiaobai had personally participated in this event.

No wonder that last year, Jiang Xiaobai said that there will be problems in the southeast. It turns out that Jiang Xiaobai is ready to do it. This is no longer a prediction.

This is an action announcement.

"Hahaha." Everyone laughed.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai was also arranging the company's work. After settling down, Jiang Xiaobai went to Hualian Computer Company again.

"Jiang Dong."

"Old Ni, go to your office, I have something to tell you." Jiang Xiaobai smiled and greeted Ni Guangnan to walk into the office.

"Dong Jiang, what's the matter?" Ni Guangnan asked with a smile looking at the expression on Jiang Xiaobai's face.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded: Of course it's a good thing, it's a great thing.

After the two people sat down in the office, Jiang Xiaobai said directly: "I set up a fab in Garden Country."

"Wafer?" Ni Guangnan got excited all at once. He just wanted to make a chip plan, he just wanted to set up a laboratory to do research.

didn't dare to say that he would produce chips all at once, but Jiang Xiaobai did it in one step, and he set up a factory for himself.

Wafer, the wafer is the carrier of the chip. The wafer is the silicon wafer used in the production of silicon semiconductor integrated circuits. Because its shape is round, it is called a wafer;

In the production of chips, it is not the chips that are directly produced, but the wafers.

So SMIC, TSMC and other companies are called "wafer factories",

So in summary, that is, the silicon wafer is processed to form a wafer, and then packaged to become a chip.

Therefore, it is impossible to produce chips without wafers. Although the fabs in Garden Country are called fabs, they can actually produce chips directly.

"Well, I helped from Torlin's house. They had news recently, and they have agreed to talk over there." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Really, great, great, I want to find a chance to see this fab, I want to see, I must go to see." Ni Guangnan said excitedly.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and stretched out his hand to signal Ni Guangnan to sit down.

"Lao Ni, don't worry." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, "When I come back from Hangzhou, let's go there secretly together."

"Why secretly?" Ni Guangnan was a little confused.

Jiang Xiaobai said: "I was not in the southeast some time ago...Of course, this is all because Thoroth is framing me, but I have to guard against it."

Ni Guangnan's mouth twitched. Jiang Xiaobai was embarrassed to say this. You know whether it is a falsehood or not.

But Jiang Xiaobai didn't admit it, he didn't ask, and he was not in the mood to ask.

Now the most important thing is the fab, and the fab is the most important. If they have a fab, then their Hualian Computers will basically be able to get rid of the control of foreign companies. As for the software, the follow-up Development is much better.

The most important thing now is the hardware part of this core.

"By the way, Jiang Dong will cost a lot of money, right?" Ni Guangnan asked suddenly.

Jiang Xiaobai gave him a white look: "You only know now that it costs a lot of money. I tell you at least 200 million US dollars."

"Two hundred million U.S. dollars..." Ni Guangnan took a breath. He knew that this fab might cost a lot of money, but he didn't expect that it would cost so much. An astronomical number.

(End of this chapter)