Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 2047

Chapter 2047

Chapter 2047 is ready

Zhang Weiyi has never doubted Jiang Xiaobai's orders, and has long been accustomed to Jiang Xiaobai.

To transfer all the funds of the company. If it is placed in another company, it may not be a simple matter.

Maybe it's just a board meeting, and I don't know how long it will take, let alone not necessarily agree to it.

Because working capital is too important for a company, once a company's working capital has a problem, it is a big problem.

If you want to use all the funds, it is estimated that it will take half a month to go smoothly.

Where is like Jiang Xiaobai, it is basically a phone call.

For a company, Jiang Xiaobai feels that to be a company requires a sense of social responsibility, so the entire company will have a sense of social responsibility.

Recently, the news of Thoroth has been uploaded everywhere in the whole society, even in the country, all kinds of news are flying all over the sky.

The name Thoroth is quite famous, especially in shopping malls.

Needless to say at home, it is not in line with the world at all. Thoroth just wants to attack, it is impossible.

But Xiangjiang is different. After the return of Xiangjiang, the economy of this city is completely in line with international standards.

In addition, it was still one of the four little dragons, so Thoroth was coming, he guessed it in his heart.

Also, Zhang Weiyi is also clear about Jiang Xiaobai's thoughts, and he knows what Jiang Xiaobai's temper and personality is.

Jiang Xiaobai may take advantage of this opportunity to make a little money abroad, but if others want to attack Xiangjiang, Jiang Xiaobai will definitely not agree.

Jiang Xiaobai is an entrepreneur in his bones.

Zhang Weiyi knew that even if he bet everything, he would help. This was Jiang Xiaobai.

This is their boss.

Because of his understanding, Zhang Weiyi immediately began to prepare after receiving Jiang Xiaobai's call.

In the conference room of the Flower Bank, Jiang Xiaobai first gave instructions to the people in his company, and then turned around and looked at Lin Baixin.

"Master, there is a saying called the rise and fall of the world, everyone is responsible, and Thoroth is coming, this is Xiangjiang, this is our country, and I will not allow him to wreak havoc in our country.

Hong Kong's economy does not allow anyone to attack. "

The more Jiang Xiaobai spoke, the more serious his tone became: "So, Mr. Lin, I am now ready to stop Thoroth.

This matter is very dangerous. Thoroth has been raging in the Southeast for so long, and his strength is very strong. He has at least 200 billion US dollars of funds around him.

Old Lin, what do you think? If you want to do it together, do it together.

If you don't want to, then lend me the money first, and I promise that it will take you a month and a lot of money will be returned in a month.

In addition, I will give you 100 million more..."

"Brother Jiang." Lin Baixin said in a deep voice.

"Who do you think I am? My old man has lived my whole life. Xiangjiang is my home, and I can still watch others protect my home and country, and watch myself from the side."

Lin Baixin said angrily. Jiang Xiaobai admired him, but he was also angry.

Xiangjiang returns, Jiang Xiaobai is willing to gamble on everything to defend.

Could it be that Lin Baixin is a person who only recognizes money, which is too despised, he borrowed money and returned 100 million in interest.

Is this a face slap?

"Yes, I admit that Lin Baixin has done many things in order to make money in my life.

But this does not mean that I can ignore it in order to make money. So why does my Lin family stand?

I have 2.5 billion U.S. dollars in my hand, and I will transfer them all to you within an hour.

Another one billion dollars can be collected. The money is not much, but it will be given to you. A total of 3.5 billion dollars. Three hours' time, all will arrive before noon.

For Xiangjiang, this is our first battle after our return. To play our own prestige, it doesn't matter how much we lose, but it must be scary. "

Lin Baixin is not young anymore, but at this time, what he said was so maddening that he was extremely domineering.

Money, of course he cares about it, but some things are more important than money, which makes him watch the suffering of Xiangjiang.

He couldn't do it. In order to make money abroad, he put out two billion U.S. dollars, but in order to defend Xiangjiang, he was willing to put out 3.5 billion U.S. dollars to gamble on everything in the Lin family.

"In this way, you wait, I will go back to raise funds now, this time all the money will be handed over to you, and I will contact other people.

Try to raise more funds..." Lin Baixin usually walks slowly and unfavorably, but this time he is very powerful.

Jiang Xiaobai was a little emotional, sometimes real money is not the only one.

Soon, Lin Baixin let out the news that Thoroth was coming to Xiangjiang, and personally called a person of sufficient weight.

Make an appointment to visit for a while.

Lin Sheng watched his father make appointments one by one, and greeted him to prepare the car.

After visiting the two families in a row, the old man was a little overwhelmed.

Looking at the old man panting, he used to run from home to the car.

Lin Sheng persuaded distressedly: "Father, otherwise, I will visit you for you.

There are still seven or eight family members, I'm afraid your body won't be able to hold it. "

Lin Baixin shook his head: "You can't go, people won't take it seriously. After all, your weight is almost too small.

I must go personally. At this time, even if it is a penny, there is more hope. So at this time, I can't give up even if I run to death on the road. "

Lin Baixin's remarks were categorical. Lin Sheng didn't persuade him any more. He knew his father's character.

In addition to Jiang Xiaobai's own demonstration, now his father guessed that he had just added the Lin family in.

Not to mention his own body, he must not care about his body at this time.

The Lin family has been in Xiangjiang for decades, and the old family is still very influential. Lin Baixin personally came out, and soon funds from various sources began to gather.

Flower Bank is not only busy in the trader's room, but also a sum of funds arrived outside.

The entire flower bank is running like a wound-up machine.

By the time of twelve o'clock noon, all the funds in Flower Bank were in place.

The profit during this period, plus the principal, is a total of 25 billion U.S. dollars, plus the 1.5 billion U.S. dollars sent by Mosco from the north, for a total of 26.5 billion U.S. dollars.

Adding the 3.5 billion U.S. dollars from the Lin family, the total is 30 billion U.S. dollars. Together with the 5 billion U.S. dollars collected by other families, it reached 35 billion U.S. dollars.

In fact, when Thoros first started, he could use more than 30 billion U.S. dollars.

(End of this chapter)