Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 187

Chapter 187

Chapter 187 Change

At night when the lights were brightly lit, all the villagers lined up and sat in line at the headquarters of Jianhua Village.

"What's the matter today?"

"I don't know, I heard that Director Xiaobai came back last night."

"You have not found out. Since the director of Xiaobai came, we have had more meetings in Jianhua Village."

"Yes, you saw that Director Xiaobai came back yesterday, and we will have a meeting today. However, although there have been more meetings, our days have passed the better."

"Hey, hello. The comrades are paying attention, the meeting will begin now, and the meeting will begin now." Huang Zhongfu's voice sounded, and the venue quickly became quiet.

The villagers pricked their ears, ready to hear something.

Looking at the situation in the venue, Huang Zhongfu was also a little emotional.

Originally, when the meeting was held, the villagers brought all kinds of farm work.

Men bring baskets of semi-finished products and prepare for weaving. Parents can bring shoe soles, clothes are ready to sew clothes, and shoe soles.

As soon as a meeting, working at work, chatting without work, the whole meeting place is a mess.

It's not that he has low prestige, and other villages are the same, because every meeting is full of nonsense.

The people sitting down today are all with small benches. Although they are not neatly made, they are at least a meeting formation, not a formation where a few people gather together and prepare to chat.

The hands of people are also clean. They did not bring farmers back to life. Before the meeting, there were still people chatting, but they were chatting, they were also guessing what was going on in the meeting.

Rather than the previous ones, it is purely a short matter of the parents.

As soon as he spoke, the villagers calmed down. It wasn't that their discipline had improved, or that their prestige had improved.

It's that the village can bring real changes to their lives, and what I said concerns each of them's lives.

So they were quiet and listened carefully.

Huang Zhongfu couldn't help but think of an article published in the newspaper last year, "Practice is the only criterion for testing truth."

And now Huang Zhongfu wants to change him, "It is his only responsibility to make the villagers rich."

"That's it. This morning, I discussed with the manager of Xiaobai, and I plan to jointly set up a pig farm with the village. The educated youth cannery will raise pigs with our big guys. Our name is...called..."

Huang Zhongfu tilted his head and looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

"Cooperation." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Yes, this is the cooperation. I'm a big boss, let's let the manager Xiaobai introduce to you." Huang Zhongfu said, and there was a kind of laughter in the factory.

"Okay, let me tell you about it. We are cooperating to set up factories. Simply put, our educated youth cannery works with everyone to raise pigs. In the end, the pigs are slaughtered and we make money. We divide the money according to the proportion of investment.

If you pay more, then you earn more, and if you pay less, then you earn less. Once the pig farm is set up, you will need everyone to work. That earns wages and does not affect everyone's dividends.

Everyone who contributes funds is the stockholder of this pig farm and the owner of this pig farm. "

Jiang Xiaobai introduced to the villagers in an easy-to-understand manner. As for the election of the shareholders meeting, Jiang Xiaobai felt that it was completely unnecessary.

You said that the villagers don't understand, but to complicate things, you can simply and rudely lead the villagers to make money.

"This time running a pig farm is purely voluntary. You can participate if you want to participate, and you don't want to or force it."

Jiang Xiaobai sat down after speaking.

"Director Xiaobai, I believe in you, I believe that I can make money by following you..."

"Director Xiaobai, I believe you too, I invest money..."

"Director Xiaobai..."

After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, a villager shouted below that, this time it was really not an actor specially arranged by Jiang Xiaobai.

This is something that brings people to make money, if you are willing, you will be willing, and if you don't want it, it will come.

Looking at the villagers shouting below, Jiang Xiaobai was still very pleased. Someone still trusted me Jiang Xiaobai.

"Be quiet, everyone listen to me, don't worry, if you want to work together and have a chance, everyone will think about it when you go back, and discuss it with your family.

Wait three days later, we will have a meeting again. At that time, everyone will come over with money. If you want to do it, do it together. If you don't want to do it, don't force it.

Huang Zhongfu said that he would not give everyone a chance to go back, and stood up and said: "Okay, this will be all for today, everyone."

"Now this meeting is too fast, this is the end of the meeting."

"Now I have a meeting, and I'm going to do it quickly. If I want to chat, I'll have a good chat at home. I only like this meeting now. I have something to say, but I don't want to end the meeting."

"Of course it's good to have a meeting like this, but I'm not used to it. By the way, do you pay to raise pigs?"

"I want to raise, but I still have to go back and discuss with my family to see how much money is appropriate?"

"Me too, I also need to go home to discuss it. It is definitely necessary to pay for pigs. I believe that following the director Xiaobai can make money..."

"You believe, who doesn't believe it? Think about what it was like when their educated youths first came here. They lived in an educated youth courtyard. No... then it would not be called an educated youth courtyard, but just a warehouse for the brigade, now? Where is the educated youth cannery."

The villagers left in twos and threes.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Jiang Xiaobai started wandering around Jianhua Village with others.

In fact, it is not easy to find a suitable place to raise pigs. First of all, the place must be large enough, and secondly, it is convenient to divert water and discharge sewage, and finally, the issue of wind direction must be considered.

Just when Jiang Xiaobai was taking Li Laosan and Huang Zhongfu around the village, Li Xiaoliu also received a call in the office.

"It's connected, it's connected." Wang Xiaojun on the other end of the phone screamed excitedly in the dormitory.

There are still a bunch of classmates around, and their faces are full of excitement.

Since Wang Xiaojun returned to school, he told the UFO Association what Jiang Xiaobai had seen, which immediately caused a sensation within the UFO Association.

They are all avid fans who study aliens, but what Jiang Xiaobai said made their research a big step forward.

This is of historical significance, and originally urged Wang Xiaojun to write to Jiang Xiaobai.

Wang Xiaojun said that after they were able to call, they were even more excited and able to communicate directly, which is much better than writing letters.

If it weren't for Wang Xiaojun's failure to complete the task of collecting addresses of other educated youths in Jianhua Village handed to him by Jiang Xiaobai, he would have called.

Yesterday Wang Xiaojun finally completed the collection, and was urged to call by members of other associations early this morning.

(End of this chapter)