Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Chapter 18 Speculation

Jiang Xiaobai and Liu Aiguo followed Uncle Wang towards the county, and when they entered the county seat, they suddenly became lively.

A gray ocean, and occasionally a few people who are riding bicycles and slung the green canvas bag pass by, all will arouse the envy of everyone.

When passing by several factories, outside the factory, you can still hear revolutionary songs or the sound of broadcasting from the big speakers playing in the factory.

A gray and green dress is the theme of this era. Few people dare to wear brightly colored clothes, or that few people have brightly colored clothes.

The green house of the supply and marketing agency written on the white wooden board hangs in front of the door, which is always the most lively place in the county.

"Patriotic, go cut a catty of pork, and make it fatter." Jiang Xiaobai turned his head and said, at this time people like to eat fat, but don't like to eat lean meat. They feel that fat is oily.

Uncle Wang just wanted to refuse to speak and was stopped by Jiang Xiaobai. In the end, Uncle Wang followed Liu Aiguo into the supply and marketing cooperative. Without him, without Uncle Wang, he would not be able to cut the meat for a while, let alone the popular fat.

If you want more fat, you need to know someone from the supply and marketing agency, say hello the first day, and leave a piece the next day.

At this time, there is no saying that customers are gods. Needless to say, working in supply and marketing cooperatives, that is, working in other state-owned shopping malls, restaurants, and hotels are all uncles.

People do business blocking the door, and the waiters are also staffed and earn wages. Basically, I don't respond to customers. If you are willing to take it early, don't pull it down. People will save trouble.

After a while, Liu Aiguo and Old Man Wang came out of the supply and marketing cooperative. Liu Aiguo was also very excited with a piece of pork that was mostly fat.

Looking at the line in front of the supply and marketing agency, Jiang Xiaobai looked at Old Man Wang curiously and asked: "Uncle Wang, someone who knows in the supply and marketing agency, I bought meat so soon, and most of it is fat."

"Well, my eldest daughter works in a supply and marketing agency. If you need any help in the future, it will definitely be no problem to ask me."

Uncle Wang was a little proud and said triumphantly.

After shopping, the three of them continued to walk towards the old man Wang's house. It's just that the more this path goes, Jiang Xiaobai feels more familiar.

"How do you feel like visiting this place? Obviously, I have only been to the county town twice. This is the third time. As for the first time I have come to Uncle Wang's house, how come I feel familiar."

Jiang Xiaobai muttered in his heart, a little puzzled, Liu Aiguo felt the same way.

"Okay, here it is, in this alley."

Listening to Uncle Wang's words, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly realized that this was not the place where he took Wang Xiaojun and Liu Aiguo, the head of the sales department of the glass factory last time? No wonder it's familiar.

"Uncle Wang, you and Chief Song of the sales department are neighbors, and they are in the same alley." Jiang Xiaobai said casually, and Old Man Wang did not say yes or no.

"Pharaoh is off work, whose children are these two, they are so handsome."

"My distant relative's house, have you eaten it?"

"It's off work, Lao Wang, I just saw your second son-in-law came back. Your second son-in-law is really filial. A son-in-law is half a son."

"Others are honest, otherwise I would not marry a girl to him."

As soon as he entered the hutong, many people greeted Old Man Wang. They were all short-lived things in the family. Some people were curious about who Jiang Xiaobai and Liu Aiguo were brought by Mr. Wang.

The old man Wang's home is at the innermost side of the alley, and he greeted the house as soon as he entered the yard.

"Lao Zhang, a guest is here, let's cook for two more people."

A woman with gray hair walked out of the room in response and looked at Jiang Xiaobai and greeted her.

"This is Jiang Xiaobai. The last time I told you I bought canned bottles in the factory. This is Jiang Xiaobai's friend Liu Aiguo." Old man Wang introduced to his wife.

"Come on, let's stir-fry the meat. I will have a good drink with Xiaobai at noon today." Old man Wang said with some excitement.

"Auntie, sorry to trouble you." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"This kid, don't be as polite as your aunt and treat it like your own home." Aunt Zhang replied and turned back into the kitchen.

As soon as he entered the yard, Jiang Xiaobai smelled a smell of rotten eggs, and was a little curious in his heart. At this time, each family just didn't have enough food.

How can the eggs be broken and not eaten? It's just a visitor, and I'm not embarrassed to start smelling it for the first time.

Uncle Wang led the two into the house while explaining: "I'm sorry, I'm wronged, this is my youngest son who came back upside down. He collected eggs in the countryside and came to the city to exchange food, but he didn't change it. It's all in his hands. This child has not made people worry since he was a child. On the first day of school when he was a child, the teacher gave small red flowers to the children who behaved well. Others have them but he does not. I asked his son why everyone else did it. If you have it, you don't have it.

He said, Dad, I should have had it. I was sitting in the last row. The teacher sent it out when it hit me.

When he comes back the next day, I will ask him before Xiao Honghua is there, why don't you have Xiao Honghua son?

Don't blurt it out, Dad, do you still have to ask? I'm still sitting at the place yesterday, and it's over when it hits my head!

I didn't believe it, so I asked the teacher. The teacher said that your child would fight after class and talk as soon as class..."

Jiang Xiaobai and Wang Xiaojun didn't ask anything, but the old man Wang babbled his son.

Jiang Xiaobai listened to Old Man Wang's words, but became curious about Old Man Wang, his unmasked son. He didn't talk about things when he was a child, but at this time, there are very few who can take the lead in this step.

Basically, one counts as one. As long as you can persevere, you will be able to make a fortune if you are not too lucky.

While chatting, the three people entered the main house. Inside, there was simply a cabinet and tables, chairs and benches whose original color could not be seen.

"The house is a little messy, you just sit down here." Old man Wang greeted Jiang Xiaobai and poured water to drink, but Jiang Xiaobai and Liu Aiguo were staring at a pile of bicycle parts and a semi-finished bicycle in the corner. .

(End of this chapter)