Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1772

Chapter 1772

Chapter 1772 I want to make money too

Up to now, Jiang Xiaobai still remembers two sentences.

"The sea should be like the sea. Only the sea can embrace the rivers with a broad mind and not abandon the trickle; it can hold dirty oil and purify it into clear water...

Once into the big family of the sea, every member will be tightly united together, regardless of each other, forming a united whole, following the command of the sea persistently and unswervingly rushing towards the same..."

How to say it, some militarized meaning, from here can also see some of the thoughts of Mr. Zhang Haier at this time.

In fact, Jiang Xiaobai does not agree very much. A company is a company. The reason why a company is creative is because of its rich imagination.

And military management companies, not to mention rigid thinking and fixed models, but sometimes they are definitely flawed.

Of course, Jiang Xiaobai also does not deny the advantages of this kind of system, and the superiority of this kind of management system adopted by He Haier at this time.

But anyway, this is the first time that a domestic entrepreneur has proposed the corporate management philosophy, and the mission and spirit of the company.

Fortunately, it's concealed like Mr. Zhang. In the southern city of Hundred Islands, Stone Giant is working on a sales strategy.

What are the three major battles? People have directly turned the company's sales staff into a group army. The eight front armies in East China, South China, and Northwest China are even more funny.

But this is how they are, they have made a lot of money, and they can also build giant buildings.

Although it was said that the Giant Mansion was unfinished in the end, this does not affect the brilliance of the Stone Giant at this time.

So every era has its own characteristics, if Jiang Xiaobai must define this era.

Jiang Xiaobai, who came back from the journey and experienced this era personally, only has two words "crazy."

And Jiang Xiaobai is now the craziest city at his feet.

Rich people, beggars, criminals, get rich overnight, block the way, robbery, and scams are staged in this city every day.

This is the place where dreams start, and it is also the craziest place.

"The topic is far off, Jiang Dong, in fact, what I want to talk about today is our omnipotent problem." Wang Shi said.

Jiang Xiaobai stretched out his hand: "Please speak."

Jiang Xiaobai is still interested in Wanke's problems. After all, Huaqing Holding Group holds 15% of Wanke's shares.

Of course, now that Jiang Xiaobai only holds 10.5% of the shares, this part of the shares is known to some shareholders in Wanke.

After all, in addition to deliberately concealing things like equity transfers, basically everyone knows, and the transfer of equity to someone other than shareholders requires the consent of one-half of the shareholders.

The remaining 4.5 was bought by Jiang Xiaobai from the market. It was less than 5%, and there was no need to raise a placard. There was nothing to say.

So now Huaqing Holding Group says it is Wanke's major shareholder, and that can be said of the past.

"A question of business direction." Wang Shi said: "We are diversified, you know Dong Jiang."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded. At this time, more than 95% of the companies in Pengcheng are diversified, that is, operating in multiple industries.

To put it bluntly, it is what makes money and what to do. In fact, Huaqing Holding Group is also a diversified business, including real estate, beverages, canned food, clothing, feed, electronic products...

even launches satellites. In terms of diversified operations, Huaqing Holding Group operates more than Wanke.

"My idea is to build a comprehensive trading company that encompasses all industries. Now our company has 55 affiliated companies and associates, covering 12 cities across the country..."

Wang Shi said that he was quite proud, but Jiang Xiaobai was shocked by the numbers in Wang Shi's words.

55 affiliated companies and associated companies, this number is too large.

Huaqing Holding Group, which started its business in 1978, now has many subsidiaries.

Clothing factories, canning factories, feed factories, real estate companies, electrical stores, beverage factories. This is a direct wholly-owned subsidiary of six companies,

The remaining satellite companies only occupy a portion of the shares, that is, together with the automobile factory that is now established, that is only eight companies.

When it comes to starting a business, Jiang Xiaobai must be earlier than Wang Shi.

Moreover, Jiang Xiaobai is also familiar with the future development trend. This is how Jiang Xiaobai has established eight subsidiaries.

Accurately speaking, satellite companies cannot be counted yet, which means that there are seven subsidiaries and auto factories are still in preparation.

As a result, Wang Shi has established 55 companies in a short period of time, which is about 8 times that of Huaqing Holdings.

This number is really terrifying.

Looking at Wang Shi's proud smile, Jiang Xiaobai didn't know what to say when he wanted to speak. He knew what Wanke was making money and what to do at the beginning, what he caught and what to do, but he didn't expect Wanke and Wang Shi to do so So wild.

Jiang Xiaobai really admired the five-body investment land, eldest brother 666, and this is such a company, saying that it will be listed in Pengcheng, and it can also go to Xiangjiang's B-share market to make money at any time.

Of course, although I can go to Xiangjiang's B-share market to make money, it is also due to the current concept of "mainland stocks", which is very popular in Xiangjiang.

How to say it, or "crazy"!

Too crazy, King Shi is crazy, Wanke is crazy, Pengcheng is even more crazy.

Wang Shi continued: "Last year, we were approved to issue B shares in Xiangjiang..."

"Wait." Jiang Xiaobai interrupted Wang Shi's words and asked curiously: "How much did you make for the B-share issue in Xiangjiang?"

Wang Shi has a black line on his face. What do you say about this? What is making money? This is too ugly. This is called financing, and this is called issuing stocks.

And what am I talking to you now, why is your focus so special.

However, although Wang Shi was slandering in his heart, he still smiled honestly and said: "450 million Hong Kong dollars."

"Me." Jiang Xiaobai is really a little gaffe, should he let his family and company go to Xiangjiang to make money in the future.

"Dong Jiang...I'm talking about Wanke's operating conditions!" Wang Shi warned with a black line on his face.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled, turned around and said, "You continue talking."

"When I went to Xiangjiang, at the planning meeting, I met a young fund manager from Hong Kong Standard Chartered Bank. He asked me, Mr. Wang, what exactly do you Wanke do?"

"Right." Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "Mr. Wang, I also want to ask, what exactly does Wanke do? 55 companies listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange to make money, and then go to Xiangjiang to issue B shares to make money at any time. One more thing is 450 million Hong Kong dollars.

Zongjiao Wang taught me whether it should work, and I want to go to Xiangjiang to make money? "

Jiang Xiaobai had a serious face, and he didn't even know what to say. Although it was true, how could he be so awkward.

(End of this chapter)