Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 175

Chapter 175

Chapter 175 Challenge Failure

Eldest sister, eldest brother-in-law and a family of three with her little niece also came.

While eating, Jiang's mother kept chucking the meat to Jiang Xiaobai.

Second sister Jiang Honglan's eyes were almost turned to the sky, but Jiang Xiaobai's return came when his mother was distressed.

She would definitely die if she dared to scream, Jiang Xiaobai also put some meat for Xiaomei and her little niece.

After eating, Jiang Xiaobai got up to clean up the dishes.

"Sit down quickly, then you can take your turn." Mother Jiang said.

"Mom, I have not been at home for such a long time, and I cannot stay with you and my dad. I will help you and be filial. Now that I come back, I will help you live better. You work so hard every day..."

Heaven and earth conscience, Jiang Xiaobai really thought so in his heart. He could feel Jiang's mother's feelings for him.

Although Jiang's father's feelings are introverted and deep, he is also very concerned about him.

"Look at all of you, learn from your brother, suffer outside, and feel guilty for not being able to approach filial piety..."

Mother Jiang's eyes were red again, and Father Jiang was slightly moved.

Other people don't know that they are lowering their heads, only Jiang Honglan pouted. She didn't know that Jiang Xiaobai did not exercise in the countryside.

But the skill of this mouth and coaxing mom is more than one grade higher than before.

"Honglan, what are you doing with your lips? I said you are not satisfied. Your brother finally came back. Your sister can't be considerate and considerate of him. Let him rest...

Needless to say that he is your brother, there are seven children in the family, and one of them is going to jump in the queue. Except Xiaomei, who can't go, Xiaosan will go. It's for you to suffer. Please remember your brother's goodness in your heart.

Don't think that you are older than your brother, but you are not as sensible as your brother. He always annoys me. When you are so old, you have not married yourself. Sooner or later, no one wants to..."

Jiang Honglan's gesture of curling her lips just now was a serious provocation to Jiang's mother.

In fact, it was Jiang Xiaobai who was not at home for a long time. Jiang Honglan was already used to not having Jiang Xiaobai, and Jiang Mu looked the same.

Suddenly Jiang Xiaobai came back, and Jiang's mother became more eccentric, making her feel beautiful.

During this period of time, Jiang Xiaobai was not at home, which gave her the illusion that she could challenge Jiang Xiaobai's position in Mother Jiang's heart.

But now she found that she was completely wrong, she hadn't provoke her, and she was put out by Jiang's mother just a little bit.

"Mom, neither, I should go." Jiang Xiaobai quickly persuaded.

It's just that the more I persuaded, the more it seemed to add fuel to the fire, making Mother Jiang's bombardment harder.

"Look at it, look at your brother, how sensible, so white and long..."

Jiang Honglan stared at Jiang Xiaobai fiercely, absolutely deliberately.

Jiang Xiaobai shut up, Jiang Hongxiang took the second sister Jiang Honglan to clean up the dishes.

The two came back soon after finishing up.

"Parents, then we will go back. The little brother is tired after doing a car for a day today. Let him rest early."

The eldest sister Jiang Hongmei stood up and turned to look at Jiang Xiaobai and said, "Little brother, come to my sister's house at noon tomorrow. My sister will stew chicken for you. By the way, bring Xiaomei with you."

Mother Jiang nodded with satisfaction on her face as she listened to the boss.

Yes, this is the way to be the eldest sister, as long as she treats the younger son well, then she looks pleasing to the eye.

"You wait for sister." Jiang Xiaobai said, walking towards his house.

Leave a family with big eyes and small eyes, a little confused.

However, no one dared to say anything more. Although Jiang Honglan wanted to get up and walk after finishing the training, she did not dare to sit upright.

"I don't know what moths are going to come out again." Jiang Honglan thought to herself, and Jiang Xiaobai returned with her bag.

Open the bag and take out a pile of meat tickets, cloth tickets and food stamps from the bag.

The family looked at the ticket in Jiang Xiaobai's hand, and their eyes were almost staring.

With so many meat tickets, cloth tickets, and food stamps, Father Jiang, the head of the family, had his eyes widened.

Jiang Xiaobai counted four catties of meat tickets and some cloth tickets from the middle, and handed the food stamps to the elder sister Jiang Hongmei.

"Eldest sister, here are some tickets. The Chinese New Year is coming soon. You can buy new clothes for my nephew, cut some meat, change some flour to eat, and if the child is still young, eat coarse grains to raise your voice."

Jiang Hongmei was stunned, but did not answer.

Mother Jiang snatched it from Jiang Xiaobai, looked at it carefully, and then asked with a trembling voice.

"Little San, tell your mom honestly, where did these tickets come from? You are not..." Mother Jiang said, and Father Jiang's hands trembled a little.

He hasn't used force for many years.

"Mom, where did you want to go, how could I steal things, isn't our Jianhua village poor? There is Uncle Huang Tao in the village, so we made some canned yellow peaches and exchanged food and cloth tickets at the market."

Jiang Xiaobai quickly explained.

"Really? Can you change so much?" Jiang Mu was still a little doubtful.

"Really, you don't know that Jianhua Village is poor, but there is another peach mountain. There are many yellow peach trees on the mountain. If you are poor, you can't live anymore. Huang Lao said that he asked everyone to make canned yellow peaches in exchange for food, and who would change it? It's whoever gets it."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said.

"Well, it seems that what the child said is true. Otherwise, so many meat tickets, food stamps, and cloth tickets, I just want to steal them. Who has so many tickets for others to steal?"

Mother Jiang cleared Jiang Xiaobai of suspicion from another direction.

"This is not a good thing, it's speculation, don't be let alone..."

Father Jiang put his hand down, but he still said with a black face.

"It's not a good thing, can this be wronged the child? I didn't hear Xiaosan say that even the poor can't live, do you think the child is willing to do these things?"

Mother Jiang is now unable to tolerate others to say something bad about Jiang Xiaobai.

"Dad, now the ban on industry and commerce in rural areas has been lifted, and family sideline jobs can also be done." Jiang Xiaobai also said.

"I heard people say this too, it was written in the newspaper." The eldest brother-in-law suddenly said.

Father Jiang stopped speaking when the eldest son-in-law said so.

"Sister, take it." Jiang Xiaobai took the ticket to be given to the elder sister from Mother Jiang, and handed it over again.

"We have it at home, you just need to hold it for yourself. Besides, you have worked hard to save it and keep it."

Sister shook her head and said.

"Yes, Xiao Bai, hold it by yourself, and you will run out of it when you go back." The older brother-in-law also said.

"Take it, I have it, these are for you, eldest sister, eldest brother-in-law, you guys don't help your home less."

While talking, Jiang Xiaobai stopped Jiang's mother who was about to speak with firm eyes.

Mother Jiang was definitely not willing to give it, but watching Jiang Xiaobai's firm gaze was silent.

(End of this chapter)