Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1731

Chapter 1731

Chapter 1731 came last night

Zhao Xinyi knows that Jiang Xiaobai's safety went wrong yesterday, and the security department of Huaqing Holding Group will definitely pay attention to it today.

Because last night, Wang Ye beat Jiang Xiaobai with a blue nose and a swollen nose. It was not Jiang Xiaobai who was beaten with a blue nose and a swollen nose, but from the security department of Huaqing Holding Group.

So if the security department of Huaqing Holding Group has not taken any action, it would be strange if such a thing really happened.

Don't say Jiang Xiaobai, she, the boss's wife, also expresses her dissatisfaction.

After all, she is not intervening in the company's specific affairs. She just expresses her opinion on the safety of her husband.

Others can't say anything.

But she did not expect that this is not not paying attention, but too much attention, ten people and two cars one behind the other.

I knew that this was the security team of her husband Jiang Xiaobai, but I didn't know how big a leader came to the magic city.

Zhao Xinyi looked at everyone in a daze, Jiang Xiaobai also said with a wry smile: "As for, is it too nervous?"

"Dong Jiang, this is what Minister Li ordered, and it is a special time now, we..." the leading bodyguard explained to Jiang Xiaobai.

This person is called Li Jian. He and Li Longquan are not relatives, but Li Longquan's comrades-in-arms. He is now the deputy manager of the security department of Huaqing Holding Group and Li Longquan's deputy.

The time to enter Huaqing Holding Group is also very long.

Yesterday, Jiang Xiaobai had an accident, and the security department of Huaqing Holding Group was fried. This is not only a shame for Li Longquan. It is also a shame to all the personnel in the security department of their Huaqing Holding Group.

So they didn't come this morning, but after receiving a call from Li Longquan last night, they sent someone to Jiang Xiaobai's community.

At that time, Li Longquan led the team to deal with Wang Ye's affairs, and Li Jian led the team to Jiang Xiaobai's community to take care of security issues.

However, there were not ten people at the time. To prevent Wang Ye's revenge, although this possibility is very small, after all, Wang Ye did not know the address of Jiang Xiaobai's home, and the security of the community was also very good. This possibility was so small that it was negligible.

But what if...

Yesterday, Jiang Xiaobai went home to pick up a child. Jiang Xiaobai gave Li Longquan a holiday. Li Longquan also felt that after such a short time, Jiang Xiaobai's chance of an accident was very small, and the result would be an accident.

So last night Li Jian took more than 20 people, and five cars stayed downstairs at Jiang Xiaobai's house all night.

This morning, the others were allowed to take turns, and the twenty people went back to rest.

It's just that Li Jian stayed. He slept in the car last night just for today.

After all, there were more than twenty people last night, it is impossible for all of them to stare at them all the time, and they also sleep in shifts.

As long as there is an emergency, everyone can respond as soon as possible. This is not an international killer in the novel that prevents an accidental employer from being killed.

As long as they keep an eye on the door of the unit building, it will be fine if there are not a large number of social people crowding in.

"Okay, I understand." Jiang Xiaobai nodded.

"Okay, then Xinyi, you go." Jiang Xiaobai waved goodbye with his son and daughter-in-law.

On the side, Zhao Xinyi was about to drive next to her. As a result, another car opened the door and got down four people.

Li Jian on the side of said: "Jiang Dong, we have also assigned four people to the wife. In special times, we are not afraid of 10,000 yuan, just in case, we should be cautious."

Jiang Xiaobai did not speak, and turned to look at Zhao Xinyi. Obviously, he agreed with this decision.

Before, there was no security guard for the daughter-in-law, because she had been in the country and felt that there was no danger.

But after yesterday's events, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but careless.

"I don't need it. I am a leader of a state-owned enterprise. It is not good to bring bodyguards." Zhao Xinyi shook her head.

"Let's follow you for two days first, and wait to see the situation. They will follow the outside of the factory, and it will be fine if they don't follow you into the factory.

This way no one else will know..." Jiang Xiaobai thought.

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai's resolute attitude, Zhao Xinyi could only nod her head and agree.

Jiang Xiaobai got in the car and drove out of the complex with Zhao Xinyi's car one after another.

Then the two parted ways, followed by a black crown car behind Zhao Xinyi's tiger head.

And Jiang Xiaobai's Huahai No. 1 car was protected by two Crown cars one after the other.

In a family building near the Magic City Wanzhu Primary School, Wang Ye also took his son Wang Hu out of fat, and Wang Ye's walking posture was a little unnatural.

This is the sequelae of being beaten yesterday. Originally, Wang Ye was going to let his son go to school by himself.

After all, he is not very comfortable today, let alone. There are still a lot of things to do. Yesterday, even though I made a phone call to get the goods, it doesn't mean that he doesn't need to come forward.

So there are still a lot of things to be busy today, but think about the conflict with Jiang Xiaobai yesterday.

It's not good for my son to go to school alone, and his home is not too far from Wanzhu Elementary School. He decided to send his son to school by himself.

But along the way, the wound hurt as soon as he walked, and Wang Ye kept cursing: "That stupid woman, even if she can't beat someone else, she hurt herself.

I usually show off at home, but I lose the chain at a critical moment. What is it! "

Wang Ye is complaining about his daughter-in-law. Yesterday, whether it was in his performance to Jiang Xiaobai or to the group of people in black, it was a headache.

During the battle with Jiang Xiaobai, he fell to the ground and injured his waist. It did not affect Jiang Xiaobai at all.

In the battle with the group of people in black, let alone, not only did she not cause harm to the opponent, but also caused herself harm.

What is meant by opponents who are not afraid of gods, but teammates who are afraid of pigs. This is the situation now.

Wang Yexu whispered and complained, and unexpectedly ran into his son's head teacher, Zhang Li, on the way.

Zhang Li also lives near Wang Ye's home. She rented a house nearby because she was a teacher at Wanzhu Primary School.

The reason why Zhang Li favored Wang Hu's fat yesterday was also because she and Wang Ye's family were neighbors.

If you don't take care of it, Wang Ye's character, maybe she can't live nearby and needs to move.

As a neighbor, she still knows Wang Ye's two sons very well.

It's just that she didn't expect that in the end she was partial, and it was still the same result.

But she has tried her best...

After seeing Wang Ye, Zhang Li was ready to quicken his pace, as if he hadn't seen it, but didn't expect...

"Teacher Zhang." Wang Ye greeted Zhang Li proactively.

(End of this chapter)