Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1724

Chapter 1724

Chapter 1724 How can there be such a big man

Jiang Xiaobai regrets it a bit. He knew that he should bring Li Longquan with him when he came out today.

In normal times, Li Longquan always drove with him. The public security environment in the magic city is still relatively good, usually only Li Longquan follows.

However, Jiang Xiaobai was more happy today because of the offline of the Mosc in the north. He let Li Longquan's leave and asked Li Longquan to go home in advance to accompany his daughter-in-law.

I came over to pick up my son by myself, thinking that it was just such a distance, and just picking up a son, what could be dangerous.

Unexpectedly, there was a problem. It was still a big danger. A carelessness, not just a problem with a swollen nose and a swollen face.

It is also possible that I need to lie down in bed for ten and a half days.

Fortunately, after avoiding Roshan's attack, Roshan did not get up on the ground for a long time.

I rely on it, it deserves it, this is too strong, Jiang Xiaobai has the time to turn around and look at the battlefield between Xue Huaimin and Wang Ye on the other side.

This look is really horrible, Xue Huaimin has been beaten fat by Wang Ye at this time.

"Old Xue, I'm here." Jiang Xiaobai shouted, and then joined the battle group.

A few minutes later, the school security came and pulled the two sides away.

Jiang Xiaobai and Xue Huaimin are already blue noses and swollen faces. Wang Ye's combat effectiveness is much stronger than that of his wife, Da Roushan.

It was Jiang Xiaobai and Xue Huaimin who got started, both of them were beaten.

Wang Ye is really fierce, even Jiang Xiaobai suspected that even if Li Longquan was here, he might not have been able to do Wang Ye.

However, Jiang Xiaobai is not a vegetarian either. At this time, Wang Ye also had dark blue on his face and dark circles under his eyes.

The two sides stared at each other out of breath.

"Old Xue, how is it?" Jiang Xiaobai asked without looking back.

"No problem, I can beat him." Xue Huaimin said proudly, but Jiang Xiaobai saw it just now, this Xue Huaimin was just beaten.

It's not that he didn't pay it back with one hand, but it was back. For Wang Ye, it was a tickle, and it didn't work at all.

However, these words sounded a real boost.

"Bah." Jiang Xiaobai spit out a **** spit. It should be that he broke his mouth just now, feeling a bit of blood in his mouth.

"You wait for me. If I don't beat you up, I won't be called Wang Ye." Wang Ye threatened coldly.

His wife has stood up from the ground, but she is holding her waist, she should have twisted her waist.

Just now, I used too much energy to hit Jiang Xiaobai, and he fell to the ground and broke his waist.

Wang Ye talked a lot, and then left with his wife and children.

Jiang Xiaobai, of course, was not to be outdone, so he called directly to contact Wang Ye to find out.

"Old Xue, don't worry, I will take care of this matter today." Jiang Xiaobai then looked at Xue Huaimin.

At this time, Xue Huaimin had time to look at Jiang Xiaobai.

Before, he just felt that Jiang Xiaobai was a little fierce, and he was loyal.

But Jiang Xiaobai's tone of speaking was a little louder.

They even said that they wanted to settle today's things. The couple were obviously not the people who were easy to deal with. They were small officials in their own system. If you want to move them, you have to inquire in advance.

Look at how to deal with the opponent and let the opponent subdue.

If you speak directly, you have to settle down. If you have a big tone, if you are not mentally ill, then you have a lot of energy.

Does this Jiang Xiaobai seem to have great energy? It seems to be dressed in ordinary, and the long one is not the kind that is too powerful.

It was mainly Jiang Xiaobai's angry appearance just now, which really made him feel a little bit like a big person.

The big people, who is not the kind of emigration, raising the body. Don't say you can't get angry, at least you won't get angry easily.

A big man, even if he is angry, he will not easily show it. Even if he shows it, he will roll up his sleeves and end himself.

Battered with a butcher, in fact, not to mention the big people, even he is not willing.

It's just that Jiang Xiaobai had the first attack. He had no choice but to follow Jiang Xiaobai to the dark.

So he really didn't think Jiang Xiaobai was a big man, but he didn't think that Jiang Xiaobai's brain was good. He didn't think so when talking big and boasting here.

"Okay, Brother Jiang, then I'll be waiting for good news." Xue Huaimin said with a smile.

"Then what, Old Xue, it's just night now, let's find a place to have some dinner?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

Today, the Modu Diesel Engine Factory is on the market. It is estimated that Zhao Xinyi will come back very late, so Jiang Xiaobai is not in a hurry to go home with his son.

As for the daughters, there are aunts who bring them at home. The daughter Jiang Xinjue is more likely to be asleep at this time.

"Forget it, I'll go home and clean up this one, so there is really no way to see people." Xue Huaimin shook his head and rejected Jiang Xiaobai's proposal.

Now the face is full of injuries, although it is not too serious, but letting others see it is just a ridiculous amount of laughter.

He Xue Huaimin is also a person who wants face, not to mention that this matter is not finished, and he will not completely put all hope on Jiang Xiaobai.

He also wants to go back to contact and inquire about this matter. The water in the magic city is very deep, and if he is not careful, he will provoke some people.

Although it is not comparable to the capital, there are more wealthy people than the capital, and money can often do things.

So it is necessary to prepare in advance, make plans and then move.

"Okay, I'll make an appointment another day." Jiang Xiaobai waved and took his son to the car.

After getting in the car, he honked the horn, and then drove the car. Both father and son walked home with swollen noses.

And Xue Huaimin, who got into the car and walked home with her daughter, was thoughtful at this time.

Jiang Xiaobai started driving. At this time in the end of 1993, even if he was in the magic city, being able to drive means that he is rich or expensive.

At the very least, a small car cannot be driven by ordinary people. In fact, according to the situation of the car, you can also see the leopard and learn about the situation of some car owners.

However, Jiang Xiaobai's car was driven, but he had never seen it on the market.

He is regarded as a small director in the system, although he has not yet reached the level of car distribution.

However, I have seen a lot of different kinds of cars, and I still know a little about the grades and prices of most cars.

But Jiang Xiaobai drove that car, how should I say it, it looked more like some of the cars in the north.

It's not exactly the same, but it looks very advanced.

feels like it's not cheap, but he really doesn't know him.

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai's car, Xue Huaimin was a little bit more hopeful that Jiang Xiaobai could solve this matter. If Jiang Xiaobai could solve it, of course it would be the best.

(End of this chapter)