Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1722

Chapter 1722

Chapter 1722 Allies are a bit weak

Jiang Xiaobai is going to take Jiang Langlang and Xiaopang to apologize, and then take the child home.

It is meaningless to say who is right and who is wrong about children.

And I've done everything, nothing is right, whoever apologizes first and whoever apologizes later, what can I do.

But Jiang Xiaobai was about to speak, when a sharp voice came from the door.

"That little bunny beat my son, and he dared to beat my son after the other day. I have to make him pay the price..."

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Xiaobai looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a pile of Roshan blocking the door.

Fortunately, this office is a large office, and the door is also a bit wider than a normal office, otherwise, if it is replaced with a normal small office door.

Maybe they are stuck at the door and cannot enter.

The sound of a woman walking on the ground, making a "boom, boom" sound.

Jiang Xiaobai's mouth grew big, what is this.

After the woman came in, Jiang Xiaobai discovered that there was a man behind the woman.

Men's body is slightly thinner than women, but this is compared with that Roshan, compared with Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaobai is definitely two or three heavier.

Jiang Xiaobai clearly heard it, Zhang Li swallowed, and her son Jiang Langlang leaned against her.

The people in the office hadn't calmed down yet, a quiet and anxious voice sounded, and a man wearing a gold wire frame left.

"Xiao Qian." The man with the gold wire frame came in and called the girl's name.

Following the little girl who sculpted jade by Jiang Xiaobai's side, she ran over immediately.

Obviously this is the parent's arrival.

"Girl, who is bullying you, Dad..." Before the man with the gold wire frame finished speaking, he saw the girl pointing at the little fat next to Roshan.

The man with the gold wire frame shook his Adam's apple, swallowed and spit, and couldn't say anything in his mouth.

In the next office, the parents of the three children are obviously there.

Golden silk frame man, at this time, he also knew what happened from his daughter, and then followed her gaze and looked towards Jiang Xiaobai.

This is a natural ally. It's just that this ally seems to be weak. It looks a little stronger than yourself, and it's not much stronger. Obviously, it's not the opponents of the two Roshan.

In other words, when two people add up, they are not the opponents of a bunch of Roshan, let alone there are two piles of Roshan.

The disappointment in the eyes of the man with the golden silk frame flashed, but he still came to Jiang Xiaobai.

"Hello, my name is Xue Huaimin, Xue Qian's father..."

"My name is Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Chao's father." Jiang Xiaobai also reported his family.

Then the two thin men shook hands, seeing the firmness in each other's eyes. Although the opponents facing them were strong, the two fathers would not shrink back.

"Is this my son who beat me?" Da Roushan pointed directly at Jiang Langlang.

"Please be polite to me, what is a kid, you old lady, clean my mouth..." Jiang Xiaobai is strong when he meets the strong, and he hasn't met anyone along the way.

Desperadoes don't know how many they have encountered, what about a big mountain of meat?

Xue Huaimin twitched his mouth, his ally, really ruthless, immediately began to provoke.

"Nong is not afraid of death, where is the little chick..."

"No matter how clean your mouth is, you wait for me..." Jiang Xiaobai was not afraid at all.

"Shut up all of you." Zhang Li on the side said.

looked at Jiang Xiaobai dissatisfiedly and said, "Mr. Jiang, your son beat them all, and..."

She really doesn't want to provoke this Wang Hu's fat parent, she doesn't seem to be nasty.

Relatively speaking, Jiang Xiaobai and Xue Huaimin seem to be a lot easier to provoke. It is human instinct to bully others and fear hardship.

But Jiang Xiaobai just looked so annoying. Before Zhang Li could finish her words, Jiang Xiaobai stopped doing it.

"You are a little responsible for speaking, but you are still a teacher. Will you come when you open your mouth? My son beat him. Didn't he beat my son?

As for the question of right or wrong, should I still look at it? If there are parents like this, if their mouths are not clean, there must be some sons. They are the ones who bully people first. "

Jiang Xiaobai finally said, almost pointing to Zhang Li's nose and cursing.

"Zhang Li, be optimistic about your own position, don't sit crookedly, a teacher will be the watchdog, and see what you have done.

shirk responsibility, turn black and white, think we are so bullied, don't you, wait for Lao Tzu, tomorrow, if you can still sit in this position for me, Lao Tzu will have your surname..."

Xue Huaimin's eyes widened, Jiang Xiaobai doesn't matter what it is, even the teacher is stunned.

Too fierce...

But it seems to have some effect, Zhang Li has been scolded by Jiang Xiaobai as a fool.

Yes, she is a little biased, a little bullying and afraid of hardship, but it's not like Jiang Xiaobai's reversing black and white.

This is too wrong to her, but she was really frightened by Jiang Xiaobai's angry look at this time.

"So courageous, let's go outside the school, don't be in the school, if you have a seed, you will come out." Wang Ye spoke. He is Wang Hu's fat father.

It started from killing pigs, with a fierce look on his face, and most people are scared when they look at him.

His body grid, ordinary neighbors, etc., watch him talk and let him three points, plus his unreasonable wife, it really is, no one dares to be hard with him.

I used to be arrogant and domineering among neighbors in the neighborhood. After making money for the past two years, it has become even more so.

I packaged pork from a few vegetable markets and pork from some big restaurants, and the business was doing well.

After having money, among the neighbors in the neighborhood, that is a higher level, no one dares to provoke him at all.

At school today, I didn't think that Jiang Xiaobai's small physique would dare to talk to him like this.

suddenly became angry, really didn't know the strength of his butcher king, the official king.

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Wang Tufu. At this time, he couldn't be false, his son was able to beat him, the little fat man, Wang Hupang.

Then Jiang Xiaobai can clean up the little fat man and the butcher.

"Okay, outside the school, who is afraid?" Jiang Xiaobai was also hot-tempered, and directly took his son to the outside.

Jiang Langlang saw that his father Jiang Xiaobai was so powerful, he gave Wang Panghu a fierce look, hooked his finger, and walked outside.

"Go." Xue Huaimin has no choice. Although he is weak, he is still very particular about doing things.

In the beginning, it was caused by my daughter, Xue Qian. People have come out for themselves, so I can't ignore it.

Although I have never rolled up my sleeves with anyone since I was young, I don't care much at this time.

(End of this chapter)