Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 157

Chapter 157

Chapter 157 Joint Venture

Listening to Shi Sheng's words, Jiang Xiaobai also figured out the whole story in an instant.

But he was a little surprised that the clothing factory in this first prison could even think of independent development, which is really not easy.

Although part of the reason here is because they want funds.

"In business, business, director Shi, what kind of benefits can we get?"

Jiang Xiaobai asked.

"We give educated youth canneries one, three thousand yuan..."

Shisheng didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to ask so directly, nor did he expect that Jiang Xiaobai could promise so happy before he came.

He thought that if Jiang Xiaobai was interested in his proposal, he should have a meeting to discuss it, and then the money should be discussed next.

So before he came, he didn't have a meeting to discuss good money. Jiang Xiaobai suddenly asked that, and he was also a little confused.

So a little bit hoping to say some of the biggest numbers he can get.

But in fact, when they discussed in the factory before, most people tended to pay 1,000 yuan a year.

The 3,000 yuan a year is because he saw the cement road and brick road in the educated youth cannery, so he changed his mouth temporarily.

"Hahaha." Jiang Xiaobai burst into laughter.

Li Laosan and Song Weiguo also showed a hint of disdain from the corners of their mouths.

Shi Sheng hadn't spoken yet, Section Chief Liu couldn't bear it.

"Director Jiang, what do you mean?" Section Chief Liu frowned and asked.

Perhaps the prison staff have become accustomed to being aloof, and they are a little out of touch with the society, so when they speak, they are questioning.

"It's not interesting? Now that you know that our educated youth cannery has held an agent meeting, do you know what our monthly shipments are?"

Jiang Xiaobai asked.

Both Shi Sheng and Liu Section Chief had ugly faces, and shook their heads slightly.

" 120,000 bottles of canned food, our monthly shipment volume is more than 100,000 bottles of canned food, and the monthly flow of funds is more than 80,000 yuan, 90,000 yuan,

The net profit is more than 85% of the profit, which means that our monthly profit is about 70,000 yuan. "

Jiang Xiaobai said, Shi Sheng and Liu Section Chief were shocked, their eyes widened, and they couldn't believe what Jiang Xiaobai said was true.

Just think about the concrete road and the brick floor. Do they understand a little bit?

It's not rich and powerful, who can use cement to pave the road and bricks to pave the ground?

But I can't tell how this cannery makes so much money. No wonder people look down on the 3,000 yuan they gave me that year.

But it is impossible for the clothing factory to give more money. The net profit is more than 70,000 yuan a month. Can the clothing factory give them 70,000 yuan?

This is impossible at all. Needless to say, the garment factory does not have 70,000 yuan at all. Even if there is, it is impossible to give it to others. Not to mention 70,000 or 7,000 yuan.

Thinking of this, the two of them showed bitter smiles on their faces. Fortunately, they were full of confidence when they came.

I felt that it would be successful, and reported the matter to the superiors, but I didn't expect that it would be impossible to achieve.

"I'm sorry, we interrupted, so let's say goodbye." Shi Sheng felt that he had lost his face today, and compared to others, he was a poor ghost.

I even vowed that I won't let the educated youth cannery suffer.

"Director Shi, don't leave in a hurry." Jiang Xiaobai quickly stretched out his hand to stop it.

"This kind of joint operation won't work, we can do it in another way."

"Huh?" The historical student who had just gotten up was pushed back on the sofa by Jiang Xiaobai. He was a little confused when he heard Jiang Xiaobai's words.

And Song Weiguo and Li Laosan on the side looked at each other, both of them had a bad feeling.

"We have a market, we have capital, you have the technology, and we have labor. The two of us can jointly set up factories. After the end of the year, dividends will be distributed. Isn't this also a joint operation?

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Shi Sheng and said, there is no reason to let go of the fat delivered to the door.

"This...this is not appropriate, this is a joint venture, this is a partnership to open a factory, and it doesn't work."

Shi Sheng shook his head and said, there is no such precedent.

"What's the matter with the partnership to set up factories? In this way, the clothing factory can be said to be a penny at no cost. As long as you agree to pay free labor, and then wait for the dividends at the end of the year.

I also know that the workers in the garment factory are a group of prisoners, all of whom are free labor. It is a waste to leave it unused. If the garment factory makes money, the prison funds will also be abundant.

For the welfare at the end of the year, our garment factory staff and even the prison staff have a share. Why don't you want to live a better life..."

Jiang Xiaobai told Shi Sheng the various benefits of jointly setting up a factory.

"After the joint establishment of the factory, I dare not say that the monthly profit can reach the cannery, but I still have confidence in the net profit of 30,000 yuan per month...

In this case, that would be a profit of more than 300,000 yuan a year. If there are more than 300,000 yuan, what can our garment factory and even the prison want to do...

We will give out some welfare at the end of the year to transform the cafeteria in our prison, and go out for more inspections if there is nothing to do..."

Jiang Xiaobai tempted Shi Sheng little by little, shaking Shi Sheng's confidence.

"Is it really possible to reach 30,000 yuan a month?" Shi Sheng asked.

"If you don't reach a profit of 30,000 yuan a month, I, Jiang Xiaobai, will replenish you..."

Jiang Xiaobai stood up, took out three bundles of Big Unity from the drawer and threw them on the table at random.

"Boom." The three bundles of Great Unity were thrown on the desk, making a moderate noise.

But Shi Sheng felt like he had a heavy hammer, hitting his heart hard.

I stared at the 30,000 yuan on the table, and I couldn't move my eyes.

This is 30,000 yuan, and it was thrown on the table by Jiang Xiaobai at will.

The educated youth cannery that Jiang Xiaobai said before made a profit of 80,000 yuan a month, and Shi Sheng was still a little skeptical.

But now Shi Sheng believes that if it weren't for a month's profit, it could reach 80,000 yuan. Jiang Xiaobai was able to put 30,000 yuan in his desk at will.

No, it should be more than 30,000 yuan.

"No, Director Xiaobai, I believe you." Shi Sheng stared at the money on the table and swallowed vigorously.

I have to admit that Jiang Xiaobai's random move of throwing out the 30,000 yuan just now really stopped Shi Sheng.

The 30,000 yuan at this time is equivalent to 3 million, or even 30 million.

However, the gap between the rich and the poor in future generations is huge, and some rich 3 million or even 30 million can be used.

And there are many that can be taken out.

But in this era, individuals who put out 30,000 yuan are basically a fantasy. It is not an exaggeration. At this time, there are a few people in the country who can come up with 30,000 yuan.

(End of this chapter)