Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1448

Chapter 1448

Chapter 1448 Eighteen Martial Arts

Seniors died for their confidants. Of course Mao Yangmin knew that Jiang Xiaobai valued his own ability. If he didn't have the ability, Jiang Xiaobai would not say that so many people in the entire company would help.

But to value oneself is also a kind of recognition of oneself, that is, to buy people's hearts, and other people's methods are also superb.

It's so heartbroken...

Mao Yangmin left thankfully, and Jiang Xiaobai smiled.

Leave one is one, and the other Li Shaowen, wait for the Sichuan chef to come over.

Have a meal with him, and then have a heart-to-heart talk, and there is no problem at all.

On the other side, Mao Yangmin, who returned to the office, looked a little moved, and his emotions did not calm down.

Chen Dongsheng asked for a while, of course he didn't hide the truth, just said it directly.

"Good thing, thank you Minister." Chen Dongsheng said with a smile, also happy for Mao Yangmin.

"Well, the minister recognizes me, so I don't have to say, I can only do a good job to repay the company." Mao Yangmin nodded and said.

Chen Dongsheng twitched the corners of his mouth. This was because Jiang Xiaobai was wooing him. Originally, he wanted to woo Mao Yangmin.

After the affairs at Huaqing Holdings Co., Ltd. ended, I took Mao Yangmin and went out to start a business.

As a result, it seems that Jiang Xiaobai is better off first. Looking at Mao Yangmin, if he takes him away, he will definitely not agree.

"Okay, let's go ahead." Chendong waved his hand in a languid manner, not to mention that he didn't know about Mao Yangmin's family.

I knew it myself, and I was awful enough to help Mao Yangmin get a quota.

I was able to get a quota for Mao Yangmin in the end, but I don't know how much effort it would take, how many people to trust, and how many relationships to find.

It's not that it's not worth it for Mao to raise the people, but that Jiang Xiaobai can manage it with ease,

Jiang Xiaobai is the boss of the company, and they can't be too much to win over people, because in essence, all of them are from Huaqing Holding Company.

These are all trivial matters, and there will still be opportunities in the future. The key is what the Heyang team has done in the past two days, working overtime all day long.

Obviously, I have just decided on the direction of the plan, so I am so impatient.

In a blink of an eye, a week has passed. This week, Jiang Xiaobai didn't go anywhere and stayed at the company.

After dealing with things in threes and fives, call the people in each group to come over to talk.

Of course, the leaders of several groups didn't call over to talk, and everyone in the other groups had talked about it.

What does Jiang Xiaobai mean? The leaders of each group are like Mingjing, but there is nothing to do.

It is natural for Jiang Xiaobai to have a congenital deficiency. It is normal for Jiang Xiaobai to draw them in and let them stay.

But obviously, Jiang Xiaobai knows about these two and five boys, and has never talked to them.

The number of primary school places in his hand was divided into two more.

There was another person who wanted a house and wanted to move the house over. Jiang Xiaobai asked the logistics side to pack up a house without saying a word.

And send someone to help move, in Longcheng here, medical care, education, etc., are all contacted by the company.

Want to stay, Jiang Xiaobai is of course very welcome.

For a long time, the main problem that Huaqing Holdings has faced is the lack of talents.

Every time when personnel is transferred, several people in the company are very worried because there is no one.

But if you can keep this group of people, and then exercise a little, you can use it as a big deal.

So in the past few days, Jiang Xiaobai has also come up with all kinds of means. There are difficulties in solving problems and problematic problems.

If there is nothing to help, then hesitate to ask the warmth. In short, he has used eighteen martial arts. In order to keep these people, Jiang Xiaobai racked his brains.

At the same time, a system on overtime has also been issued, which was formulated and revised by Shi Sheng and Human Resources.

Probably the content is proper overtime. It is not possible to work overtime continuously. All enterprises should pay attention to the rest of workers while guaranteeing production.

If this is placed in later generations, it will be a working document that "can be 996, or even 007 occasionally, but not always 007."

If this is placed in later generations, Jiang Xiaobai will not be sprayed to death, which completely violates the official documents of the "Labor Law."

But in this era, "Labor Law", what is "Labor Law"?

It's not that most people don't know, and there is no Labor Law in China.

The "Labor Law" will not be able to come out until 1994, and will not be able to be implemented until 1995.

What is being emphasized now is "work hard for a hundred days, work hard for three years." Such slogans appear on the walls of various factories from time to time.

Let's not say whether it can be done or not, being able to shout out such a slogan can also explain what the working system is like at this time.

So after this document was distributed to various companies, everyone was not dissatisfied at all, but felt that this document was full of care.

This is to make everyone pay attention to their health when making money.

But if you are not allowed to work overtime, then everyone should stop doing it. If you don't let me work overtime at 996, and don't let me work overtime at 007 to make money, what can I do?

However, on the second day after the issuance of this document, reports from various companies for recruiting personnel were printed.

Jiang Xiaobai agreed without thinking about it.

Hiring more people means recruiting more people. From last year's attendance, we can also see that all companies are now short of people.

"Xiaojin, I have finished signing these documents. Please take a look and send them." Jiang Xiaobai called Zhao Xiaojin in and sent the signed documents.

"Okay." Zhao Xiaojin came over to take it away, and glanced at it casually. The documents were signed with "Yes" and "Agree."

Representative Jiang Xiaobai agreed. If you sign read, it means you still need to wait or negotiate.

"Boom boom boom."

"Come in." Jiang Xiaobai saw that Heyang was coming in.

But the state of Heyang surprised Jiang Xiaobai.

Compared with a week ago, Heyang's eyes are now full of bloodshot eyes, and his mouth is full of stubble. He shouldn't shave for several days.

The whole person is still full of smoke.

"Come on, what's wrong?" Jiang Xiaobai stood up from behind the desk.

Have Heyang sit down on the sofa, and he also found out when he talked with other people in the Heyang team in the past two days.

The people in this group are all a little bit decadent, like working overtime and staying up all night, but Jiang Xiaobai didn't care.

After talking a few days ago, I didn't look for it again. I didn't expect Heyang to make himself like this.

"Minister..." He Yang said, his voice a little hoarse.

"Xiao Jin, come and pour a cup of tea for the team leader." Jiang Xiaobai ordered.

Heyang did not refuse, and drank two cups with a teacup.

(End of this chapter)