Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 141

Chapter 141

Chapter 141

The educated youth cannery has just been established, and there are still many things to be busy. The system and culture in the factory all need Jiang Xiaobai to consider.

Deng Wei's agent conference also reported the plan, preparing to do it before New Year's Day. The first is to count the agency situation this year.

Make a ranking of the sales of all agents, so as to make it easy to fulfill the promise that Jiang Xiaobai made before.

The first place the agent purchases is rewarded TV, the second place rewards bicycle...

The second is that educated youth canned food also needs to open up new markets. With the start of two production lines, Shangdang City is no longer able to satisfy the educated youth cannery.

Light relying on a Shangdang city can not digest the inventory of the educated youth cannery.

So the educated youth cannery urgently needs to expand its market.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Deng Wei's sales plan, and wrote a few words on it with a bold black pen.

"Advance the time."

Both production lines have started. At least 4,000 bottles of cans are produced every day. If these cans can't be bought, they will grow furry in the warehouse.

And now Te Mo still has tens of thousands of foreign debts outside, so let Te Mo go out to hide the debt in the first year as the factory manager.

"Director Xiaobai, how do the workers' wages be determined? There has been no news in the past two days. The workers have asked me several times."

Laosan Li was in Jiang Xiaobai's office, crying and looking at Jiang Xiaobai and asked.

When first recruiting workers, Li Laosan asked Jiang Xiaobai and asked Jiang Xiaobai to decide the wages of the workers.

But Jiang Xiaobai didn't say anything, just let him recruit people first.

It means that educated youth canned food has always been paid well, so the villagers can actively sign up and come to work in the educated youth canned food factory.

If this is to change other places to recruit people, without even mentioning the salary, who can do it?

But I have been working for a few days now, so I should have an opinion on salary.

"Well, it's been a few days now, and the workers are able to produce proficiently, so you can make a piece-based salary plan based on the production process and bring it to me."

Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, now eating a big pot of rice is evenly distributed.

As long as you come to work, you will be given the same salary, no matter if you work or not, and no matter how much you do or less.

So it dampened the enthusiasm of the workers, although the employees of the educated youth cannery are now recruited from the village.

If the salary is not low, they will be very grateful and will work hard.

But over time, there will always be people who are lazy. As long as someone is lazy, everyone will feel unbalanced.

For a long time, the entire factory will be destroyed. This is a conclusion that has been drawn through historical practice.

This is also a big pot of rice, and state-owned enterprises are eventually eliminated, which has become a historical reason.

Simply, now that the educated youth cannery has just been established, everyone has not developed that habit, so Jiang Xiaobai plans to implement the piece rate system in the factory from the beginning.

From egalitarian distribution to distribution according to work, work more and get more, work less and get less.

"Piece rate?" Li Laosan was a little confused at once.

"It is to calculate how many products each person has produced, and then at the end of the month, according to how many products are produced each month, how much salary is paid,

The more you do and the more products you produce this month, the more wages you earn..."

Jiang Xiaobai explained to Laosan Li what piece rate is.

"How do you decide how much money to produce a product?" Li Laosan asked, touching his head.

"Let me give you the simplest example. For example, each person produces an average of 10 products per day. The review salary of our factory is 1 yuan per day, and the production of one product is a dime..."

Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Moreover, not only the piece rate, we also need to reset the wages of other people. For example, Li Laosan uses technology as a production factor, so his wages cannot be calculated according to the average wage of workers..."

"For another example, the salary of our management also needs to be appropriately increased, because what we pay every day, or what we do, is greater than the contribution of the workers to the factory, so we should get the right thing accordingly."

Jiang Xiaobai explained the essence of distribution according to work and the coexistence of various distribution systems to Laosan Li in detail.

After finishing talking, Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while and said, Of course, I'm just making an analogy about the old man Li's affairs, and his salary doesn't change.

Laosan Li was taken aback for a moment, and nodded with a weird expression.

"I understand."

"Well, let's go, hurry up and show me the whole suitable plan." Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said.

As soon as Laosan Li left, Deng Wei walked in after a while, looking at Jiang Xiaobai with a little dodge.

I didn't expect that when I just took office, Jiang Xiaobai would call back my first plan.

"What are you here for? Don't you know what I wrote? Rework the plan."

Jiang Xiaobai looked up at Deng Wei, then lowered his head to continue working on himself.

"No," Deng Wei quickly waved his hand and explained.

"I have come to admit that I was wrong..." Jiang Xiaobai interrupted Deng Wei before he finished speaking?

"Deng Wei, what do you eat? You don't know how many cans are produced every day in the factory. You also know how many cans our agents can sell every day in Shangdang City, but you still want to wait until New Year's Day. When the time comes, hold an agent meeting again, and you tell me what you think..."

Jiang Xiaobai scolded Deng Wei.

"Have you gotten your head? Let you be the head of the sales department and you are responsible for the agent meeting. You are so responsible. Please give me a good consideration. Can this head of the sales department do it? ?"

"Director, I know I was wrong, I will go back and change the plan."

Deng Wei lowered his head and said that when he made the plan, he thought that it was not long before New Year's Day.

It is better to do both rewards and market development together, which saves trouble, but I didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to get such a big fire.

"Deng Wei." Jiang Xiaobai said with a bit of hatred for iron and steel.

"We are a private enterprise, not a state-owned enterprise. It is a place where the capable and the mediocre, you go back and think about it."

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand after speaking, bowed his head and started busying himself.

"Yes." Deng Wei responded with a fright, and was about to turn around and go out.

"By the way, hurry up and formulate a salary plan for the sales department. In the future, you will earn salary by commission. The more agents you establish, the more goods you buy, the more you earn.

I want to eat leisurely in the sales department, I am sorry that the sales department does not support idlers. "

After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, Deng Wei's face was full of joy. It seems that he is fine this time, otherwise he won't let himself make a plan.

"Yes, Director Xiaobai." Deng Wei said excitedly.

(End of this chapter)