Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1396

Chapter 1396

Chapter 1396 Jianhua Village Hukou is Worth

After talking, I arrived at the restaurant, which is also a small courtyard.

is not the kind that is open, there is a plaque carved on the door.

"Tan Jiacai."

The two sides of are a pair of couplets, and the Shanglian is: the whole world is a guest. The bottom line is: Eat and drink from all corners of the world.

"Hehe, it's kind of smelly, go, go in and take a look." Jiang Xiaobai took the lead and walked in.

He Guanghua and others followed behind and walked in.

"Go into the private room here, I'll call the boss to come over." He Guanghua said.

The courtyard is similar to a courtyard house, with main rooms and east and west wing rooms.

"Okay." Jiang Xiaobai nodded, and the other high-levels of the pig farm led Jiang Xiaobai into the private room on the left of the main house.

There is no too much decoration in the room, only a large round table with a small glass turntable on top, which is quite fashionable at this time.

Soon, He Guanghua brought a middle-aged man over.

The man was wearing a white apron and a hat. He was obviously busy. It was the lunch point at this time. When Jiang Xiaobai entered the small yard just now, he heard people in other rooms talking and eating.

is still quite lively...

"Lao Tan, let me introduce to you. This is Director Xiaobai. We must make some good dishes at noon today, so that Director Xiaobai can taste the craftsmanship of our Jianhua Village Hotel." He Guanghua said with a smile.

"Hello Old Tan." Jiang Xiaobai stood up and stretched out his hand. Since He Guanghua has already taken the person, he can get to know him.

The man rubbed his hand on his chef's uniform, and then shook hands with Jiang Xiaobai a little nervously.

For Jiang Xiaobai, Lao Tan is a great name for a long time. He had heard Jiang Xiaobai's name in the village next door before he came to Jianhua Village.

Jianhua Village has been able to develop from a beggar village to today, becoming the first village in the province, and it can even be ranked among the villages in China.

The economic development is better than that of a town, all because of the man in front of him, Jiang Xiaobai.

At this point, I don't know how many people in other villages are envious and jealous, but at the same time very yearning.

His ancestors came from Shandong Province when they were fleeing famine. His ancestors had some cooking skills, although they were poor, they were handed down.

It's just useless to pass it down, but the development of Jianhua Village has improved bit by bit.

After he came a few times, he was tempted. There are so many people in Jianhua Village, but there is not even a restaurant. If he opens a small restaurant here.

Isn't it possible to make money, and the crafts I learnt are not for nothing.

As for the policies, because of the existence of Jianhua Village, the entire Jianhua Village, Shangma Township, and even Zhangxuan County.

Everyone is not so conservative, they are very supportive of reforms and support everyone to make money.

So he hesitated for a while and came, and the result was right. He really made money in Jianhua Village.

Business is also very good. After I came, I listened to Jiang Xiaobai's affairs and listened more. I also admired Jiang Xiaobai very much in my heart.

Unexpectedly, one day, Jiang Xiaobai would come to his restaurant for dinner.

"Thank you, Director Xiaobai, for joining us." Lao Tan said excitedly.

"Haha, why don't you join in? I also want to thank you for coming to Jianhua Village to do business. You are here, and it is also very helpful to the development of the village. When the village develops, you are good, everyone is one, so are you A member of Jianhua Village."

Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, we are also in Jianhua Village. Then Xiaobai, the director, can I move my household registration to Jianhua Village?" Old Tan asked Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback, fucking, and climbing along the pole. He really didn't expect that this old Tan would make a request, and he didn't expect it to be this request.

"Huh? Why?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

That's the case. I want to move my daughter-in-law and my child's hukou over. The welfare benefits of our Jianhua Village are very good, and education is good, and we will develop better in the future..."

Lao Tan said frankly that it is not easy to convert from a farmer to a farmer at this time, but it is still easy to get a farmer from a farmer to farmer.

Only Jianhua Village is an exception. If tuition is free, and the house is built, the villagers can participate in the enterprise.

In short, the original begging village has changed from "marrying a daughter without marrying Jianhua Lang, marrying a wife without marrying Jianhua daughter" to now, everyone wants to rush to marry in.

Of course, the concept of rural incense is still very important in the matter of door-to-door son-in-law, not yet.

However, there are a lot of women in Jianhua's family.

So the household registration in Jianhua Village is also valuable. It is still difficult to relocate it.

"I don't care about this account, and I can't help you," Jiang Xiaobai said with a deep groan.

The disappointment on Lao Tan's face flashed by, and when he was about to make a strong smile, he heard Jiang Xiaobai continue to say.

"But I don't think there should be any problems. If you have made contributions in our Jianhua Village, you can order one.

How many years have been settled in Jianhua Village and have contributed to the village, such as how much money can be contributed to the village in a year, rented houses in the village, and those with a contract, can be appropriately transferred to the registered permanent residence. "

Jiang Xiaobai said, He Guanghua on the side nodded and said: "Okay. I will study with the village when I look back, and then make a plan."

"Thank you, Director Xiaobai, and thank you Secretary He." Lao Tan said excitedly.

He has approached He Guanghua several times, but He Guanghua has not dared to agree. The hukou issue is a major issue.

Once it is done to Lao Tan, what should others do if they find it?

Today, Lao Tan saw Jiang Xiaobai coming, so he tried to mention it. He didn't expect that Jiang Xiaobai would not object, but only put forward some conditions. This is hopeful.

"It's okay." He Guanghua smiled and shook his head. He didn't dare to open this mouth, but Jiang Xiaobai must have no problem talking.

Today Jiang Xiaobai said whoever settled alone, other people in the village have to hold back even if they have opinions, but He Guanghua does not have this ability.

If he dares to act unfairly, the threshold of his family will be broken the next day to find him. This is the difference.

"Thank you, Mr. Bai, you can come to me to have dinner to give me the face of Lao Tan. I invite you to try the craftsmanship uploaded by our ancestors." Lao Tan said excitedly.

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head and said with a smile: "No, we should pay for the meal. You should serve our specialty. Then we should pay the bill."

"No, I have to show it today..." Lao Tan said that he was about to turn around and leave.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said to He Guanghua: "I will find out after a while, how much it should be, and the account should be clear to others."

"I know, don't worry, Director Xiaobai." He Guanghua nodded.

(End of this chapter)