Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1353

Chapter 1353

Chapter 1353 Press Conference

Just as the outside news spread, the news that Changxingju, Wanke, Stone invited reporters to hold a press conference in the evening also came out.

There is also the news from Wanke and the stock exchange that Huaqing Holdings has acquired Wanke shares.

has reached 5% of the shares, and the two companies have cooperated.

However, the news of the press conference has been sent to various newspapers, so this news is true. As for other news, there are too many kinds of news outside.

Everyone can't believe it...

Many people who want to inquire about the news can only find a way to go to the press conference in the evening.

Changxingju Real Estate Company is backed by a big tree and is used to eating alone, so everyone is used to it once or twice.

But now Wanke, Stone has also joined in, and I also want to eat alone. This is not a good habit.

So everyone wanted to go to the press conference and see what was going on.

A little bit of time passed, and soon it was time for the press conference.

In fact, it was a press conference, but some of it looked like a wine party for later generations.

Wang Meng and Li Tong thought about this, and both Jiang Xiaobai and Wang Shi agreed.

So I held this press conference reception in a hotel.

And also sent invitations, not only journalists, colleagues, partners...there are still many invitations sent out.

In the afternoon, Changxingju Real Estate Company, Wanke, Stone sent out many people to send invitations.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, the reception scene was naturally very lively.

The vice presidents of the three companies stand at the door to entertain guests. Those who have invitations naturally show invitations, those who have no invitations, or the companies that have not sent the invitations, and those who come here temporarily and forget to bring the invitations.

There are reporters' flashlights constantly lighting up at the door, but very few videos are released at this time. Unlike later generations, many news can be recorded and posted.

If you want to publish news, you must have a TV station, and TV station news.

News like Changxingju Real Estate Co., Ltd. may not be able to go up, even if it goes up, it is only a sentence of tens of seconds.

Just a sentence of tens of seconds, of course, good steel is used on the blade, even if you want to record a video, you can only wait until the master comes out to announce the business.

It's just a little video that I don't know if I can use it.

As for whether it can be used, it depends on whether the news is big enough, new enough, curious enough, and effective...

"Mr. Liu, please come in. Welcome everyone to the press conference organized by Changxingju, Stone, Wanke..."

"Welcome President Liu to participate..."

"Welcome Boss Gu to participate in Changxingju, Stone, Wanke, our three companies co-organized..."

Various cars parked at the entrance of the hotel, Santana, Xiali, Crown, Nissan...

A black Santana car drove over without anyone's attention. Among the piles of cars, the Santana car was just an ordinary car that couldn't be more ordinary.

Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xiaojin got out of the car, but Zhao Xiaojin's long and pure and pleasant, also attracted some people's attention.

Jiang Xiaobai certainly did not have invitations, but the vice presidents of the three companies greeted at the door all knew Jiang Xiaobai.

And since tonight, Jiang Xiaobai may be the director of the two companies.

Jiang Xiaobai took Zhao Xiaojin and the two directly into the crowd.

A group of handsome gentlemen in suits and leather shoes, leading female companions.

The time soon reached 6:30, and Wang Meng, Li Tong, and Wang Shi took to the rostrum.

"Everyone, welcome to the press conference of Changxingju, Wanke, Stone Real Estate Company..." Wang Meng began to talk freely on stage.

"This time, our three companies have worked together to win some land. I know that there are many rumors outside now, why our three companies have obtained internal information, and what the government wants to develop and so on..."

"But to be honest, there really isn't. At least we haven't heard of it. After the three of us photographed this piece of land, we are indeed preparing for joint development."

"The specific cooperative development plan was proposed by Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang, below, please give you a detailed introduction..."

Wang applauded fiercely, and then gave the C position to Wang Shi.

"That's it. The land auctioned this time is large enough, but it's a bit remote, so I was thinking about how to develop it.

Yes, we are a real estate company, but we can't just build a house. Building a house is for living, so how can we live better?

Of course, it is more convenient, and the local economy develops better, and this requires centralized development and unified planning.

So I got this idea. I found Mr. Li from Stone, and Mr. Wang from Changxingju. Of course, I got this idea. The final idea was perfected by Mr. Jiang from Huaqing Holdings. "

Wang Shi said, there were some comments below, Jiang Dong and Jiang Xiaobai of Huaqing Holding Company.

Even though Jiang Xiaobai has been low-key these years, his reputation is not obvious.

But that is for the general public, and for the people in these shopping malls, one thing Jiang Xiaobai has done over the years is familiar.

Jiang Xiaobai is a low-key person, but he always does things high-key.

Speaking of which, it seems that the people who come from Huaqing Holding Company are like this. They are low-key people and high-key things.

For example, Changxingju Real Estate Company has a great reputation and has always been domineering, but the person in charge of the company has never been as famous as the person in charge of other companies.

"So, to be successful this time, I have to thank one person specially, that is Jiang Dong." Wang Shi thanked again, and his eyes searched for Jiang Xiaobai among the crowd.

But this press conference turned into a cocktail party. There are various lights on the podium, but the lights in the crowd below are flickering and dimming, and you can't see it clearly.

"Papa." Applause rang again, and Wang Shi saw that Jiang Xiaobai didn't mean to come out, so he continued.

"This time our three companies are going to develop this piece of land together. I will call it a piece of land for now. Of course, it is actually fifteen pieces of land. We call this project a super community.

The three are developed together. According to the development plan, there will be supporting communities, commercial complexes, and hospitals in the future..."

Wang Shi's development plan has not known how many times he has read it, and now he just opened his mouth.

"A total of fifteen plots of land, we are initially preparing to develop a residential area of about 10 plots of land. The residential area is mainly high-end boutique residential area, and the rest will be equipped..."

(End of this chapter)