Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 135

Chapter 135

Chapter 135 Ji Shengyu He Shengliang

In the afternoon, Jiang Xiaobai was in the workshop of the educated youth cannery. Watching Old Man Li install the production line, a group of bear kids ran over.

"Brother Xiaobai, are you fortune-telling me?"

"Brother Xiaobai, Brother Xiaobai, will I be able to go to university after you calculate it for me?"

"Brother Xiaobai, I want to count whether I can be an official?" One by one, the bear children surrounded Jiang Xiaobai, scrambling to say.

Listening to the words of the bear children, Jiang Xiaobai almost spewed out old blood.

It was only noon, Song Weiguo could not, that was Wang Meng's big mouth.

Finally sent away the bear child. At night, an adult came to the door.

"Director Xiaobai, can you ask you when you have time? Go and help our family see Feng Shui?" The middle-aged man looked at Jiang Xiaobai with full of expectation.

"No, I don't really know how to look at Feng Shui, this matter is..." Jiang Xiaobai quickly explained, but the middle-aged man interrupted before finishing the words.

"Dr. Xiaobai, don't worry. I understand the rules. They are all the eggs from his own family." The middle-aged man said, putting down the basket in his hand. There was a full basket of eggs inside.

"It's not...I..." Jiang Xiaobai couldn't laugh or cry. What's the matter?

""The Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Fengshui Secret Technique", I heard people mention it in the early years, but I didn't expect that there are even heirs alive. Director Xiaobai, I knelt down for you, you must help me take a look..."

The middle-aged man was so excited that he couldn't listen to Jiang Xiaobai's explanation.

"Don't don't don't, I'll go, I'll go when I have time, but you must get this egg back..." Jiang Xiaobai could only agree to it, and he couldn't let people kneel down on the spot.

Not finished, the middle-aged man bowed deeply when he saw Jiang Xiaobai responding, turned around and left, without even looking at the basket of eggs.

No more even the egg basket.

"Inflict evil." Jiang Xiaobai scolded fiercely, turned to look at Wang Meng, and was about to reprimand Wang Meng for his big mouth.

But I found Wang Mengzheng with a look of excitement, as if he would jump on his knees to apprehend the teacher in the next second.

"Damn, they are all lunatics." Jiang Xiaobai cursed secretly, not daring to look at Wang Meng, and got up and sneaked into the house.

In fact, they are not to blame for their ignorance. When qigong masters arise in a few years, that will be the real madness of the whole country.

Using Qigong to launch satellites is believed by some people. As for Qigong to cure diseases and cure cancer, they are all common things.

Millions, even tens of millions, practice qigong, and the parks and squares of various cities are full of people practicing qigong.

"Master Zhang, Master Wang" all kinds of ghosts and snakes appeared.

That's crazy. Jiang Xiaobai is the lowest level in Feng Shui.

"Laosan Li, the man who came just now, when recruiting, let's hire an educated youth canning factory to work." Jiang Xiaobai called Laosan Li into the house and arranged.

The basket of eggs at this time is really precious. They are all made by the whole family, which is frugal and buckled between their teeth.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't accept it with peace of mind, but he couldn't return the handle, so he could only compensate in this way.

The next day Jiang Xiaobai went to the man who delivered the eggs.

Randomly pulled a few mysterious words, Jiang Xiaobai didn't know what he was talking about, and asked the man to change the place in the house, which was considered to be reached.

On November 6, there are two days left before the opening of the Educated Youth Cannery.

Two Jiefang trucks slowly drove into Jianhua Village, and the weight of the car can be seen from the traces left by the tires pressing on the road.

After the liberation of the two vehicles, there was also a carriage hung on each.

Jiefang truck slowly drove into the educated youth cannery.

The construction of the educated youth cans has been completed, and the workers are preparing to install the gate.

After the gate is installed, the Educated Youth Cannery is even completed.

Jiang Xiaobai is sitting in the office busy, the office chair made of pure wood, Li Laosan originally proposed to paint.

But Jiang Xiaobai was unwilling to paint. At this time, when he paints, it means to paint up. Not to mention the smell, if it is not good, it will be pitted.

Unlike later generations, they are all spray paint.

Furthermore, Jiang Xiaobai thinks that natural ones are also quite good, just make the tabletop smooth.

The naturally exposed tree stripes are pleasing to the eye.

A desk, a row of sofas, plus a small wooden coffee table, a few chairs, this is all the furniture in Jiang Xiaobai's office.

Of course, this office has a back room. Anyway, there is a lot of free space in the office. Jiang Xiaobai asked him to make a suite for his office.

The back room has a bed, wardrobe and some daily necessities. If you don't want to go back to the educated youth courtyard, just sleep in the back room.

"Go ahead with dreams!" Jiang Xiaobai waved a brush and wrote six characters on the white rice paper.

"On November 6, 1978, Jiang Xiaobai."

Jiang Xiaobai also learned calligraphy for a few days in his previous life. Although the brush writing is not good, he can barely read it.

When you add to the writing, that kind of indomitable momentum, the writing is really a bit majestic.

"Bang Bang Bang" The office door was knocked.

"Go in." Jiang Xiaobai looked at these six characters, the more they looked, the better they looked.

"Director Xiaobai, Wang Chao will reply..." Li Laosan said halfway, and suddenly saw the handwriting on Jiang Xiaobai's desk that hadn't been done after writing the ink.

"Go forward with dreams!" Nan Nan said in Li San's mouth.

"Okay, okay, good characters," Old San Li exclaimed three times, then walked in slowly, staring at the six characters without blinking.

"Iron painting and silver hook, vigorous and powerful, flowing clouds and flowing water between strokes, the hidden front is slightly exposed, and the exposed front is also subtle;

Suspended and exposed the pen abruptly stopped, like a sharp knife cut, the hanging needle has a positive side, or curved or straight;

The mentions are clearly distinguished, with a strong pull, thick and slender, non-obedient and nonchalant, and middle and side, neither dry nor moist. "

Laosan Li finished speaking in one breath, and paused for a while and said: "Whether the meaning of the word is good, we have a direction to move forward if we have a dream, we have the motivation to move forward if we have a dream, and we can move forward courageously and fearlessly if we have a dream... "

In the corridor outside the door, Li Xiaoliu passed by and listened to the sonorous voice of Li San in the office, and finally understood the gap between the two.

"I'm not as good as him," Li Xiaoliu had a feeling that he was born.

History travels through at this moment, and Li Xiaoliu clearly understands Zhou Yu's feelings facing Zhuge Liang.

In the office, Laosan Li looked up at Jiang Xiaobai and said with a serious face: "Director Xiaobai, I believe that our educated youth cannery, under your leadership, will surely cut the wind, create greater glories, and accomplish a great career. ..."

(End of this chapter)