Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1340

Chapter 1340

Chapter 1340

Cao Hongwu finished the report, but Jiang Xiaobai and Liu Jian were still looking at the information Cao Hongwu had collected.

One hour later, Jiang Xiaobai put down the information in his hand and looked at Liu Jian.

"Let's talk about it, how to deal with it, after all, this is your person."

After all, the person in charge of the logistics department is Liu Jian's person. If Liu Jian really has any ideas, there really is a valid reason, Jiang Xiaobai might agree.

More than three million, although a lot, but Jiang Xiaobai is still not in the eyes.

Think about it in another way. If it was Wang Chao, Wang Meng and the like who made the mistake today, even if Jiang Xiaobai was reborn, he would think of giving them another chance.

"I... I don't have any comments at all, you can handle it normally." Liu Jian shook his head.

Trust belongs to trust, but when it comes to personal relationships, Liu Jian really doesn't have much deep feelings with him.

Because Liu Jian had not been in the clothing factory for a long time, he was always in charge of the pig farm from the beginning.

To say that he has a deep relationship, he still has a deeper relationship with someone on the pig farm.

"Okay, then, Xiaojin will send someone to find Liu Jun for me." Jiang Xiaobai pointed to Liu Jun's information on the table, his knuckles banged.

"Okay." Zhao Xiaojin turned around and went out.

came back soon, saying that Liu Jun, the head of the logistics department, had left work.

It's not alright to leave after get off work. Hurry up and let people contact him, saying that Director Liu has an urgent need for him, so he must come. Jiang Xiaobai ordered.

"Okay." Zhao Xiaojin turned around again and went out.

Jiang Xiaobai and Liu Jian waited in the office without saying a word.

After half an hour, Liu Jun followed Zhao Xiaojin into the office out of breath.

"Dong Jiang, Mr. Liu, you are looking for me." Liu Jun asked nervously, and suddenly he found her at night, and he felt a little lost in his heart.

Somewhat scared, the inspection team has not left during this period, and he has a bad premonition in his heart.

And this premonition received a call from the company this evening, when Liu Jian said that there was an urgent matter to bring him back to the company, this bad premonition reached its peak.

But he still had some hope in his heart, so he came.

"Liu Jun, I remember that you entered the garment factory in 1983?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

For Liu Jun, he is still a little impressed. When Shi Sheng was the head of the garment factory, Liu Jun entered the factory.

"Yes, when the garment factory was recruiting workers, I entered the factory." Hearing Jiang Xiaobai's question, Liu Jun's heart trembled, and he felt a little bit weak in his legs.

He is not stupid. On the contrary, he is very smart. If he is not smart, he would not be able to be the head of the logistics department in such a short time.

"I was just laid off from the third textile factory in the city. It was an exam organized by the personnel department of the clothing factory in the city..."

Liu Jun's memory is still very good. He can still remember the original things. Of course, it may be a special environment tonight. He knows the situation he might face in a while, so those who have sealed the dust in the deep memory. The past comes to mind.

"When you first came, I remember that I was from the workshop at the beginning?" Jiang Xiaobai continued to ask.

"Yes, at first in the first workshop, there were two workshops in total. Later, the deputy factory manager Liu mentioned me to the position of deputy director of the workshop.

Later, it was President Shi, who would still be Director Shi, and promoted me to the position of the person in charge of the purchasing department. Later, Director Liu promoted me to..."

Liu Jun talked little by little, and has been talking since entering the factory. Now, every promotion, every promotion of his person.

"Liu Jun, you have a good memory, then tell me, has the company been sorry for you over the years, or has anyone in the company been sorry for you?"

Jiang Xiaobai continued to ask.

"No, every leader treats me very well, and they treat me well. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't be able to go today."

"Is that you short of money? There is an accident at home and you need a lot of money? Or the company's welfare is not good?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

Liu Jun still shook his head and said, No, the company's benefits are good, the salary is high, it is enough for family life, and the family is pretty good, no accident.

"That's..." Jiang Xiaobai still asked, but was interrupted by Liu Jun.

"Dong Jiang, I'm sorry, Director Liu, I'm sorry." Liu Jun bowed and apologized, but he collapsed on the ground as soon as he finished speaking.

"This is a good point." Jiang Xiaobai cursed.

"Go help him to the sofa and notify the relevant legal department to come over."

"Dong Jiang, Dong Jiang." When Jiang Xiaobai wanted to notify the relevant departments, Liu Jun suddenly panicked.

At this time, stealing a two-hundred dollar bicycle is a huge amount.

What's more, they have three million. Three million is estimated to be not enough to be shot. It is enough for ten or eight years.

"Okay, sit down and wait for a while. Before the relevant legal department comes to pursue your legal responsibility, you still have some time to talk about your mental journey.

Wait for them to come, I just want to hear from you, and I don't have time. "Jiang Xiaobai said directly.

He doesn't have any pity for Liu Jun, because he has asked just now, if there is any special situation in Liu Jun's family, he can still listen to it.

But unfortunately, no, there is no reason at all.

"Jiang Dong, I was wrong. What I shouldn't be, it's just a momentary fascination. Please be me and I promise to return the money..."

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Liu Jun who was paralyzed on the sofa, got up and walked outside the office.

This kind of bad reason, he really didn't want to hear it.

The next estimate is something like "there is an 80-year-old mother at the top, and a three-year-old wife and children at the bottom".

"Dong Jiang, don't go, don't go...please..." Liu Jun was crying deeply, but Jiang Xiaobai stopped at all and left directly.

Cao Hongwu sighed and left. In his career, I don't know how many times he has encountered this kind of scene.

For this kind of person, he is pathetic and pathetic.

Zhao Xiaojin was a little girl who looked at Liu Jun and a big man with tears and nose, she couldn't bear it.

But watching Jiang Xiaobai have left, she quickly followed out.

Liu Jian sighed and stood up from the sofa. Actually, Liu Jun just missed the last chance.

If Liu Jun really has a reason, maybe Jiang Xiaobai will be on the Internet, just recover the money and fire them.

Unfortunately, Liu Jun has no reason at all, and he is not familiar with Jiang Xiaobai, so he can only take the normal legal route.

(End of this chapter)