Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 132

Chapter 132

Chapter 132 Detailed Explanation

The responsibility is placed on the farmers, and the farmers will be active and enthusiastic.

"Okay," Jiang Xiaobai nodded, put down his chopsticks, and explained to Huang Zhongfu in detail.

Jiang Xiaobai explained to Huang Zhongfu in detail that it is undeniable that the household contract responsibility system has certain defects.

Such as "small scale of production", "not conducive to scientific and technological" and other issues, but it is undeniable that the household contract responsibility system with joint production is the system most in line with the current national conditions.

Jiang Xiaobai said, Huang Zhongfu also woke up and listened carefully.

"So how do we evenly distribute it to each family? The quality of each piece of land is different. This is related to the output.

If the household contract responsibility system is really implemented, although the land is still owned by the state, it is actually equivalent to the peasants' own. Except for the right to resell, everything else is available. "

Huang Zhongfu asked.

"We can divide the land into upper-middle-lower, third-class land, and divide the upper-middle-lower third-class land into a number of pieces according to the population. Then let the villagers pay the lottery by themselves. After the lottery is over, the villagers will exchange the land by themselves, and finally sign the contract. "

"Then what if there is a new-born population in the village? Regardless of the land? If the land is divided, the land in the village is divided all at once. Where does the land come from?"

"If you increase the number of people without increasing the land, and if you reduce the land without reducing the people, you can allocate the land at once with the current land. There is so much land. If you dare to have children unscrupulously, then you can support yourself. Anyway, there is so much land."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, in fact, the era of crazy childbirth is about to pass.

"I will think about it again," Huang Zhongfu wrote a lot of pages in a small notebook.

"Okay, then I'll go back." Jiang Xiaobai got up from the chair, ready to leave.

After two steps, he stopped and then asked, "Who can buy furniture in our village?"

"What's wrong? Are you getting married?" Huang Zhongfu asked without raising his head when he heard Jiang Xiaobai's question.

"I haven't heard that you have a partner?" In this era, generally, except for two pieces of furniture when they are married, they don't know how to buy furniture at other times.

"What's the marriage? Don't my factory have an office building? I need some office furniture." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Oh, tomorrow I will ask Fatty Zhang to find you. The furniture he makes is one of the best in the village." Huang Zhongfu said absently.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said: "Okay, time is short, and the land needs to be re-measured. Now the end of the harvest is a good time to divide the land."

Jiang Xiaobai left after speaking, and the villagers of Jianhua Village could live a good life one day earlier.

The willow head is on the moon, but unfortunately no one has an appointment with Jiang Xiaobai after dusk.

The bright moonlight shone on the ground, and it looked a little cold. Jiang Xiaobai walked to the educated youth courtyard by the moonlight.

While thinking about my own affairs, I am now an educated youth canning company, and maybe I need a talisman to protect myself.

Otherwise, the policy will continue to change in the next few years, and maybe someone will take advantage of it.

At that time, I was truly empty and empty.

The best amulet is a village-run enterprise, because Jianhua Village can completely control the residence itself.

If you start a business with a township and village, you may be eaten clean one day, and township and village enterprises are more likely to be affected by the above.

But for village-run enterprises, as long as you can let the villagers get tangible benefits, they will not be afraid.

Jiang Xiaobai returned to the educated youth courtyard for dinner, and as soon as he returned to his house, Wang Chao walked in.

"Brother Xiaobai, when I went to the village today, I brought back a letter. Sister-in-law Siyan sent you a letter."

Wang Chao said and passed the letter in his hand to Jiang Xiaobai.

"Siyan." Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback, and quickly took it over, and half a month ago he sent a letter to Li Siyan.

I was busy with the production line when the letter was sent, and I don't know if Li Siyan received it, but I didn't expect Li Siyan to come in.

(End of this chapter)