Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1269

Chapter 1269

Chapter 1269

Dismissed all the students, Baby Qian sat alone at the entrance of the auditorium, watching the layout inside the auditorium.

After the busy schedule, Baby Qian also felt empty.

A red banner is hung in the middle of the auditorium, and it says "Warmly welcome outstanding alumnus, Mr. Jiang Xiaobai, chairman of Huaqing Holding Company, to return to school to give a speech."

I remember when he was in school, Jiang Xiaobai was so good, the minister of the student union, Zhongxing Pengyue.

I have graduated for so many years now, and it is still the same.

Sitting at the entrance of the auditorium, blowing the evening breeze, Baby Qian mumbled: "You give a speech, I will give you half the night."

After cursed, Baby Qian smiled, then got up and closed the door of the auditorium and went home.

Early the next morning, after Jiang Xiaobai had breakfast, he simply cleaned up, and set off for Beijing Normal University with Li Longquan, Zhao Xiaojin and others.

There are two cars and six people. Although Jiang Xiaobai doesn't like high-profile, as the business gets bigger and bigger, there are fewer people to go out. It really doesn't work.

Many files and the like need to be handled by special personnel, and there are still many tasks that need to be docked.

So Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help it.

And the school is also proceeding in accordance with the previously determined reception plan.

Mainly the school office director and baby Qian, and also brought some cadres from the student union.

The two parties have made an appointment. Jiang Xiaobai and his party will arrive at school at nine o'clock in the morning, and then first go to the meeting room prepared by the school to chat with school leaders.

The lecture begins at ten o'clock in the auditorium. The lecture time is about an hour and a half and ends at eleven thirty.

In the car, Zhao Xiaojin was also reporting today's itinerary with Jiang Xiaobai.

"Yes, no problem. If everything goes well, our plane will fly to Feipeng City at night." Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said.

"I will leave without a rest overnight. If I go to Pengcheng, I won't be able to rest well on the plane at night..." Zhao Xiaojin hesitated and asked.

"No need, let's go straight away. Manager Zhang is still waiting for the past. Mr. Mou has already set off. There are a lot of things waiting. There is no time to delay another day. Leave the rest on the plane."

Jiang Xiaobai said, in his previous life, a big man's itinerary was exposed. He would get up at four o'clock in the morning, and then the day's schedule was full, and everyone was a little bit disbelieved.

But there is a saying that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Just like the current Jiang Xiaobai, there are thousands of people in Huaqing Holdings. It is an exaggeration to say that so many people point to him for dinner.

It is that Huaqing Holdings has closed down, and these people can still find other jobs to eat.

But it's also stressful...busy is really busy.

This is the kind of decentralized leadership that Jiang Xiaobai belongs to. If he changes to the kind of leadership that grasps big and small things, it will be even more awkward.

After finishing speaking, Jiang Xiaobai closed his eyes and rested.

On the other side of the school gate of Beijing Normal University, students from the Student Union dared not talk to the office director, so they could only talk to Qian Bao.

"Mr. Qian, we heard that Chairman Jiang is your classmate or your roommate?"

"Well, it's my roommate." Baby Qian nodded and said.

"Teacher Qian, how much money does your roommate have now, worth tens of millions, right?" Someone asked curiously.

For their students, hundreds of dollars and thousands of dollars are big money, and hundreds of thousands are the largest numbers they can imagine.

As seen in the newspapers, many of the investments made by Huaqing Holdings in recent years have amounted to tens of millions, so they have this guess.

Baby Qian shook his head and said, "This should be there, but Teacher Qian doesn't know how much money it has.

After all, in your teacher Qian's wallet, there was no more than one thousand yuan at most. "

"Haha." The surrounding students laughed kindly.

Because it is a good choice to stay in school, many of them will choose to stay in school in the future.

And Qian Baobao's financial situation today is their future.

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Qian, what kind of person was President Jiang when he was in school? Tell us about his original affairs..."

"Yes, there are many township entrepreneurs outside, but in reality it is the first time I have seen township entrepreneurs..."

"Township entrepreneur." Baby Qian said with a smile, and said with a smile: "Jiang Xiaobai is also a township entrepreneur, no, according to the current way of thinking."

"But he is different from the township entrepreneurs we know in that he graduated from university, not from elementary school. He did not graduate from junior high school. He is a purely native entrepreneur..."

When said this, Baby Qian paused and continued: "But their style of doing things is the same."

"What style of doing things?" Someone asked suspiciously.

"It's the kind of doing things vigorously, saying one thing, and having a strong desire to control..." Qian Baobao said while thinking of Jiang Xiaobai and the township entrepreneurs in his memory.

"More importantly, they all carry a sense of recklessness."

"Recklessness?" Some students did not understand.

Baby Qian explained: To put it bluntly, it means to be a bit gangster. This is related to their origin and experience.

It is clear to everyone that the business environment outside, not to mention the previous time, is not much better now.

Anyway, it's very chaotic. It's strange to grow up in this environment without a bit of anger.

"Well, teacher Qian, do you think that is a reporter?" A student pointed to Coster who stopped not far away and said.

Toyota Coaster entered the country in the past few years, but at this time Toyota Coaster is a little different from later generations. It is the second-generation Toyota Coaster.

The appearance is even more square. The blue and white coaster has become the mainstream of domestic buses as soon as it enters the country.

The later generations of Coster are also particularly welcomed by some government units.

"Yes, it seems to be from the Beijing Metropolis Daily."

"It's from the Metropolis Daily, with words sprayed on it." I got closer, and I could see it more clearly.

Toyota Coaster drove over slowly, Qian Baobao adjusted his clothes and followed the office director to greet him.

The reporters got off the car with long guns and short cannons. The reporters and newspapers were also contacted by the school for help.

However, the satellite company has just been established, and Jiang Xiaobai is exactly what many media newspapers want to interview.

As soon as the school said it, the newspaper directly agreed, without any hesitation.

"Where is Dong Jiang?"

"It is estimated that Jiang Dong has also set off from the hotel and will be there soon."

Baby Qian said, watching the reporters have set up equipment at the door, Baby Qian asked with some doubts: "Are you putting equipment here?"

(End of this chapter)